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Our guesses are better than yours........

Guest pelmetman

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Tracker - 2018-02-23 2:41 PM


When compared to Corbyn's disgraceful hollow promise to end student tuition fees.


It wasn't a hollow promise when it was made. The situation has changed because the Tories have wasted the money he would have used to end Tuition fees. :-(

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  • Replies 58
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John52 - 2018-02-23 4:13 PM


antony1969 - 2018-02-23 2:19 PM


John52 - 2018-02-23 12:02 PM


antony1969 - 2018-02-23 11:32 AM


John52 - 2018-02-23 10:42 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-23 8:50 AM


Brian Kirby - 2018-02-22 3:41 PM


So which party has the best track record on getting the exchange rate right? Which was in power during the 1976 Sterling crisis? Which party brought about a recession in 1981, by adopting high interest rates? Which party decided to shadow the Deutsche Mark in 1988 and caused an unintended sharp rise in inflation, and then stuck to the high interest rates after German reunification, leading to a collapse in house prices? Which party decided to join the ERM at too high a rate, (and apparently without consultation), leading to Black Wednesday? Which party gave interest rate decisions to the Bank of England (and the MPC)? Which party negotiated the Euro opt-out? Which party failed to rein-in the "silly money party" in the run-up to the 2007/8 financial crash? Quite! So which party, actually, has the best track record on the economy?


Well given that Labour tend to inherit a healthy bank balance and the Tories get left a note saying "Sorry there's no money left"........I'd say the Tories on balance ;-) ...........



Instead of regurgitaating Daily Mail tripe like Tracker, why don't you look at the National Debt figures and see who really borrows the most. Osborne's average annual borrowing was more than 5 times Gordon Browns 8-)

Darling had to borrow more to bail out the Building Societies the Tories had privatised and bankrupted. But even witht hat Labour borrowed less in their 12 years than the Tories have in their 7 years 8-)

These are ONS debt figures, not Daily Mail Tripe.

And what have we to show for it. Bribes to the Scots, Welsh, and Irish to buy their votes. And taxpayer funded house price subsidies which have only poured petrol on the housing crisis the Tories created by their Gerrymandering away our council houses. i >:-)


Council houses bought mainly by ............. Working class Labour voters


In which case the Tories Gerrymandering backfired on them :D




At the risk of stating he obvious because they took the bribe of a cheap council house and still didn't vote Tory (lol)


At the risk of stating the obvious I thought all Governments worked for everyone so how you get to bribe you'll have to explain further ... Please

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-02-23 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-23 8:50 AM

the Tories get left a note saying "Sorry there's no money left"...

A great situation compared to where we are now.

Back then we still owned our own power, water, railways, public housing, dockyards, telecommunications, Building Societies, postal service etc etc, housing was affordable and we didn't have the massive debts rung up by Osborne and Hammond


Eh? :-S .........In 2016 8-) .........




As for the debt ........the Tories usually end up having fund the promises made by Labour such as the working tax credit system which pays any EU folk for selling the Big Issue *-) .......


Which also means access to the rest of the UK meal ticket system for the workshy and feckless :-| .......


So how is Corbyn going to fund his communist utopia? ;-) .........


Oh I forgot he's going to screw big business.......Well he'll better be quick coz as soon as he gets in they'll all be gone..........Just like me >:-) ........







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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2018-02-23 2:41 PM


John52 - 2018-02-22 4:52 PM

Borrowing is not the same as Borrowed.

Debt is what we have already borrowed.

Borrowing is the rate at which the debt is increasing

(ignoring off balance sheet debt like PFI)



Every time the Tories borrow another £billion to bribe the DUP to vote for them, or borrow £5 billion to bung the Irish in advance of a Royal Visit, that increases our debt.


Ah, I think I understand now, when Labour borrow to pay benefits it is called borrowing but when the Tories borrow to bribe the DUP it is called debt.


When compared to Corbyn's disgraceful hollow promise to end student tuition fees in order to gain thousands of student votes, the Tory / DUP deal does not sound so bad after all.


Thank you john for clarifying that one, my goodness that fence you are sat upon must be getting mighty uncomfortable for you to at last understand how wrong your regurgitated views are, maybe a few more highly selective cut and pastes will help you feel better as that is your undisputed speciality.


Corbyn prolly will make university's free......Coz that's where they breed future lefties.......They fill them full of bullsh*t then let them lose on the rest of us *-) ..........


Why do folk wonder why this generation are such lightweights? >:-) ...........



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John52 - 2018-02-23 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-23 8:50 AM

the Tories get left a note saying "Sorry there's no money left"...

A great situation compared to where we are now.

Back then we still owned our own power, water, railways, public housing, dockyards, telecommunications, Building Societies, postal service etc etc, housing was affordable and we didn't have the massive debts rung up by Osborne and Hammond


Apart from the Building Societies and postal service the rest were a drain.

Brown's raided £5bn of pension money every year from 1997, and sold 375 ton of our gold reserves for a pitance ($275 per ounce) after telling everyone that he was going to do it. Price of gold dropped immediately, after the auctions the loss to the UK was about £2bn.




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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2018-02-23 5:10 PM


John52 - 2018-02-23 11:14 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-23 8:50 AM

the Tories get left a note saying "Sorry there's no money left"...

A great situation compared to where we are now.

