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Mercedes Tin Worm

The Doc 57

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Hello Again


Just had our first trip to France in the new Mercedes Based Autotrail MohicanSE (New to us but second hand) I have noticed a little bubbling around the base of the windscreen which can only be the dreaded tin worm, speaking to a friend who is a transport manager for a group of road hauliers he says that they got rid of all their sprinters because of the rust around the windscreen problem.


Does anyone else have experience of this? is it a windscreen out and rebuild job? I will certainly waxoyl all around the screen after I have it repaired.


Any advice gratefully recieved.


Many Thanks


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Hi Michael,


This is a very regular question asked on the American 'Sprinter Source' forum!


The latest post as only fairly recent...




Have a read of the troubles they go to to keep tin worm at bay!


PS The SS forum is also very useful to anyone running a Sprinter, there is a mine of information on it!



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