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Biggest Theft Ever?


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Wrong again, the biggest theft ever is the EU plunderiing of our tax contibutins for their own political empire building and to give it to someone else without our consent - and it's been going on for years.


Ironic then that an inept Labour government initiated your chosen whinge in a bid to dig themselves out their self dug hole - lucky for us that enough of us saw through their incompetence and voted them out..

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Tracker - 2018-04-07 7:46 PM


Wrong again, the biggest theft ever is the EU plunderiing of our tax contibutins for their own political empire building and to give it to someone else without our consent - and it's been going on for years.


Ironic then that an inept Labour government initiated your chosen whinge in a bid to dig themselves out their self dug hole - lucky for us that enough of us saw through their incompetence and voted them out..


That was New Labour way back in the year 6BC (Before Corbyn ;-) )

And its not the EU's fault that Britain missed out on so much infrastructure funding because of its disastrous obsession with PFI - started by John Major, and raised to its present level by Gideon Osborne.

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John52 - 2018-04-08 9:27 AM


That was New Labour way back in the year 6BC (Before Corbyn )



I'm glad you differentiate between the inept but moderate Blair/Brown era of new labour and the inept but insane era of the return to JC's old labour - you remember old labour - that's the one that was unelectable because nobody wanted it due to it's incompetence many years ago!


What goes round comes round !

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Tracker - 2018-04-08 12:15 PM


John52 - 2018-04-08 9:27 AM


That was New Labour way back in the year 6BC (Before Corbyn )



I'm glad you differentiate between the inept but moderate Blair/Brown era of new labour and the inept but insane era of the return to JC's old labour - you remember old labour - that's the one that was unelectable because nobody wanted it due to it's incompetence many years ago!


What goes round comes round !


Do you really think Jeremy Corbyn is insane?

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John52 - 2018-04-08 8:21 PM


Do you really think Jeremy Corbyn is insane?



YES - he comes across to me as insanely obsessed with gaining power at all costs and being an insane total control freak with tunnel vision to get his own way - but that's just me - others may see him as just devious?

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Tracker - 2018-04-08 8:27 PM


John52 - 2018-04-08 8:21 PM


Do you really think Jeremy Corbyn is insane?



YES - he comes across to me as insanely obsessed with gaining power at all costs and being an insane total control freak with tunnel vision to get his own way - but that's just me - others may see him as just devious?

It needs someone with control.......able to control the current coalition of chaos!!! (lol)(lol)


Personally i'm finding it entertaining if somewhat sad watching the car crash unfold with May taking the country into oblivion. What with folk crowing about getting UK out of the EU.....only to then flee to live in an EU country! Such mindless hypocrisy.

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Tracker - 2018-04-08 8:27 PM

YES - he comes across to me as insanely obsessed with gaining power at all costs

Corbyn consigned himself to the back benches for many years by voting against the party line over 200 times. How do you deduce that to be a man who is 'obsessed with gaining power at all costs'. *-)

That sounds more like someone who submits to DUP blackmail and gives them £billions of our money to buy their votes. >:-)

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Bulletguy - 2018-04-08 9:18 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-08 8:27 PM


John52 - 2018-04-08 8:21 PM


Do you really think Jeremy Corbyn is insane?



YES - he comes across to me as insanely obsessed with gaining power at all costs and being an insane total control freak with tunnel vision to get his own way - but that's just me - others may see him as just devious?

It needs someone with control.......able to control the current coalition of chaos!!! (lol)(lol)


Personally i'm finding it entertaining if somewhat sad watching the car crash unfold with May taking the country into oblivion. What with folk crowing about getting UK out of the EU.....only to then flee to live in an EU country! Such mindless hypocrisy.


I find it entertaining but sad to see how easily they are brainwashed by £billionaire 'newspaper' owners domiciled in Her Majesty's Tax Havens under threat from Corbyn and the EU. (lol)

It only takes a 'pennorth of soap powder ;-)

They seem oblivious to where the story has come from or they would have noticed the RT link I quoted is funded by Putin (lol)


There's no doubt RT are making hay with it, they wouldn't be doing their job properly if they weren't but that doesn't negate the story or mean it's not a serious matter. Anyone who can't entertain a channel like RT because it's propaganda is clearly oblivious to the irony.


