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antony1969 - 2018-03-23 8:46 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-03-23 4:59 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-23 4:05 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-03-23 3:44 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-23 3:19 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-03-23 1:05 PM


antony1969 - 2018-03-22 5:44 PM


I believe a few of those moaning about passports are doing so because the French don't allow anyone other than the French for national security reasons to make their passports ... Personally for me they could be made in Lala land as far as I'm concerned and its what a free market is all about isn't it , best price , best deal for Britain


Could be because they are Brexiteers who have been fooled by the suggestion that it is due to EU rules that the contract went outside the UK. May be their eyes have been opened to the fact that some pro-Brexit MPs are wont to blame the EU whenever it suits their cause but in this instance that excuse has been exposed as nonsense. The fact that the French do this and there is no evidence that in doing so they breach EU rules says it all to me.


Not heard that from any Brexiteers regarding supposed EU rules Veronica , link might be good ... Not heard anyone saying what the French do breaches EU rules either , link might be good again ... Im a Brexiteer and I don't care who makes them ... If our great white UK hope was a third more price wise and value for taxpayers (whatever that is) money means contract goes to France then so be it



I found this on the EU rules Antony.




There's a directive on whether they apply in defence or security type scenarios.


Andrew Bridgen, Priti Patel and Rees-Mogg – all pro-Brexit MPs are unhappy according to the DM. Andrew Bridgen claimed that the UK had no choice due to EU rules which I maintain has not been demonstrated to be true. All evidence so far suggests it is not true.


Thanks for the EU rules link ... It was more linking to someone who'd put the blame on the rules for UK losing the contract ... Those MPs may be unhappy but your saying only one has blamed the rules for our failure to secure the passports contract according to shock , horror The Daily Mail ... It can't be true Veronica can it ???


Only one that I know of from a Daily Mail report. One quote from one uniformed MP to the entire Daily Mail readership has been enough in the past to persuade a large chunk of that readership that EU rules and not domestic policy were to blame for their woes. ;-)


Well I can only assume Veronica with your selective use of The Daily Mail that in the future you won't be attempting to cheapen it in any way ... I have a feeling you may even subscribe to its online service ... Welcome


My sincere apologies. I could have used almost any recent posting, and the culprits are the same,


This quote, requote, re-requote , ad Infiniti’s puts me off this chatterbox almost as much as the borderline extreme comments that are the bulk of the contributions.

For goodness sake: get concise or move on"......... PLEASE!,,,,




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Yes Snowie, All this quoting and re-quoting started when Chatterbox became the "Bulletguy" forum. He sits up half the night cutting and pasting all sorts of rubbish to rant and rave about. I wish he would take up knitting and give us all a rest.
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Violet1956 - 2018-03-29 8:36 AM


I must admit I haven’t got the hang of how to quote just the one previous post to which I want to reply. If someone can tell me how to do that then I’ll do my best.




I don't know how others do it. But when you click quote it brings up all the text of previous posts. I just highlight and delete the oldest ones

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snowie - 2018-03-28 11:02 PM

My sincere apologies. I could have used almost any recent posting, and the culprits are the same,

This quote, requote, re-requote , ad Infiniti’s puts me off this chatterbox almost as much as the borderline extreme comments that are the bulk of the contributions.

For goodness sake: get concise or move on"......... PLEASE!,,,,


Well said - not that it will make any difference as the culprits are too thick to change their ways.

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