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Hot water tank pressure


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I have dutifully drained the hot water tank and main tank for the winter. This week I filled the main water tank with a sanitiser solution and let it soak for two hours having drawn it through the taps. Now the problem is that the hot water tank will not hold enough pressure and the hot tap slows to a dribble after 30 seconds. The pump then kicks in and runs for about 1 to 2 minutes. There is an adjuster with a turn wheel that seems to adjust the pump but I dont want to mess with it.

Any advice please

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Is there water running from underneath the MH?


If so have you closed the drain valve for the heater, or has the seal in the valve possibly failed (split)?




PS What water heater do you have as this may help with answers?

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Close all taps including drain valve. Start at the furthest tap from the boiler and open hot then cold for a short time, Work your way around the taps towards the boiler, and repeat and you should eventually clear an air block. Others start at the nearest tap but I find this method works for me

Do you have a clear plastic filter at the water pump and have you checked its not cracked?

All the best.

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From an old thread ... "as you look at the heater from inside the van, ie, the back of the heater it's the bottom one on the right, the bottom one on the left is the gas supply, you don't need to touch that. "


This was a common subject in MMM some years ago and it was generally advised that a stuck valve could be cleared. It happened once on my van, and true, you could sometimes unstick the valve by gently pushing a thin rod into it. Sorry I can't remember the details, but a new valve is available and not too expensive.

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Probably a few basic checks as described before.


Make sure you have no leaks in , or under , the mhome.


Pump off, open all taps to release pressure, moving from hot to cold position.

Close all taps, Swich on pump,


Does pump runn normally? I.e time to charge system or flag in some way ?


If seems to be a short while before pump stops, it could be a pump pressure problem, or a blocked intake.


If blocked intake, could be the filter, some pump have a stainless steel filter in a clear plastic case, or a submersible pump in the tank.


If you mark your pressure switch so that you know where to set it back to. Try gently increasing the pressure by turning the knob. You can tell if the pressure is changing by the pump starting to account for the change in pressure required.


After that, I'm out of ideas ;-)





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I've rather made the assumption that the problem is only affecting the hot water, not the cold water. If the cold water is OK, than that would eliminate the pump, and I'd go for a blockage on the the inlet or non return valve on the heater. Not sure if there's also a filter on the heater input. If there is, it would be useful to check that too.
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