Back then we still owned our own power, water, railways, public housing, dockyards, telecommunications, Building Societies, postal service etc etc, housing was affordable and we didn't have the massive debts rung up by Osborne and Hammond


Apart from the Building Societies and postal service the rest were a drain.

Brown's raided £5bn of pension money every year from 1997, and sold 375 ton of our gold reserves for a pitance ($275 per ounce) after telling everyone that he was going to do it. Price of gold dropped immediately, after the auctions the loss to the UK was about £2bn.




Yeah typical Labour *-) ........But fortunately they have found another money tree ;-) ........Corbyn calls them big business.......


But in reality it will be the middle classes coz big business wont be dumb enough to stay & pay >:-) ........


So it'll be the Twendy Wendy's and the liberal middle classes who'll end up paying (lol) (lol) (lol) .......


Karma eh? :D ........





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antony1969 - 2018-02-23 4:20 PM


John52 - 2018-02-23 4:13 PM


antony1969 - 2018-02-23 2:19 PM


John52 - 2018-02-23 12:02 PM


antony1969 - 2018-02-23 11:32 AM


John52 - 2018-02-23 10:42 AM


pelmetman - 2018-02-23 8:50 AM


Brian Kirby - 2018-02-22 3:41 PM


So which party has the best track record on getting the exchange rate right? Which was in power during the 1976 Sterling crisis? Which party brought about a recession in 1981, by adopting high interest rates? Which party decided to shadow the Deutsche Mark in 1988 and caused an unintended sharp rise in inflation, and then stuck to the high interest rates after German reunification, leading to a collapse in house prices? Which party decided to join the ERM at too high a rate, (and apparently without consultation), leading to Black Wednesday? Which party gave interest rate decisions to the Bank of England (and the MPC)? Which party negotiated the Euro opt-out? Which party failed to rein-in the "silly money party" in the run-up to the 2007/8 financial crash? Quite! So which party, actually, has the best track record on the economy?


Well given that Labour tend to inherit a healthy bank balance and the Tories get left a note saying "Sorry there's no money left"........I'd say the Tories on balance ;-) ...........



Instead of regurgitaating Daily Mail tripe like Tracker, why don't you look at the National Debt figures and see who really borrows the most. Osborne's average annual borrowing was more than 5 times Gordon Browns 8-)

Darling had to borrow more to bail out the Building Societies the Tories had privatised and bankrupted. But even witht hat Labour borrowed less in their 12 years than the Tories have in their 7 years 8-)

These are ONS debt figures, not Daily Mail Tripe.

And what have we to show for it. Bribes to the Scots, Welsh, and Irish to buy their votes. And taxpayer funded house price subsidies which have only poured petrol on the housing crisis the Tories created by their Gerrymandering away our council houses. i >:-)


Council houses bought mainly by ............. Working class Labour voters


In which case the Tories Gerrymandering backfired on them :D




At the risk of stating he obvious because they took the bribe of a cheap council house and still didn't vote Tory (lol)


At the risk of stating the obvious I thought all Governments worked for everyone so how you get to bribe you'll have to explain further ... Please


Hello ... John

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pelmetman - 2018-02-23 8:50 AM


Brian Kirby - 2018-02-22 3:41 PM


So which party has the best track record on getting the exchange rate right? Which was in power during the 1976 Sterling crisis? Which party brought about a recession in 1981, by adopting high interest rates? Which party decided to shadow the Deutsche Mark in 1988 and caused an unintended sharp rise in inflation, and then stuck to the high interest rates after German reunification, leading to a collapse in house prices? Which party decided to join the ERM at too high a rate, (and apparently without consultation), leading to Black Wednesday? Which party gave interest rate decisions to the Bank of England (and the MPC)? Which party negotiated the Euro opt-out? Which party failed to rein-in the "silly money party" in the run-up to the 2007/8 financial crash? Quite! So which party, actually, has the best track record on the economy?


Well given that Labour tend to inherit a healthy bank balance and the Tories get left a note saying "Sorry there's no money left"........I'd say the Tories on balance ;-) ...........

Yes, by a short head, I agree. However, after a while, people get fed up with the Tories and begin to vote Labour, Green, UKIP, Lib Dem, or whatever. Now why is that, I wonder?

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2018-03-01 12:15 PM


pelmetman - 2018-02-23 8:50 AM


Brian Kirby - 2018-02-22 3:41 PM


So which party has the best track record on getting the exchange rate right? Which was in power during the 1976 Sterling crisis? Which party brought about a recession in 1981, by adopting high interest rates? Which party decided to shadow the Deutsche Mark in 1988 and caused an unintended sharp rise in inflation, and then stuck to the high interest rates after German reunification, leading to a collapse in house prices? Which party decided to join the ERM at too high a rate, (and apparently without consultation), leading to Black Wednesday? Which party gave interest rate decisions to the Bank of England (and the MPC)? Which party negotiated the Euro opt-out? Which party failed to rein-in the "silly money party" in the run-up to the 2007/8 financial crash? Quite! So which party, actually, has the best track record on the economy?


Well given that Labour tend to inherit a healthy bank balance and the Tories get left a note saying "Sorry there's no money left"........I'd say the Tories on balance ;-) ...........

Yes, by a short head, I agree. However, after a while, people get fed up with the Tories and begin to vote Labour, Green, UKIP, Lib Dem, or whatever. Now why is that, I wonder?


Because there was no communist threat ;-) .........


Now there is we're rallying around our natural flags.......hence I'm now a Tory :D ..........



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