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In 2013, David Cameron tried and failed to get MP's approval for military action against President Assad. After bribing her way into power buying DUP votes with our money, Theresa May has repeated her contempt for democracy by taking us all into a serious conflict with the Soviet Union without a vote. >:-(
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Guest pelmetman

It's a good day for those who hate child killers.......and a bad day for those who protest on their behalf :-| ........



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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2018-04-14 8:55 AM


pelmetman - 2018-04-14 8:39 AM


It's a good day for those who hate child killers.......and a bad day for those who protest on their behalf :-| ........



You could get a job on the Daily Mail *-)


You could get a job on the Guardian.......although I suspect the Morning Star is more your bag >:-) ..........



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It had no real effect last time so all it will do this time is take us one step further towards world war 3. Im not saying we shouldnt have done something but not without parliamentary approval. I think I saw a poll yesterday that showed only 22% of Britain's in favour of a strike.


Its one thing the Gung Ho brigade applauding us lobbing bombs into a powder keg and getting all hysterical about it but you might not find it so appealing if you and everyone and everything around you is vaporised as a result. It seems to me like we have just learned nothing, nothing at all.

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The most likely effect is more terror related incidents in this country and easy access to our shores and a supersoft approach to deportation does nothing to help as we seem to welcome too many intruders with unknown backgrounds who come here under the guise of refugees.


Talking is seen as a sign of weakness and will never stop Assad or Putin or any of the rest of the world's dictators especially when they are bankrolled by wealthy states.


Neither will bombs and missiles and it is only when the people in these countries collectively say enough that things might slowly change.


Makes me glad to be British and live in freedom in the UK which with all it's faults and imperfections is still in my view one of the best countries in the world to live in.

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Tracker - 2018-04-14 11:09 AM


The most likely effect is more terror related incidents in this country and easy access to our shores and a supersoft approach to deportation does nothing to help as we seem to welcome too many intruders with unknown backgrounds who come here under the guise of refugees.


Talking is seen as a sign of weakness and will never stop Assad or Putin or any of the rest of the world's dictators especially when they are bankrolled by wealthy states.


Neither will bombs and missiles and it is only when the people in these countries collectively say enough that things might slowly change.


Makes me glad to be British and live in freedom in the UK which with all it's faults and imperfections is still in my view one of the best countries in the world to live in.


The scary factor now of course is we have a complete nutcase in the Whitehouse desperate to play with his new toys and a proper Bond Villain in the Kremlin and add into that an even bigger Fruitloop aspiring to catch up in North Korea. A perfect storm


So what if talking is seen like a sign of weakness? Bombs, wars and big hammer blows has got us where so far exactly? Nowhere it would seem apart from the closest we have been to the Third world war since the Cuban missile crisis. As you say all it will do is increase terrorism across the world.

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Jeremy Corbyn "Bombs wont save lives or bring about peace" Part of his response to the Syrian attack ... From the man who supported IRA bombers for years ... You really couldn't make it up ... You can bet he'd of been quite excited at the prospect of an attack on Israel though
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Barryd999 - 2018-04-14 11:56 AM


Tracker - 2018-04-14 11:09 AM


The most likely effect is more terror related incidents in this country and easy access to our shores and a supersoft approach to deportation does nothing to help as we seem to welcome too many intruders with unknown backgrounds who come here under the guise of refugees.


Talking is seen as a sign of weakness and will never stop Assad or Putin or any of the rest of the world's dictators especially when they are bankrolled by wealthy states.


Neither will bombs and missiles and it is only when the people in these countries collectively say enough that things might slowly change.


Makes me glad to be British and live in freedom in the UK which with all it's faults and imperfections is still in my view one of the best countries in the world to live in.


The scary factor now of course is we have a complete nutcase in the Whitehouse desperate to play with his new toys and a proper Bond Villain in the Kremlin and add into that an even bigger Fruitloop aspiring to catch up in North Korea. A perfect storm


So what if talking is seen like a sign of weakness? Bombs, wars and big hammer blows has got us where so far exactly? Nowhere it would seem apart from the closest we have been to the Third world war since the Cuban missile crisis. As you say all it will do is increase terrorism across the world.


You conveniently forget that POTUS Trump standing up to Kim Jong Un has led to the North Korean leader meeting with his South Korean opposites and said he's open to talks with the US over nuclear weapons ... Sometimes Barrie in the real world you have to show your might and talking to start off with doesnt make any difference at all to the Kim Jong Uns/Assads/Gaddafis of the world and if you truly believe POTUS Trump is a complete nutcase desperate for war your a total loop

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Aside from any criticisms of our government over their failure to consult Parliament I'm impressed with the detail provided by LtGen McKenzie of the attack. I think Putin will be running scared. He and Assad are up against a considerable force. Whilst Trump is clearly stupid, the military and intelligence personnel at his disposal are not.
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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-04-14 10:59 AM


It had no real effect last time so all it will do this time is take us one step further towards world war 3. Im not saying we shouldnt have done something but not without parliamentary approval. I think I saw a poll yesterday that showed only 22% of Britain's in favour of a strike.


Its one thing the Gung Ho brigade applauding us lobbing bombs into a powder keg and getting all hysterical about it but you might not find it so appealing if you and everyone and everything around you is vaporised as a result. It seems to me like we have just learned nothing, nothing at all.


Get in the real world Barry *-) ........


What did we do eh?........We lobbed a few missiles at legitimate targets *-) ........


Unlike Assad >:-( .........


Plus we no doubt tipped of Putin before we launched them so he could get his Russian's the hell out of dodge ;-) ......


What a bunch of wusses you loony lefties are (lol) ........


Yet you all soak it up on social media like brain dead sponges >:-) .........



