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Brexit Campaigner blows whistle on..........


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pelmetman - 2018-03-25 9:31 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-25 9:09 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-25 8:50 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-25 7:38 PM


Cambridge Anal made me do it confesses 8-)

The time has come where you, and others, need to start taking this matter much more seriously and quit fooling around.


"In effect they used BeLeave to over-spend, and not just by a small amount ... Almost two-thirds of a million pounds makes all the difference and it wasn't legal."




He actually believes this tripe will be the downfall of Brexit !!! ... Mind given his track record on predictions ... How sad that one wastes the few hours he's awake on such piff


The scary thing is that they think if they manage to prevent BREXIT, the world will revert to pre fluffy wuffy referendum world (lol) ..........


Fat chance >:-) .........



The sad fact is that it wont if we leave either. As I have said before if we do leave the way things are shaping it will be a fudge half in half out that pleases nobody really. We will have created all of this division for nothing.


Ask yourself this. Will it all have been worth it? Was your life or anyones life really that bad inside the EU and do you honestly believe looking at the way things are now and the division its caused and the further damage it will cause it will still be worth it, even when its not the Brexit you ordered.


Is "Winning" really that important? There wont be any winners. Well the super Rich maybe,

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pelmetman - 2018-03-25 8:58 PM



So that's £600,000 of "donated" money ;-) .........


Compared to 9 MILLION pounds of "taxpayers" money *-) .........


Dam you Whinging Remoaners are desperate ;-) ........


What will be the next headline?.......Boris & Farage wipe their arses with EU supplied bogroll? >:-) ......

antony1969 - 2018-03-25 9:09 PM


He actually believes this tripe will be the downfall of Brexit !!! ... Mind given his track record on predictions ... How sad that one wastes the few hours he's awake on such piff

Why don't you pair of loons just LISTEN to what Mr Sanni says in the interview?


What are you so afraid of??


He's one of yours.....a Brexiter.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-03-25 10:41 PM


Is "Winning" really that important? There wont be any winners.


Oh yeah >:-) ........and there will be 17,410,742 winners.......and 16,141,241 whiners (lol) ..........

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Bulletguy - 2018-03-26 12:12 AM


pelmetman - 2018-03-25 8:58 PM



So that's £600,000 of "donated" money ;-) .........


Compared to 9 MILLION pounds of "taxpayers" money *-) .........


Dam you Whinging Remoaners are desperate ;-) ........


What will be the next headline?.......Boris & Farage wipe their arses with EU supplied bogroll? >:-) ......

antony1969 - 2018-03-25 9:09 PM


He actually believes this tripe will be the downfall of Brexit !!! ... Mind given his track record on predictions ... How sad that one wastes the few hours he's awake on such piff

Why don't you pair of loons just LISTEN to what Mr Sanni says in the interview?


What are you so afraid of??


He's one of yours.....a Brexiter.


Why ??? ... If you find it interesting then that says it all for me

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Simple really.

Some very wealthy people want us out of the EU before a pan-European tax directive infiltrates their Tax Havens and makes them pay tax.

So they are willing to fund a propaganda campaign to con others into believing its in their interest to leave the EU.


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After all, the EU is bloated and un democratic, so lets have the Monarchy, House of Lords (which alone is bigger than the EU Parliament for 27 Countries), both of which can over rule the 'democratic' part, where we pay bribes to the DUP to buy their votes :D
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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-03-26 9:50 AM


Simple really.

Some very wealthy people want us out of the EU before a pan-European tax directive infiltrates their Tax Havens and makes them pay tax.

So they are willing to fund a propaganda campaign to con others into believing its in their interest to leave the EU.


So Cameron spending 9 million of Taxpayers money to fund the Remain propaganda campaign is OK? ;-) .........


Just askin? >:-) ..............

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Guest pelmetman

Well well look'y here.......The people who are blowing the whistle are Rabid Remoaners......What a surprise >:-) .........




......and Whinger in chief ;-) ......





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pelmetman - 2018-03-26 10:50 AM


Well well look'y here.......The people who are blowing the whistle are Rabid Remoaners......What a surprise >:-) .........



Grimes was a paid employee of Brexit Central and also worked with BeLeave. Sanni was the volunteer who worked with him. Who are these "rabid remainer whistleblowers" you speak of?

