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Patriots sign here.........

Guest pelmetman

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pelmetman - 2018-02-21 8:56 AM


John52 - 2018-02-21 8:51 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 8:34 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-20 9:15 PM







Liars and pot-stirrers need kicking into line when posting defamatory remarks on social media.




Yep once Corbyn gets to No 10 you can kiss free speech goodbye *-) ........


Makes you wonder just whats in those files though don't it? >:-) ..........



'Free Speech' has never meant being able to make false and malicious accusations against people

who can afford to sue.


Its funny how picky you Labour types are about free speech *-) .........





So changing the subject is your way of admitting you were wrong :-S

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-21 10:36 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 8:56 AM


John52 - 2018-02-21 8:51 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 8:34 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-20 9:15 PM







Liars and pot-stirrers need kicking into line when posting defamatory remarks on social media.




Yep once Corbyn gets to No 10 you can kiss free speech goodbye *-) ........


Makes you wonder just whats in those files though don't it? >:-) ..........



'Free Speech' has never meant being able to make false and malicious accusations against people

who can afford to sue.


Its funny how picky you Labour types are about free speech *-) .........





So changing the subject is your way of admitting you were wrong :-S


Eh?.......We wont know if its true or not unless Corbyn releases the Stasi files on him ;-) ........


I wonder why he's so reluctant to do so? >:-) .............



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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-21 12:05 PM


I just casn't take you seriously anymore.

Corbyn a Communist Spy is like something out of the Mad Hatters Tea Party :-D


Well unless Corbyn releases the Stasi files to prove otherwise ;-) .......


He's given us right wingers a nice big stick to beat him with at the next election :D ........





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pelmetman - 2018-02-21 12:41 PM


John52 - 2018-02-21 12:05 PM


I just casn't take you seriously anymore.

Corbyn a Communist Spy is like something out of the Mad Hatters Tea Party :-D


Well unless Corbyn releases the Stasi files to prove otherwise ;-) .......


He's given us right wingers a nice big stick to beat him with at the next election :D ........

I don't think so. You have no proof, just gossip from your Beano comics and the Tory vice chairman has already had to delete a libellous tweet after legal action was threatened. Even a Czech analyst in their defence ministry who spent 25 years documenting historic StB files has said there is not a shred of evidence.


Looks like you need start working harder Pelmet.....perhaps look for something called proof and evidence


Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?



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Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 12:41 PM


John52 - 2018-02-21 12:05 PM


I just casn't take you seriously anymore.

Corbyn a Communist Spy is like something out of the Mad Hatters Tea Party :-D


Well unless Corbyn releases the Stasi files to prove otherwise ;-) .......


He's given us right wingers a nice big stick to beat him with at the next election :D ........

I don't think so. You have no proof, just gossip from your Beano comics and the Tory vice chairman has already had to delete a libellous tweet after legal action was threatened. Even a Czech analyst in their defence ministry who spent 25 years documenting historic StB files has said there is not a shred of evidence.


Looks like you need start working harder Pelmet.....perhaps look for something called proof and evidence


Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




"gossip" need "proof and evidence" ... Bit rich regarding your POTUS Trump related lack of

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 12:41 PM


John52 - 2018-02-21 12:05 PM


I just casn't take you seriously anymore.

Corbyn a Communist Spy is like something out of the Mad Hatters Tea Party :-D


Well unless Corbyn releases the Stasi files to prove otherwise ;-) .......


He's given us right wingers a nice big stick to beat him with at the next election :D ........

I don't think so. You have no proof, just gossip from your Beano comics and the Tory vice chairman has already had to delete a libellous tweet after legal action was threatened. Even a Czech analyst in their defence ministry who spent 25 years documenting historic StB files has said there is not a shred of evidence.


Looks like you need start working harder Pelmet.....perhaps look for something called proof and evidence


Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




So you don't have any issue with someone who wants to be Prime Minister has a history of meeting with soviet spy's? ;-) .........


Well at least we're getting your politics out in the open......Comrade :D ........