It provides a much needed counter to some of the good wholesome western propaganda and lopsided views at ten folks are expected to swallow whole, as well as some events that are ignored completely. I don't watch it very often but not allergic to it either in moderation.


It sounds like the same problems are repeating, omnipotent bankers, competent regulators being bought off and brought in house etc. the whole cesspit hasn't changed much if at all since the last time they brought the financial world to it's knees, held the economy to ransom and then walked off with a pile of loot.


As for impact, who knows, it'll likely take a US investigation to get to the bottom of it, this country is institutionally corrupt to the point it's difficult to know which way is up, they'll probably just end up paying a huge fine/ bribe with our money and carry on like all the other banks do that are too big to fail.


I don't think it'll cause a problem to the global economy in itself since the GRG is no longer around but they're still at it under a different guise so who knows. It'll probably end up being played out as a PPI v2 scandal or something but it's going to really sting the 'UK taxpayer' one way or another if the apparent scale of it is anything like accurate. On top of all the businesses that have been driven to the wall by the Royal Bank pulling the plug early - like Richard Branson's Virgin nearly was. Thats the saddest of all because business owners (what the economy needs) have been driven to suicide by the Royal Bank. :-(


What's really needed is the same thing that was needed in 2008, fat chance of that. The Tories are bailing out the guilty with our money just the same as Gordon Brown. Except they have brought in Austerity for the poor to pay for it. >:-)

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My father reckoned it was the Goverment's job to keep the Rich rich, and the Poor happy.


My neighbour said that everybody reaches Povety by their own route.


If you have a motorhome, it could be argued that you are not poor. It could also be argued that if you didn't have a motor home, you would be rich (or richer).


Perhaps Dad got it wrong? Maybe the Goverments job is the make the Rich happy, coz they don't seem to be able to achieve it by themselves and let the happiness "cascade" down through the masses.


Mrs May says she wants to make Britain a fairer society. Mr Corbyn says he wants to get the Tories out. Assuming they are both speaking the truth, which is the better ambition?



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<<< Except they have brought in Austerity for the poor to pay for it. >>>


Hi John 52,


Can you tell me where I can find this Austerity thing everybody is talking about? I think the biggest "victims" are those paid from the Treasury purse.


And can you define "poor". We are both retired Civil Servants. I'm on a quarter pension, and my wife is on about half the pension she should have been entitled to. But no doubt you will remember the "gold plated" civil service pensions. that some used to criticise? Our combined State and Occupational pensions are about equal to the "average" income for one person.


We are living comfortably, thankyou very much ...NO debts, own our own house, she drives a new car, I drive a classic.


What we don't have to pay for is bus/train/petrol fares to get to work. Perhaps, as a necessary expense, they should be tax deductable?



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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-04-09 7:25 AM

Except they have brought in Austerity for the poor to pay for it. >:-)


I don't suppose it would enter the benefit classes head to get a job and work would it? *-) .........


Nah they'ed much rather the taxpayer subsidise their idle itus >:-) ........



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I too don't see much austerity around me.


Granted the NHS and social care could be better but by and large it works for us.


Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.


Maybe the rich get richer and the poor get poorer but I was poor once and I decided that I didn't much like being beholden to anyone else it so I picked up my tools, got off my ass and made my own promised land.


I accept there are those who for a variety of reasons are not able to do that and I support the state - ie us the taxpayers - helping them to live a reasonable life but when I see the level of benefits dished out to some, not all of whom are deserving, it does little to help their case.



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John52 - 2018-04-09 7:25 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-04-08 9:18 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-08 8:27 PM


John52 - 2018-04-08 8:21 PM


Do you really think Jeremy Corbyn is insane?



YES - he comes across to me as insanely obsessed with gaining power at all costs and being an insane total control freak with tunnel vision to get his own way - but that's just me - others may see him as just devious?