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Possible criminal offences by Vote Leave members.


Helen Mountfield QC and Clare Montgomery QC of Matrix Chambers, concluded there is a “prima facie case” that a number of electoral offences were committed by the Vote Leave campaign.


An urgent investigation is required, they say, to determine whether the case should be referred to the Crown Prosecution Service.


The QCs said that, from the documents and files they had seen and which have now been sent to the Electoral Commission, there were “strong grounds” that Vote Leave overspent, as it channelled money through another campaign, which it may have been co-ordinating with. This, if proved true, amounts to a breach of electoral law.


It's time to call a halt now to all Brexit proceedings until this matter is sorted. We cannot continue pending possible prosecutions over what appears to have involved illegal and criminal activities.



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antony1969 - 2018-03-26 7:42 PM


Makes ya wonder ... If our Government hadn't been allowed to spend 9.3 million pounds of tax payers money on pro-remain propaganda then the neverendum result could have been way more in favour of leave ... Shocking

You're overlooking some very important facts which is all in the news link i posted in the opening post which you refuse to watch.The Leave campaign channelled funds through two different sources, Leave EU and BeLeave......and that is against the law. Remain campaign didn't use any other group.


You cannot understand this because you've buried your head in the sand instead hoping it will just go away. The man on the link is one of yours....a Brexiteer. Can't think why you are so afraid to listen to what he says.

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Bulletguy - 2018-03-26 8:15 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-26 7:42 PM


Makes ya wonder ... If our Government hadn't been allowed to spend 9.3 million pounds of tax payers money on pro-remain propaganda then the neverendum result could have been way more in favour of leave ... Shocking

You're overlooking some very important facts which is all in the news link i posted in the opening post which you refuse to watch.The Leave campaign channelled funds through two different sources, Leave EU and BeLeave......and that is against the law. Remain campaign didn't use any other group.


You cannot understand this because you've buried your head in the sand instead hoping it will just go away. The man on the link is one of yours....a Brexiteer. Can't think why you are so afraid to listen to what he says.


I'm not afraid it's just totally irrelevant ... It's nothing ... Only you and the loser set care ... No one else gives a fig but your pinning your hopes on it finishing Brexit off ... It's laughable but sad at the same time ... It's another of your Impeachment Impending!! Moments

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antony1969 - 2018-03-26 8:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-26 8:15 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-26 7:42 PM


Makes ya wonder ... If our Government hadn't been allowed to spend 9.3 million pounds of tax payers money on pro-remain propaganda then the neverendum result could have been way more in favour of leave ... Shocking

You're overlooking some very important facts which is all in the news link i posted in the opening post which you refuse to watch.The Leave campaign channelled funds through two different sources, Leave EU and BeLeave......and that is against the law. Remain campaign didn't use any other group.


You cannot understand this because you've buried your head in the sand instead hoping it will just go away. The man on the link is one of yours....a Brexiteer. Can't think why you are so afraid to listen to what he says.


I'm not afraid it's just totally irrelevant ...

Carry on burying your head. Here is a 2min 33sec simple to follow video guide as i know you need illustrations to help.



And if feeling a little more adventurous after that sweetener......there's more, a lot more. All very relevant, as uneasy as it must be for you.











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Bulletguy - 2018-03-26 9:33 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-26 8:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-26 8:15 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-26 7:42 PM


Makes ya wonder ... If our Government hadn't been allowed to spend 9.3 million pounds of tax payers money on pro-remain propaganda then the neverendum result could have been way more in favour of leave ... Shocking

You're overlooking some very important facts which is all in the news link i posted in the opening post which you refuse to watch.The Leave campaign channelled funds through two different sources, Leave EU and BeLeave......and that is against the law. Remain campaign didn't use any other group.


You cannot understand this because you've buried your head in the sand instead hoping it will just go away. The man on the link is one of yours....a Brexiteer. Can't think why you are so afraid to listen to what he says.


I'm not afraid it's just totally irrelevant ...

Carry on burying your head. Here is a 2min 33sec simple to follow video guide as i know you need illustrations to help.



And if feeling a little more adventurous after that sweetener......there's more, a lot more. All very relevant, as uneasy as it must be for you.












