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Buccaneer Clipper 2003 Motorhome


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Hi, problems with my motorhome control panel, would imagine it needs to be repaired/replaced, Elldis, don`t want to know, saying the panel is obsolete and no longer used, so i thought i would get a modern unit of a different type fitted in place of the old one, everybody, so far that i have spoken to says no chance!!! it cannot be done without major and costly work, surely, there is some way of sorting this problem, anyone have any ideas.
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Thank you Keith.


It is possible to replace any Motorhome electronics Controller/charger and the display with a later unit, but the issue is the cost and getting it to fit into the existing Display units 'cut out' space without there being big gaps, etc.

Also the time required in mapping the wiring and functions across to the new unit is time consuming, which again means expense.


To give you an idea of the cost involved, the Sargent EC 328 power unit and Display being fitted to current British built Motorhomes is around £420 plus about £30 for cabling?.


You then need to run the multi wire control cable between the two and wire the Fridge function, mains charging, power to the lights, Alternator charge, heating, etc.

It is a big job you shouldn't undertake lightly.

If done by an Auto electrician the bill could be another £500 with VAT, etc



But aside from the expense, would anyone who subsequently buys a Motorhome that is modified in such a way think it's a good idea?

The only person who knows anything about it and able to support it fully, is the person who did it.


So it can be done but considering the expense and long term maintenance is it worth it?



Repairing your old unit will be in the region of £100 - £150, depending on the issues.


Just because Elddis don't want anything to do with it, doesn't mean it is unsupported.









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Hi again, many thanks for your comments, bit of good news however, i have found the original panel manufacturer, who is M-Jay electronics, Leeds, have spoken to them and whilst they cannot supply a new panel, they can at least repair my existing panel, so, have made arrangements to remove the panel from my motorhome and take to them for repair, how much longer they will be able to carry out repairs, they are not sure, as components are getting in short supply, anyway, problem solved for the time being, thanks again.
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