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM



Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




Ain't that what we're doing....trying to find the facts ;-) ........


But you've found ONE Tory Traitor......How many infest Labour? >:-) ......


Looks like the same MO to Corbyns cuppa tea chats........I wonder how much he charged? :-| ........


Its no wonder he doesn't want to open the Pandora's/ Stasi files (lol) (lol) (lol) .........



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pelmetman - 2018-02-21 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM



Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




Ain't that what we're doing....trying to find the facts ;-) ........


But you've found ONE Tory Traitor......How many infest Labour? >:-) ......


Looks like the same MO to Corbyns cuppa tea chats........I wonder how much he charged? :-| ........


Its no wonder he doesn't want to open the Pandora's/ Stasi files (lol) (lol) (lol) .........



Labour/Momentums top team are traitors ... Mrs Abbott claimed she wanted the IRA to "defeat the British state" and McDonnell said it was time to "honour" dead IRA terrorists , you know those types that murdered innocent British men , women and children ... Minging

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2018-02-21 6:34 PM


Labour/Momentums top team are traitors ... Mrs Abbott claimed she wanted the IRA to "defeat the British state" and McDonnell said it was time to "honour" dead IRA terrorists , you know those types that murdered innocent British men , women and children ... Minging


As the woman say's........


"That particular quote you're referring to comes from a now defunct left newspaper.


"It was 34 years ago. I had a rather splendid afro at the time. I don't have the same hairstyle and I don't have the same views.


"It is 34 years on. The hairstyle has gone, and some of the views have gone."


Some of the views eh? *-) ........Prolly not that one then :-| .......




Yet people on here will vote for the likes of her? 8-) .........





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pelmetman - 2018-02-21 7:55 PM


antony1969 - 2018-02-21 6:34 PM


Labour/Momentums top team are traitors ... Mrs Abbott claimed she wanted the IRA to "defeat the British state" and McDonnell said it was time to "honour" dead IRA terrorists , you know those types that murdered innocent British men , women and children ... Minging


As the woman say's........


"That particular quote you're referring to comes from a now defunct left newspaper.


"It was 34 years ago. I had a rather splendid afro at the time. I don't have the same hairstyle and I don't have the same views.


"It is 34 years on. The hairstyle has gone, and some of the views have gone."


Some of the views eh? *-) ........Prolly not that one then :-| .......




Yet people on here will vote for the likes of her? 8-) .........





How many is some in Dianes case ??? One ... Tweltyfour ... Thirty two million no no sixty seven thousand

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pelmetman - 2018-02-21 4:41 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 12:41 PM


John52 - 2018-02-21 12:05 PM


I just casn't take you seriously anymore.

Corbyn a Communist Spy is like something out of the Mad Hatters Tea Party :-D


Well unless Corbyn releases the Stasi files to prove otherwise ;-) .......


He's given us right wingers a nice big stick to beat him with at the next election :D ........

I don't think so. You have no proof, just gossip from your Beano comics and the Tory vice chairman has already had to delete a libellous tweet after legal action was threatened. Even a Czech analyst in their defence ministry who spent 25 years documenting historic StB files has said there is not a shred of evidence.


Looks like you need start working harder Pelmet.....perhaps look for something called proof and evidence


Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




So you don't have any issue with someone who wants to be Prime Minister has a history of meeting with soviet spy's? ;-) .........

Where is your proof? And please.......no more Fail(ed) Beano links. *-)


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM



Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




Ain't that what we're doing....trying to find the facts ;-) ........


But you've found ONE Tory Traitor......How many infest Labour? >:-) ......


Looks like the same MO to Corbyns cuppa tea chats........I wonder how much he charged? :-| ........


Its no wonder he doesn't want to open the Pandora's/ Stasi files (lol) (lol) (lol) .........

You can't accept proven fact even when it smacks you in the face because it concerns a Tory.......i knew that would be uncomfortable for you.

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Since Corbyn was never anywhere near Government before he became Labour leader, the chances of him having information useful to the Eastern Bloc were pretty much zero.

