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China hits back.....brilliant!


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China has hit back at the US by imposing it's own tariffs on US imports........and the orange man doesn't like it, crying "that's unfair". (lol)


Oh the irony!! To use his (and his OAL sycophants) batty soundbite.....it's a beautiful thing! (lol)


China's ambassador to the US said the threat of a trade war between the two countries was large. Cui Tiankai said his country would continue to respond with the same intensity.


“If they do [impose new tariffs] we will certainly take countermeasures of the same proportion and of the same scale, same intensity,”


Well said that man....excellent!




Hhmm......now that "big beautiful wall" needs steel, tons and tons of it. Never mind...plenty of abandoned steel mills in outback US waiting for Tango man to re-equip and open 'em up. (lol)


Alternatively those gross ugly towers Tango man had built using foreign labour and Chinese steel could always be demolished and the steel smelted in the US to use. At least it would be half bred mongrel American steel!

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antony1969 - 2018-04-03 9:17 PM


Sounds like sour grapes ... From the Chinese too

Just shows yer mate never thought his nonsense through. Came back to bite him where it hurts. Funny how bully boys like dishing it out but can't take it when it comes back at 'em. (lol)

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Wasnt the multi billionaire Trump supposed to be the champion of the poor and downtrodden Americans? The ones that probably depend on cheapo goods from China.


What did he think was going to happen? The giveaway there is the word "think". (lol)



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Apparently China makes cheap copies of things that other countries spent $billions developing, and has a very poor record on human rights.

So I can see some logic in slapping tarriffs on their goods.

Not saying I agree with it though, because a trade war usually leaves everyone worse off.

And this is particularly bad timing because we need Chinese (and Russian) support to deal with North Korea. Its their sanctions that have brought Kim Jon Ung to negotiatiate. Certainly not Trump who claims the credit for it, yet every time Trump went on Twitter Kim Jong Ung set off another missile.

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pelmetman - 2018-04-04 7:58 AM


So China flooding the world with cheap steel hasn't been a problem in the EU?

From the bit you didn't want to read;


A measly 3% of total U.S. imports of steel products, by value, came from China in 2017. As Bloomberg economist Tom Orlik points out, China’s total exports of steel and aluminum to all countries account for barely 0.5% of its GDP, and the share going to the U.S. is relatively small. Even losing access to the American market entirely would thus have a negligible impact on growth.


So, hardly "flooding". *-)



You Trump haters really are massive hypocrites *-) ...........

Hhmm......i think that YouTube clip showed the "massive hypocrisy" you speak of and yes, i agree Trump certainly is one. But then hypocrites do have a tendency to love other hypocrites.....as someone with double standards like yourself knows only too well. ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-04 2:33 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-04 7:58 AM


So China flooding the world with cheap steel hasn't been a problem in the EU?

From the bit you didn't want to read;


A measly 3% of total U.S. imports of steel products, by value, came from China in 2017. As Bloomberg economist Tom Orlik points out, China’s total exports of steel and aluminum to all countries account for barely 0.5% of its GDP, and the share going to the U.S. is relatively small. Even losing access to the American market entirely would thus have a negligible impact on growth.


So, hardly "flooding". *-)



You Trump haters really are massive hypocrites *-) ...........

Hhmm......i think that YouTube clip showed the "massive hypocrisy" you speak of and yes, i agree Trump certainly is one. But then hypocrites do have a tendency to love other hypocrites.....as someone with double standards like yourself knows only too well. ;-)


Funny how you've managed to ignore the fact that the EU has slapped tariffs on Chinese steel ;-) ........


How very Tin-pot Hypocrite (lol) .......



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