It needs someone with control.......able to control the current coalition of chaos!!! (lol)(lol)


Personally i'm finding it entertaining if somewhat sad watching the car crash unfold with May taking the country into oblivion. What with folk crowing about getting UK out of the EU.....only to then flee to live in an EU country! Such mindless hypocrisy.


I find it entertaining but sad to see how easily they are brainwashed by £billionaire 'newspaper' owners domiciled in Her Majesty's Tax Havens under threat from Corbyn and the EU. (lol)

It only takes a 'pennorth of soap powder ;-)

They seem oblivious to where the story has come from or they would have noticed the RT link I quoted is funded by Putin (lol)


There's no doubt RT are making hay with it, they wouldn't be doing their job properly if they weren't but that doesn't negate the story or mean it's not a serious matter. Anyone who can't entertain a channel like RT because it's propaganda is clearly oblivious to the irony.


It provides a much needed counter to some of the good wholesome western propaganda and lopsided views at ten folks are expected to swallow whole, as well as some events that are ignored completely. I don't watch it very often but not allergic to it either in moderation.


It sounds like the same problems are repeating, omnipotent bankers, competent regulators being bought off and brought in house etc. the whole cesspit hasn't changed much if at all since the last time they brought the financial world to it's knees, held the economy to ransom and then walked off with a pile of loot.


As for impact, who knows, it'll likely take a US investigation to get to the bottom of it, this country is institutionally corrupt to the point it's difficult to know which way is up, they'll probably just end up paying a huge fine/ bribe with our money and carry on like all the other banks do that are too big to fail.


I don't think it'll cause a problem to the global economy in itself since the GRG is no longer around but they're still at it under a different guise so who knows. It'll probably end up being played out as a PPI v2 scandal or something but it's going to really sting the 'UK taxpayer' one way or another if the apparent scale of it is anything like accurate. On top of all the businesses that have been driven to the wall by the Royal Bank pulling the plug early - like Richard Branson's Virgin nearly was. Thats the saddest of all because business owners (what the economy needs) have been driven to suicide by the Royal Bank. :-(


What's really needed is the same thing that was needed in 2008, fat chance of that. The Tories are bailing out the guilty with our money just the same as Gordon Brown. Except they have brought in Austerity for the poor to pay for it. >:-)

W3526602 - 2018-04-12 9:38 AM




My father reckoned it was the Goverment's job to keep the Rich rich, and the Poor happy.


My neighbour said that everybody reaches Povety by their own route.


If you have a motorhome, it could be argued that you are not poor. It could also be argued that if you didn't have a motor home, you would be rich (or richer).


Perhaps Dad got it wrong? Maybe the Goverments job is the make the Rich happy, coz they don't seem to be able to achieve it by themselves and let the happiness "cascade" down through the masses.


Mrs May says she wants to make Britain a fairer society. Mr Corbyn says he wants to get the Tories out. Assuming they are both speaking the truth, which is the better ambition?

BBC screened an excellent two part documentary, "The Super Rich and Us" presented by Jaques Peretti. It was repeated only a few weeks back but unfortunately it's not on iplayer.


Jacques Peretti looks at how the super-rich first exploited an obscure legal loophole to make Britain one of the most attractive tax havens on earth. He argues this was no accident. Wooing the super-rich was a deliberate strategy by government to reconfigure the British economy, under the belief their wealth would trickle down to the rest of us. But it didn't. The OECD now say the British economy would have been 20 per cent bigger had we not pursued the super-rich. So who sold us the fallacy and why?


In one part he spoke to Nick Hanauer, a US billionaire.....but a billionaire with a very different message who dispels the myth of the trickle down factor and has some stark warnings.






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Tracker - 2018-04-12 1:04 PM


I too don't see much austerity around me.


Granted the NHS and social care could be better but by and large it works for us.


Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.




Well of course you will see those who can afford to spend money in shopping centres.

Wheras you would see those who can't in foodbanks etc.

