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Private Police Force


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John52 - 2018-02-17 11:19 AM


Maybe Royal Hangers on could use the new private police force instead of taking up so much of ours .. https://www.theguardian.com/public-leaders-network/2018/feb/17/conviction-rate-private-police-force-funding-crisis.

Government have been itching to push something like this in ever since they got in "power" (albeit a very weak power needing propping up by DUP). Why else do you think they've been making such punitive cuts to essential public services like the Police, Ambulance and NHS?


It's a simple idea really. Deprive those services of essential funding (remember the NHS is still waiting for that magic £350m a week ;-) ) until the system reaches breaking point which is pretty much where we are at now, and bingo.....in comes the Tory solution......essential services farmed out to private enterprise for wealthy investors to make loadsa money.

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Now here is a real revelation - PPF does not mean Private Police Force but it does mean yet another abuse of the forum as yet another 'Party Political Farce' instigated as ever by misguided views that socialism will solve all the country's problems.


It never did in the past and it never did anywhere else in the world so why believe the socialist spin now.


I am no great lover of today's multi national deceipt under the guise of capitalism and that may well not be the answer either but financial incentive has a far better chance of generating the tax and income to pay for services than the disincentive of one size fits all.


The policy of lets give everyone more benefits we can't afford and borrow more to pay for it is crazy except that it is good as a vote getter and I must say that the promise of better services now and let our grand children pick up the bill is very tempting.


When it comes to finding chat worthy topics you two score nil points on the interesting scale and 100% on the yawnometer.


For crying out loud give it a break and get real.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-02-17 12:10 PM


It's a simple idea really. Deprive those services of essential funding (remember the NHS is still waiting for that magic £350m a week ;-) )


As you whinging Remoaners are often saying ;-) ..........We haven't left yet :D ......



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pelmetman - 2018-02-17 1:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-17 12:10 PM


It's a simple idea really. Deprive those services of essential funding (remember the NHS is still waiting for that magic £350m a week ;-) )


As you whinging Remoaners are often saying ;-) ..........We haven't left yet :D ......



Never let the truth get in the way of a party political whinge!

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thebishbus - 2018-02-17 3:03 PM


And the worst thing is we are still paying into the corrupt system. We should have suspended payments while negotiations are on going , that would have concentrated minds I think.

Brian B.


I agree, but is what comes next any less corrupt?

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pelmetman - 2018-02-17 1:51 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-17 12:10 PM


It's a simple idea really. Deprive those services of essential funding (remember the NHS is still waiting for that magic £350m a week ;-) )


As you whinging Remoaners are often saying ;-) ..........We haven't left yet :D ......

Yet the s**t hit the fan long back and just keeps spreading by the day! You lot just keep digging increasingly deeper holes and jumping off cliffs.








thebishbus - 2018-02-17 3:03 PM


And the worst thing is we are still paying into the corrupt system. We should have suspended payments while negotiations are on going , that would have concentrated minds I think.

Errm......so are you saying we suspend this blokes EU pension? Seems he doesn't agree with you! ;-)



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Tracker - 2018-02-17 1:30 PM


Now here is a real revelation - PPF does not mean Private Police Force but it does mean yet another abuse of the forum as yet another 'Party Political Farce' instigated as ever by misguided views that socialism will solve all the country's problems.


Private Police Force / 'Party Political Farce /Whatever you call it was instigated by the Tory Government.

I didn't know it was 'socialism' *-)

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John52 - 2018-02-17 5:20 PM


Tracker - 2018-02-17 1:30 PM


Now here is a real revelation - PPF does not mean Private Police Force but it does mean yet another abuse of the forum as yet another 'Party Political Farce' instigated as ever by misguided views that socialism will solve all the country's problems.


Private Police Force / 'Party Political Farce /Whatever you call it was instigated by the Tory Government.

I didn't know it was 'socialism' *-)


You are right of course, socialism is far too dangerous and destabilising to be called a farce - disaster would be a better description!

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thebishbus - 2018-02-17 3:03 PM


And the worst thing is we are still paying into the corrupt system. We should have suspended payments while negotiations are on going , that would have concentrated minds I think.

Brian B.


The Government has already agreed to make those payments.

Government defaulting on its committments doesn't sound like a very good idea to me.

Especially if it wants anyone to trust it, let alone trade with it.

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Tracker - 2018-02-17 1:30 PM

When it comes to finding chat worthy topics you two score nil points on the interesting scale and 100% on the yawnometer.


For crying out loud give it a break and get real.


There is no better leson than a good example.

Can you post something interesting that you haven't stolen from someone else *-)

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John52 - 2018-02-17 5:45 PM


Tracker - 2018-02-17 1:30 PM

When it comes to finding chat worthy topics you two score nil points on the interesting scale and 100% on the yawnometer.


For crying out loud give it a break and get real.


There is no better leson than a good example.

Can you post something interesting that you haven't stolen from someone else *-)


Are you now pretending that all the malevelant political ramblings you make are based on your own original thoughts and never on party political policies or pinched from socialist idealist clap trap or cut and pasted internet links that you now suggest you never use?


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John52 - 2018-02-17 6:33 PM


John52 - 2018-02-17 5:45 PM


Can you post something interesting that you haven't stolen from someone else *-)


You are changing the subject so I guess thats a 'No' then :-(


I simply answered your question which is more than you did mine, but all credit for your wonderful reply - you can only have got that self righteous evasiveness straight from the socialist manifesto!

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John52 - 2018-02-17 7:47 PM


Tracker - 2018-02-17 7:31 PM

I simply answered your question !


You changed the subject.



I asked you the same question you asked me.


Please compare how many topics I begin with a borrowed quote or an internet link cut and pasted to how many and what subjects you borrow and dump on us and ask yourself the same question.

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