Oh my God the whole worlds going to explode ... Utter twaddle ... Sweet dreams Princess when you wake this afternoon Brexit will still be happening , POTUS Trump will still be in office , The Tories will still be your Government and you'll still be as bitter as ever that you lost and you'll still trawl the big bad web for reasons to stop all 3 however pathetic ... Nighty night darling xxxx

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-03-26 8:15 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-26 7:42 PM


Makes ya wonder ... If our Government hadn't been allowed to spend 9.3 million pounds of tax payers money on pro-remain propaganda then the neverendum result could have been way more in favour of leave ... Shocking

You're overlooking some very important facts which is all in the news link i posted in the opening post which you refuse to watch.The Leave campaign channelled funds through two different sources, Leave EU and BeLeave......and that is against the law. Remain campaign didn't use any other group.


You cannot understand this because you've buried your head in the sand instead hoping it will just go away. The man on the link is one of yours....a Brexiteer. Can't think why you are so afraid to listen to what he says.


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......


Which BTW they'd already cleared with the electoral commission ;-) .........


It's curious how the Whinging UK Backstabbing Remoaner HYPOCRITES don't have a problem with Cameron using "9+ Million of TAXPAYERS money" eh????? >:-) ..........


Just not surprised *-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2018-03-27 8:15 AM


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......

If only you took a little time to read the detail you'd see how daft that remark is. Until you do that you won't have any comprehension of the case. You can't even comprehend the fact the case has been brought to the Electoral Commission by a Brexiteer........and has absolutely nothing to do with Remain at all.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 4:13 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 8:15 AM


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......

If only you took a little time to read the detail you'd see how daft that remark is. Until you do that you won't have any comprehension of the case. You can't even comprehend the fact the case has been brought to the Electoral Commission by a Brexiteer........and has absolutely nothing to do with Remain at all.


Oh yeah a Brexiteer without an agenda ;-) ........


Nothing worse than a Gayman scorned eh? :D ......


Funny how you're NOT making the same fuss about the extra 9 million of TAXPAYERS money Cameron spent *-) .........


You Whinging Remoaners really are a bunch of two faced Ars*holes ain't yer......It's no wonder you attract thwarted love struck gay blokes >:-) .........



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-03-27 4:58 PM


Ooooh! The lovely Gina Miller is on the case now. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/27/beleave-revelations-taint-brexit-result-shahmir-sanni-disclosure-funds


Thats you Brexiters stuffed then! Go Gina! Go!! (lol)



In your wet dreams Barry ;-) .........


367 days to go B-) .........


Not that I'm counting :D .........



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pelmetman - 2018-03-27 4:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 4:13 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 8:15 AM


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......

If only you took a little time to read the detail you'd see how daft that remark is. Until you do that you won't have any comprehension of the case. You can't even comprehend the fact the case has been brought to the Electoral Commission by a Brexiteer........and has absolutely nothing to do with Remain at all.


Oh yeah a Brexiteer without an agenda ;-) ........


Nothing worse than a Gayman scorned eh? :D ......


Funny how you're NOT making the same fuss about the extra 9 million of TAXPAYERS money Cameron spent *-) .........


You Whinging Remoaners really are a bunch of two faced Ars*holes ain't yer......It's no wonder you attract thwarted love struck gay blokes >:-) .........



Why such vehemence Dave? “ A Gayman scorned” you say -could that also make him a fibber too? Won’t we have to wait until once the Electoral Commission has concluded its investigation to find out?

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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2018-03-27 5:26 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 4:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 4:13 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 8:15 AM


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......

If only you took a little time to read the detail you'd see how daft that remark is. Until you do that you won't have any comprehension of the case. You can't even comprehend the fact the case has been brought to the Electoral Commission by a Brexiteer........and has absolutely nothing to do with Remain at all.


Oh yeah a Brexiteer without an agenda ;-) ........


Nothing worse than a Gayman scorned eh? :D ......


Funny how you're NOT making the same fuss about the extra 9 million of TAXPAYERS money Cameron spent *-) .........


You Whinging Remoaners really are a bunch of two faced Ars*holes ain't yer......It's no wonder you attract thwarted love struck gay blokes >:-) .........



Why such vehemence Dave? “ A Gayman scorned” you say -could that also make him a fibber too? Won’t we have to wait until once the Electoral Commission has concluded its investigation to find out?


The electoral commission had already OK'd the payment *-) .........