Which you obviously have not seen - if you had seen the other side, or just talked to anyone involved, you would know that poverty and homelessness are increasing exponentially.

Sadly, the selfishnes of some of the older cohort of UK citizens knows no bounds. They pull up every drawbridge after they are safely inside the castle. First they abuse the defined benefit pension system until it becomes unsustainable for the next generation. Then they insist on ever expanding health and social care in their old age, but refuse to contribute saying those of working age should pay. Next they vote for Brexit which hobbles and restricts the opportunities of the young, and in their infinite sense of entitlement insist that house prices (their main source of wealth) are protected by refusing to allow building close to places where people need to be for work. And then, with the drawbridge firmly closed behind them, they say well I've done alright, why can't they


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pelmetman - 2018-04-12 12:49 PM


John52 - 2018-04-09 7:25 AM

Except they have brought in Austerity for the poor to pay for it. >:-)


I don't suppose it would enter the benefit classes head to get a job and work would it? *-) .........


Nah they'ed much rather the taxpayer subsidise their idle itus >:-) ........



Well of course the extended family of German Immigrants living in the Royal Palaces get more on benefits than they could by working.

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  • 3 months later...
Tracker - 2018-04-12 1:04 PM

Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.

Wheras visit your local Evesham foodbank and you will find ' stocks are really low. This is the busiest we have ever been.' http://www.droitwichadvertiser.co.uk/news/regional/16370299.evesham-foodbanks-extra-donation-day-to-meet-rise-in-demand/ :-(

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John52 - 2018-07-22 2:54 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-12 1:04 PM

Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.

Wheras visit your local Evesham foodbank and you will find ' stocks are really low. This is the busiest we have ever been.' http://www.droitwichadvertiser.co.uk/news/regional/16370299.evesham-foodbanks-extra-donation-day-to-meet-rise-in-demand/ :-(


No thanks, not interested, scour the internet all you like for articles that support what you would like us to think you believe in, but I'm alright thanks so why should I care about those that are not, after all they never cared for me.


But it wasn't always so, once upon a time I had nothing, absolutely nothing, so I got off my bum, got myself a real job (after countless interviews), earned a good wage (eventually), paid into a good pension scheme (including years of AVCs) and from nothing at age 26 to retiring early at 56 without any help, support, hand outs, subsidies or anything else I am proud of what I worked for and achieved so why would I want to give it away to those who do not share those principles or make the effort to better themselves.


Food banks - what a good idea - that's a typical do gooder type solution - now let the problem evolve and they will come to a freebie foodbank just like a river finds the easiest way to run downhill.


But don't let me stop you, or any of the country's millionaires, admirably giving away your own personal wealth - perhaps yours was easier to come by than mine was?

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Well said Richard ... Ive seen the handouts a couple of times of food bags from a Church I work on ... Who gets the grub and goodies ??? Druggies and drunks ... Same at my missus charity where dimwits can buy the needy a meal and drink and who gets the goodies ??? Druggies and drunks ... If it makes the dimwits feel better about themselves then so be it ... If they care that much why not take one in under their own homes ???
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Tracker - 2018-07-22 5:05 PM


John52 - 2018-07-22 2:54 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-12 1:04 PM

Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.

Wheras visit your local Evesham foodbank and you will find ' stocks are really low. This is the busiest we have ever been.' http://www.droitwichadvertiser.co.uk/news/regional/16370299.evesham-foodbanks-extra-donation-day-to-meet-rise-in-demand/ :-(


No thanks, not interested, scour the internet all you like for articles that support what you would like us to think you believe in, but I'm alright thanks so why should I care about those that are not, after all they never cared for me.


But it wasn't always so, once upon a time I had nothing, absolutely nothing, so I got off my bum, got myself a real job (after countless interviews), earned a good wage (eventually), paid into a good pension scheme (including years of AVCs) and from nothing at age 26 to retiring early at 56 without any help, support, hand outs, subsidies or anything else I am proud of what I worked for and achieved so why would I want to give it away to those who do not share those principles or make the effort to better themselves.