Consider the reputation and history of those making the accusations and then you'll be able to assess the credibility of the stories. In case that's too difficult for you, it's zero. Now consider the motives of the accusers and ask who benefits from the accusations and how. You're now in a position to know how to view the accusations.


This is really worth watching and only 4 minutes



"Dear Mr Bradley



We act for the Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP.

This is a Letter of Claim for the purposes of the Pre-action Protocol for Defamation. The prospective Claimant is our client, the Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP. The prospective Defendant is you, Mr Ben Bradley MP.

Yesterday, 19 February 2018, you published the following tweet on your Twitter account, Ben Bradley MP (@bbradleymp):

“Corbyn sold British secrets to communist spies...get some perspective mate!! Your priorities are a bit awry! # AreYouSerious”

Your statement that our client sold British secrets to communist spies is untrue. The inference that our client, whom you know to be the Leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition and the Leader of the Labour Party, had engaged in criminal acts of treachery and spying could not be more seriously harmful of a British citizen, let alone such a prominent politician. As the vice-chairman of the Conservative Party you are fully aware of the serious harm that was caused or was likely to be caused to our client’s reputation by your defamatory statement.

The natural and ordinary meaning of your words is that our client engaged in criminal activity at the most serious level. For example, espionage and serious breaches of the Official Secrets Act 1911; that he acted in a manner which was/is prejudicial to the safety or interests of the United Kingdom; that he colluded with representatives of the secret services of foreign states to the detriment of the national interests of the United Kingdom, putting its citizens and its allies at serious risk of harm by passing confidential secret information to foreign agents/intelligence officers. Furthermore the natural and ordinary meaning of your words is that our client made financial gain for such criminal acts and espionage.

Our client’s reputation has been or is likely to be seriously harmed by your publication of the offending tweet and by re-tweets. Furthermore, your tweet has been quoted in full in the Guardian newspaper, the Mirror newspaper, the Huffington Post, Sky News, the Mail Online and has been paraphrased in other national print newspapers, and online, which is unsurprising given your own high profile within the Conservative Party and your status as an MP.

Our client instructed us yesterday evening and we advised his office to put out an immediate statement notifying you and others of the fact that he had taken legal advice and that the tweet should be deleted from your Twitter account. We note that you have removed the tweet but nevertheless serious harm has been caused by your libellous statement.

Next Steps

Our client requires you to immediately agree to take the following steps:

1. Provide a written undertaking, in terms to be agreed with us, that you will not repeat the defamatory statement identified above in your offending tweet or utter or publish any allegations/statements to similar effect about our client on Twitter or on any other social media platform or in any other form both written and oral.

2. Immediately agree to publish on your Twitter account an apology, in terms to be agreed with us, and with the additional statement that you will ask your followers to retweet your apology.

3. Agree to pay a sum of money direct to a charity of our client’s choice, in lieu of damages payable to our client for the injury you have caused to his reputation and also for the embarrassment and distress caused to him by your defamatory statement. We invite your proposals by return with regard to the amount that you will pay which we would expect to be substantial, as our client’s attitude towards the level of payment will take into account the speed with which you make sensible proposals or not. Our client does not seek any personal financial benefit from this litigation and if you force him to issue proceedings and recover substantial damages through the courts he will donate the damages to a charity of his choice.

4. Pay our client’s legal costs incurred in relation to this matter. If you delay the resolution of this case our client will commence legal proceedings against you in the High Court and our client will seek from you not only his basic legal costs but also a success fee (as our client has agreed a Conditional Fee Agreement which provides for a success fee) and payment of an after the event insurance premium. If proceedings are commenced legal costs payable by you will increase significantly, especially if the matter proceeds to a full trial. Your swift agreement to the matters set out in the numbered paragraphs above will assist you in limiting your exposure to our client’s legal costs. Any failure by you to respond swiftly will undoubtedly mean that our client’s legal costs will increase significantly.

