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Problems accessing this website


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Glad someone else has had this! It shows as HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed.


First happened with me yesterday afternoon and i tried using another browser.....still the same. Then tried disconnecting my broadband and reconnecting.....still same. So then i wiped all cookies and browsing history and BINGO.....sorted!


Lasted 10 mins and then came back again!! *-)


I searched it out on Google and this is what it says on MS website.....useful if you are a pc geek which i'm not!




So i gave up.....but now it seems normal service has resumed!! (lol)

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The problem that produces the "HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed” message has been occurring sporadically for several days and (as Bulletguy says) relates only to acessing the O&AL forums.


There are plenty of on-line comments about the message




As the problem lies at the Warners end, there’s nothing that a O&AL forum-member can usefully do to get round it and it won’t matter which device or browser is being used to access the O&AL forums.


When I checked whether I could access these forums at about 07:00 this morning (using an iPad) the error message occurred and access was not possible. At about 07:15, when I had another go using an iMac, there was no warning message and access was possible (which is how come I’m writing this!)


Until there is an indication that the problem has been fixed, if you are able to get into the forums I suggest you don’t write any large messages without storing a copy on your computer. That way, if you find you can’t post the message, you will at least not have completely wasted your time.

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That’s possibly because you access these forums relatively infrequently.


I could get on to the forums OK earlier today, then there were several hours during which I could not, now I can again. Whether the problem mentioned above has been cured remains to be seen.


(As has been said above, it’s access to the O&AL FORUMS that has been problematical for the last few days, NOT access to the O&AL website.)

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Derek Uzzell - 2018-01-12 11:55 AM


That’s possibly because you access these forums relatively infrequently.


I could get on to the forums OK earlier today, then there were several hours during which I could not, now I can again. Whether the problem mentioned above has been cured remains to be seen.


(As has been said above, it’s access to the O&AL FORUMS that has been problematical for the last few days, NOT access to the O&AL website.)

Yes that's correct.


From my relatively limited understanding of "IT" it's something to do with the servers? I knew it wasn't "at my end" (for want of better description) anyway as i could access any website......including OAL. It just blocked use of the forums.


I've got straight on today so hopefully Warners 'pc techies/geeks' have sorted it out now.

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These forums were created in 2005. My understanding is that their software was not written in-house and any significant changes or ‘improvements’ need to be made by a 3rd-party who - obviously - also needs to be paid by Warners for the work involved.


The only major alteration I’m aware of that has been introduced during the last 12 years was when the forums were subjected to a prolonged spam attack and effectively became untenable until the user-registration procedure was revamped. Minor changes have been primarily cosmetic of the lipstick-on-a-pig variety.


In fact it’s a credit to whoever produced the origiinal software that it still functions tolerably well. There are things that don’t work wonderfully (adding/changing avatar pictures, for example) and attaching files to postings can be hit and miss. It’s also noticable that the forum Search facility (which was never great) has become ‘stubborn’ recently, though it’s still usable if one perseveres. This may be because there are now so many postings to search through, and it might help to prune away all forum threads older than (say) 5 years.


There are other motorhome forums that are much more comprehensive and feature-heavy but, despite its limitations, the O&AL forums still have an active clientele. And with forum ‘moderation’ being generally performed by a trusty band of unpaid forum members, there isn’t much oversight needed at Administrator level for highly remunerated ;-) Warners staff. So even if the O&AL forums’ bodywork has lost its shine, there’s no pressing need yet for an expensive respray.

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Two new motorhome forums have been launched in recent times with relatively slick operation.


Counting in my head I think there are now nine dedicated motorhome forums which might be relevant to me. Then there are forums for at least three motorhome related clubs, numerous clubs for 'brand owners' have forums, a few forums for specific types of motorhoming, blogs galore, and of course, Facebook. Motorhome Matters vies with the Caravan & Camping Club's forum as being the slowest I load but MM remains the only one I look to visit on a daily basis.


The whole of Out&About Live website is informative and its no surprise that Daniel and his team are proud of the 3.1m visitors during 2017. I'd love to see the forum and website upgraded but given the experience of Motorhome Facts members and Caravan Club members when their forums were updated, I'm not keen on tempting fate.


When I started motorhoming there were no forums. My initial knowledge came from Motorcaravan Magazine, Which Motorcaravan, and Motorhomers Magazine [or whatever MMM was called in those days].



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I find the MMM forum extremely informative and especially the dedicated motorhome part, Occasionally I will have a quick look on some of the other sections.

However, whilst I am a member of the now CMC, I find its 'forum' appalling, and not at all user friendly. I have complained to them from time to time about the fact that having put a post on it, there is no advice subsequently of any updates, but last time I did this I got a reply saying they had just 'updated' the system, and had no intention on any further likely short term updates. I very rarely use it, as I actually forget its there! Potentially given the number of members in the CMC it should be a good source of info, but I do wonder how many of their members are actually interested in the outside world - they scoff at the thought of Motorhomers being members or using 'their' sites, this was quite obvious then the club changed its name last year!,

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