"The commission, which is still investigating other aspects of Vote Leave’s spending, has, however, said the £625,000 given to Grimes did not breach electoral guidelines.


The commission confirmed that it “did look into the donations made by Vote Leave to Darren Grimes to consider whether they may have breached the ‘joint spending rules’”.


It added: “Under the EU referendum legislation, there must be spending as a result of a common plan or arrangement between campaigners in order for the rules on allocation of reportable campaign spending to apply.


“It is … acceptable under the law for donations to be made by one organisation to another by way of payment for services provided by a third party. Hence donations to Mr Grimes were made by way of a direct payment from Vote Leave to AggregateIQ for services provided to Mr Grimes, which is an acceptable method of donating under the rules.”


This is nothing more than another Remoaner bitchfest being brought by the usual suspects, why else aren't you complaining about the 9 million of TAXPAYERS money spent on your campaign eh, instead of the paltry sum of the 600k DONATED money spent by vote leave eh?.......


But you still lost B-) .........





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pelmetman - 2018-03-27 4:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 4:13 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 8:15 AM


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......

If only you took a little time to read the detail you'd see how daft that remark is. Until you do that you won't have any comprehension of the case. You can't even comprehend the fact the case has been brought to the Electoral Commission by a Brexiteer........and has absolutely nothing to do with Remain at all.


Oh yeah a Brexiteer without an agenda ;-) ........


Nothing worse than a Gayman scorned eh? :D ......


Funny how you're NOT making the same fuss about the extra 9 million of TAXPAYERS money Cameron spent *-) .


You Whinging Remoaners really are a bunch of two faced Ars*holes ain't yer......It's no wonder you attract thwarted love struck gay blokes >:-) .........

Emboldened proves you STILL haven't grasped the basic of this case. FGS do yourself a favour and listen to the detail.......then, and ONLY then can you debate it at a logical level. *-)



Barryd999 - 2018-03-27 4:58 PM


Ooooh! The lovely Gina Miller is on the case now. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/27/beleave-revelations-taint-brexit-result-shahmir-sanni-disclosure-funds


Thats you Brexiters stuffed then! Go Gina! Go!! (lol)

Excellent news.



Violet1956 - 2018-03-27 5:26 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 4:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 4:13 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 8:15 AM


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......

If only you took a little time to read the detail you'd see how daft that remark is. Until you do that you won't have any comprehension of the case. You can't even comprehend the fact the case has been brought to the Electoral Commission by a Brexiteer........and has absolutely nothing to do with Remain at all.


Oh yeah a Brexiteer without an agenda ;-) ........


Nothing worse than a Gayman scorned eh? :D ......


Funny how you're NOT making the same fuss about the extra 9 million of TAXPAYERS money Cameron spent *-) .........


You Whinging Remoaners really are a bunch of two faced Ars*holes ain't yer......It's no wonder you attract thwarted love struck gay blokes >:-) .........



Why such vehemence Dave? “ A Gayman scorned” you say -could that also make him a fibber too? Won’t we have to wait until once the Electoral Commission has concluded its investigation to find out?

Because he's a hypocrite.

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pelmetman - 2018-03-27 5:50 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-03-27 5:26 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 4:48 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-03-27 4:13 PM


pelmetman - 2018-03-27 8:15 AM


So this shocking Whinging Remoaner crime is how Vote leave spent "625k of DONATED money"......

If only you took a little time to read the detail you'd see how daft that remark is. Until you do that you won't have any comprehension of the case. You can't even comprehend the fact the case has been brought to the Electoral Commission by a Brexiteer........and has absolutely nothing to do with Remain at all.


Oh yeah a Brexiteer without an agenda ;-) ........


Nothing worse than a Gayman scorned eh? :D ......


Funny how you're NOT making the same fuss about the extra 9 million of TAXPAYERS money Cameron spent *-) .........


You Whinging Remoaners really are a bunch of two faced Ars*holes ain't yer......It's no wonder you attract thwarted love struck gay blokes >:-) .........



Why such vehemence Dave? “ A Gayman scorned” you say -could that also make him a fibber too? Won’t we have to wait until once the Electoral Commission has concluded its investigation to find out?


The electoral commission had already OK'd the payment *-) .........



But you still lost B-) .........

Nope........and you STILL aren't getting this at all. But that's no surprise as you've ignored all links about the case including the interview.

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