We look forward to your immediate and positive response. If there is any delay our client reserves the right to commence legal proceedings against you for damages and ancillary relief for defamation without further notice. In that event, our client will rely on the terms of this letter and the lack of an adequate response, by drawing your conduct to the attention of the Court.

Please indicate if you intend to nominate solicitors to accept service of proceedings on your behalf, should you seek to defend this claim."


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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-22 12:10 AM


Since Corbyn was never anywhere near Government before he became Labour leader, the chances of him having information useful to the Eastern Bloc were pretty much zero.

Consider the reputation and history of those making the accusations and then you'll be able to assess the credibility of the stories. In case that's too difficult for you, it's zero. Now consider the motives of the accusers and ask who benefits from the accusations and how. You're now in a position to know how to view the accusations.


Is that so?......


Its not like labour doesn't have a history of MP's who later turn out to be Czech spies ;-) .......










No doubt they all started their road to infamy with a cuppa tea >:-) ...........



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 8:45 PM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 4:41 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 12:41 PM


John52 - 2018-02-21 12:05 PM


I just casn't take you seriously anymore.

Corbyn a Communist Spy is like something out of the Mad Hatters Tea Party :-D


Well unless Corbyn releases the Stasi files to prove otherwise ;-) .......


He's given us right wingers a nice big stick to beat him with at the next election :D ........

I don't think so. You have no proof, just gossip from your Beano comics and the Tory vice chairman has already had to delete a libellous tweet after legal action was threatened. Even a Czech analyst in their defence ministry who spent 25 years documenting historic StB files has said there is not a shred of evidence.


Looks like you need start working harder Pelmet.....perhaps look for something called proof and evidence


Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




So you don't have any issue with someone who wants to be Prime Minister has a history of meeting with soviet spy's? ;-) .........

Where is your proof? And please.......no more Fail(ed) Beano links. *-)


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 4:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-02-21 3:50 PM



Like the proof and evidence over Tory MP Ray Mawbys collusion with spying for Czech StB. That's an awkward fact for you isn't it?




Ain't that what we're doing....trying to find the facts ;-) ........


But you've found ONE Tory Traitor......How many infest Labour? >:-) ......


Looks like the same MO to Corbyns cuppa tea chats........I wonder how much he charged? :-| ........


Its no wonder he doesn't want to open the Pandora's/ Stasi files (lol) (lol) (lol) .........

You can't accept proven fact even when it smacks you in the face because it concerns a Tory.......i knew that would be uncomfortable for you.


Dobroye Utro Comrade Bullet.......


It's funny how you forgot to mention the 4 Labour MP's? ;-) .........


I guess that would be uncomfortable for you >:-) ........



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pelmetman - 2018-02-22 8:39 AM


It's funny how you forgot to mention the 4 Labour MP's? ;-) .........


I guess that would be uncomfortable for you >:-) ........



I guess not as uncomfortable as this is getting for you since you are the one who is changing the subject (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-22 8:51 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-22 8:39 AM


It's funny how you forgot to mention the 4 Labour MP's? ;-) .........


I guess that would be uncomfortable for you >:-) ........



I guess not as uncomfortable as this is getting for you since you are the one who is changing the subject (lol)


Well if you want to stay on topic ;-) ..........






>:-) .........



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pelmetman - 2018-02-22 8:55 AM


John52 - 2018-02-22 8:51 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-22 8:39 AM


It's funny how you forgot to mention the 4 Labour MP's? ;-) .........


I guess that would be uncomfortable for you >:-) ........



I guess not as uncomfortable as this is getting for you since you are the one who is changing the subject (lol)


Well if you want to stay on topic ;-) ..........






>:-) .........



As usual there is no substance to any of it.

Just smears and they rely on mugs like you and the Tory Vice Chairman to make the accusations so they can't be held liable for them.

The lawyers seem to have taken on Corbyn's case no win no fee so must be pretty confident.

Deleting his tweet won't be enough - he must be geting worried. Serve him right.