Food banks - what a good idea - that's a typical do gooder type solution - now let the problem evolve and they will come to a freebie foodbank just like a river finds the easiest way to run downhill.


But don't let me stop you, or any of the country's millionaires, admirably giving away your own personal wealth - perhaps yours was easier to come by than mine was?


Yes but it was easier for you because back in your day you could call yourself a financial advisor and sell pensions without passing exams, and houses were affordable for the young

I didn't expect you to care about those less fortunate than yourself.

But when you said


Tracker - 2018-07-22 5:05 PM

I too don't see much austerity around me. .....Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.

I just thought I would point out there is Austerity around you but you've got your head too far up your ass to see it . :-S

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-07-22 2:54 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-12 1:04 PM

Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.

Wheras visit your local Evesham foodbank and you will find ' stocks are really low. This is the busiest we have ever been.' http://www.droitwichadvertiser.co.uk/news/regional/16370299.evesham-foodbanks-extra-donation-day-to-meet-rise-in-demand/ :-(


Food bank use has increased because druggies would rather spend their benefit on drugs :-| ...........



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pelmetman - 2018-07-23 8:24 AM


John52 - 2018-07-22 2:54 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-12 1:04 PM

Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.

Wheras visit your local Evesham foodbank and you will find ' stocks are really low. This is the busiest we have ever been.' http://www.droitwichadvertiser.co.uk/news/regional/16370299.evesham-foodbanks-extra-donation-day-to-meet-rise-in-demand/ :-(


Food bank use has increased because druggies would rather spend their benefit on drugs :-| ...........



I don't take drugs, don't smoke or drink alcohol, don't even buy the ready meals with wine in them.

Because I get enough out of life without harmful escapism.

I'm happy where I am, so don't want any mind altering drugs to take me anywhere else.

Thats why I feel sympathy for people whose lives are so horrible they are so desperate to escape from reality for a bit they take drugs :-(

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-07-23 8:30 AM


pelmetman - 2018-07-23 8:24 AM


John52 - 2018-07-22 2:54 PM


Tracker - 2018-04-12 1:04 PM

Visit any shopping centre, store, garage, garden centre and see people spending money like there is no tomorrow.

Wheras visit your local Evesham foodbank and you will find ' stocks are really low. This is the busiest we have ever been.' http://www.droitwichadvertiser.co.uk/news/regional/16370299.evesham-foodbanks-extra-donation-day-to-meet-rise-in-demand/ :-(


Food bank use has increased because druggies would rather spend their benefit on drugs :-| ...........



I don't take drugs, don't smoke or drink alcohol, don't even buy the ready meals with wine in them.

Because I get enough out of life without harmful escapism.

I'm happy where I am, so don't want any mind altering drugs to take me anywhere else.

Thats why I feel sympathy for people whose lives are so horrible they are so desperate to escape from reality for a bit they take drugs :-(


Your right Peter..........Your "mind" deffo doesn't need any mind altering substances 8-) ...........


It's already totally removed from reality (lol) (lol) (lol) .............



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Tracker - 2018-07-22 5:05 PM

No thanks, not interested, scour the internet all you like for articles that support what you would like us to think you believe in, but I'm alright thanks so why should I care about those that are not......

Oh and I didn't need to 'scour ther internet'.

Just Google food bank Evesham.

When you said you saw no austerity I just thought I would check a reliable source.

They came up straightaway as they are right where you are and desperate for donations.

Took only a few seconds for anyone who cares to look before spouting off with no knowlege or concern.

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-07-24 9:30 AM


Tracker - 2018-07-22 5:05 PM

No thanks, not interested, scour the internet all you like for articles that support what you would like us to think you believe in, but I'm alright thanks so why should I care about those that are not......

Oh and I didn't need to 'scour ther internet'.

Just Google food bank Evesham.

When you said you saw no austerity I just thought I would check a reliable source.

They came up straightaway as they are right where you are and desperate for donations.

Took only a few seconds for anyone who cares to look before spouting off with no knowlege or concern.


Food bank is a misnomer *-) ............Feed a Druggy would be more accurate :-| .........



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