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Whale water pump not working even though Alde heating been on in cold. Where’s the fuse ?!


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Hi, sorry for the noddy question . I know I should have drained all water tanks but as I cancelled a week in York at the last minute on Saturday due to the snow etc , I’d hoped that keeping the Alde central heating and water heating on lowish 8 degrees, along with the lagged heated tanks , I wouldn’t have any freezing problems whilst the van is on the driveway. However this morning whilst still at -7 outside I went into the van to check things and the water pump won’t come on . I’m hoping it’s a safety cut out feature that stopped the pump working or a blown fuse from trying to run the pump whilst there is possibly ice particles in the pipes ? In which case I need to find the 12v fuse box to see in the water pump fuse has blown . So does anybody know where the 12v fuses are in the Elddis Aspire 255 please ?

Thanks as always



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I can’t tell you where the fuse-box is in your motorhome, but (having browsed through the on-line Elddis handbook for 2011 Aspire models) it looks like your Aspire may have a BCA-made ‘power distribution unit’ that carries 12V fuses and 230V circuit-breakers. If that’s correct, the attached photo shows an example of a BCA unit (with what looks like a battery-charger sat on top) and there’s a long line of 12V fuses in its front lower section.


It’s possible that a fuse may have blown (a 5A fuse may protect the water-pump) but if the water-pump is located where the Alde heating won’t warm it up, it might just be that water inside the pump (or in the pipework directly leading from the pump) is frozen. You could try playing a hair-drier on the pump to see if that revives it.


In the sort of weather currently being experienced, motorhomes become very vulnerable to cold-related problems and leaving any water in heaters, pumps, filters, pipework, toilet-tanks, etc. risks serious damage resulting.


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Many thanks again Derek. Yes I’ve checked that fuse now thanks and a second online one just above the whale water pump but still no life in the pump..,. I I’ll suppose I’ll just have to leave the heating on at about 12 degrees to try to be slowly thaw out the pump if it’s frozen inside then try in a day or two ! Otherwise £100 for a pump plus fitting costs I Exocet !

Cheers Nigel

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Well, hopefullly after having 2 kw of expensive Alde central heating on in the van on the drive these last 24 hours, the pump is not whirring, even if it isnt yet pushing water around. I'll leave the heating on for another day or two at 12 degrees in this extreme cold and hope the pipes start to allow water to run. Just hope the so called insulated and heated tanks can cope with the temerartures we've had these past few days .

Thanks again Derek


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