Scariest thing is we have people like him in senior positions in Government when we are about to go into Brexit negotiations.

Only a Mad Hatter could believe he will get us a better deal out than we had when we were in.

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-22 10:17 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-22 8:55 AM


John52 - 2018-02-22 8:51 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-22 8:39 AM


It's funny how you forgot to mention the 4 Labour MP's? ;-) .........


I guess that would be uncomfortable for you >:-) ........



I guess not as uncomfortable as this is getting for you since you are the one who is changing the subject (lol)


Well if you want to stay on topic ;-) ..........






>:-) .........



As usual there is no substance to any of it.

Just smears and they rely on mugs like you and the Tory Vice Chairman to make the accusations so they can't be held liable for them.

The lawyers seem to have taken on Corbyn's case no win no fee so must be pretty confident.

Deleting his tweet won't be enough - he must be geting worried. Serve him right.

Scariest thing is we have people like him in senior positions in Government when we are about to go into Brexit negotiations.

Only a Mad Hatter could believe he will get us a better deal out than we had when we were in.


What do mean no substance?.........


How much more proof do you need that Corbyn was meeting with a Cezch spy? .........He even admits it....He may claim that he thought he was a diplomat.......but isn't that how espionage works, you have a nice cozy chat with a like minded individual over a cup of tea ;-) ........


Seems to have worked with 4 previous Labour MP's :D .....


Corbyn could clear up his mess in an instant just by releasing his Stasi file :-| ..........


Makes us normal folk wonder why he doesn't want to? >:-) .........



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pelmetman - 2018-02-22 10:51 AM

How much more proof do you need that Corbyn was meeting with a Cezch spy?



Doesn't make him a spy.

Someone on that campsite you are having a cuppa with could be a murderer or rapist.

Doesn't make you one.

Doesn't mean you have to publish personal information or prove you're not one either.

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-22 11:10 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-22 10:51 AM

How much more proof do you need that Corbyn was meeting with a Cezch spy?



Doesn't make him a spy.

Someone on that campsite you are having a cuppa with could be a murderer or rapist.

Doesn't make you one.

Doesn't mean you have to publish personal information or prove you're not one either.


The difference is they aren't trying become Prime Minister ;-) .........



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pelmetman - 2018-02-22 10:51 AM


Corbyn could clear up his mess in an instant just by releasing his Stasi file :-| ..........


Makes us normal folk wonder why he doesn't want to? >:-) .........


Oh do keep up *-)

The Daily Mail campaign for Corbyn to get his Stasi files petered out when the Stasi Archives in Berlin said they could find no evidence that any such files existed.

Private Eye is calling Corbyn 'The spy who came in from the allotment' :D

But look on the bright side. If Corbyn joined the communist regime in 1986 he did us a favour because it collapsed 5 years later (lol)

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pelmetman - 2018-02-21 4:57 PM


Looks like the same MO to Corbyns cuppa tea chats........I wonder how much he charged? :-| ........


Its no wonder he doesn't want to open the Pandora's/ Stasi files (lol) (lol) (lol) .........



Oh and thats another problem you've got .:D

According to the Financial Times, As well as the Stasi Archives in Berlin saying they can find no evidence your files existed, the Czech Archives you are relying on contradict your claim that Corbyn has been paid :D

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-23 11:57 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-21 4:57 PM


Looks like the same MO to Corbyns cuppa tea chats........I wonder how much he charged? :-| ........


Its no wonder he doesn't want to open the Pandora's/ Stasi files (lol) (lol) (lol) .........



Oh and thats another problem you've got .:D

According to the Financial Times, As well as the Stasi Archives in Berlin saying they can find no evidence your files existed, the Czech Archives you are relying on contradict your claim that Corbyn has been paid :D


Of course not *-) ........


He'd F*CK the UK for free because his love of Socialism *-) .........


Frankly he'll screw as all to become like Venezuela 8-) ........


Plus Russia wouldn't of taken the really useful files with them when they saw the velvet curtain being drawn.........would they? >:-) ..........



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