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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2018-04-14 2:58 PM


Aside from any criticisms of our government over their failure to consult Parliament I'm impressed with the detail provided by LtGen McKenzie of the attack. I think Putin will be running scared. He and Assad are up against a considerable force. Whilst Trump is clearly stupid, the military and intelligence personnel at his disposal are not.


I doubt Putin is running anywhere scared *-) .........


He's just poking the West, no doubt Syria has been an excellent testing ground for his military prowess ;-) ........


I suspect he's provoked this engagement to test his missile defence systems :-| .........


No better way to see if summit works >:-) ........



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Trumps actions by ordering the attacks without seeking Congressional approval were already being questioned last night over a possible breach of US constitutional law. As he's forever boasting and mouthing off on Twitter, it's worth looking at the tweet he made five years ago.




As for his inane "Mission Accomplished" boast......i can't believe anyone (apart from those with short term memory) has forgotten the last time that daft claim was made and by whom.



Also at the time the attacks were ordered the OPCW had not confirmed whether chlorine was used or not and yet to start.


The team from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will begin work on Saturday to determine whether chemical weapons were used in Douma on 7 April.


Establishing whether chlorine was used will be harder than identifying any nerve agent. Blood and urine samples rarely retain any useful signatures from a chlorine attack, and it will be extremely challenging to find telltale signs in the environment.





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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-04-14 3:36 PM



Trumps actions by ordering the attacks without seeking Congressional approval were already being questioned last night over a possible breach of US constitutional law. As he's forever boasting and mouthing off on Twitter, it's worth looking at the tweet he made five years ago.




As for his inane "Mission Accomplished" boast......i can't believe anyone (apart from those with short term memory) has forgotten the last time that daft claim was made and by whom.



Also at the time the attacks were ordered the OPCW had not confirmed whether chlorine was used or not and yet to start.


The team from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will begin work on Saturday to determine whether chemical weapons were used in Douma on 7 April.


Establishing whether chlorine was used will be harder than identifying any nerve agent. Blood and urine samples rarely retain any useful signatures from a chlorine attack, and it will be extremely challenging to find telltale signs in the environment.





Putin's apologist has woke up *-) ..........



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pelmetman - 2018-04-14 3:34 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-14 2:58 PM


Aside from any criticisms of our government over their failure to consult Parliament I'm impressed with the detail provided by LtGen McKenzie of the attack. I think Putin will be running scared. He and Assad are up against a considerable force. Whilst Trump is clearly stupid, the military and intelligence personnel at his disposal are not.


I doubt Putin is running anywhere scared *-) .........


He's just poking the West, no doubt Syria has been an excellent testing ground for his military prowess ;-) ........


I suspect he's provoked this engagement to test his missile defence systems :-| .........


No better way to see if summit works >:-) ........


According to Lt General McKenzie none of the Russian missile defence mechanisms were used. I question whether Putin wanted to reveal just quite how effective they were. Have you fallen for Putin's hubris Dave?
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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2018-04-14 3:49 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-14 3:34 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-14 2:58 PM


Aside from any criticisms of our government over their failure to consult Parliament I'm impressed with the detail provided by LtGen McKenzie of the attack. I think Putin will be running scared. He and Assad are up against a considerable force. Whilst Trump is clearly stupid, the military and intelligence personnel at his disposal are not.


I doubt Putin is running anywhere scared *-) .........


He's just poking the West, no doubt Syria has been an excellent testing ground for his military prowess ;-) ........


I suspect he's provoked this engagement to test his missile defence systems :-| .........


No better way to see if summit works >:-) ........


According to Lt General McKenzie none of the Russian missile defence mechanisms were used. I question whether Putin wanted to reveal just quite how effective they were. Have you fallen for Putin's hubris Dave?


So like the Yanks, UK or the Frogs would admit our missiles were shot down???? 8-) ...........


So like the Russians and Syrian's wouldn't claim they were shot down???? (lol) ........


I question whether you feel qualified to comment on how effective todays missiles are? ;-) ........


Based on my experience of missile firing in the Navy ;-) .......


I suspect they're both wrong and right >:-) ...........



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Seems like only two minutes since we had the resident POTUS Trump hate mob screaming about POTUS Trumps supposed Russian collusion ... Funniest Russian collusion your ever likely to see bombing Syria ... Anyway seems like they've already latched on to something else to hate POTUS Trump with , the supposed legality of bombing Syria ... Yawn
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pelmetman - 2018-04-14 4:01 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-14 3:49 PM


pelmetman - 2018-04-14 3:34 PM


Violet1956 - 2018-04-14 2:58 PM


Aside from any criticisms of our government over their failure to consult Parliament I'm impressed with the detail provided by LtGen McKenzie of the attack. I think Putin will be running scared. He and Assad are up against a considerable force. Whilst Trump is clearly stupid, the military and intelligence personnel at his disposal are not.


I doubt Putin is running anywhere scared *-) .........


He's just poking the West, no doubt Syria has been an excellent testing ground for his military prowess ;-) ........


I suspect he's provoked this engagement to test his missile defence systems :-| .........


No better way to see if summit works >:-) ........


According to Lt General McKenzie none of the Russian missile defence mechanisms were used. I question whether Putin wanted to reveal just quite how effective they were. Have you fallen for Putin's hubris Dave?


So like the Yanks, UK or the Frogs would admit our missiles were shot down???? 8-) ...........


So like the Russians and Syrian's wouldn't claim they were shot down???? (lol) ........


I question whether you feel qualified to comment on how effective todays missiles are? ;-) ........


Based on my experience of missile firing in the Navy ;-) .......


I suspect they're both wrong and right >:-) ...........


Good grief Dave you are expressing doubts about the claims made by the US, the Brits and the French? My faith is restored in that you appear to have adopted a degree of objectivity that has so far been missing from many of your posts. How many years is it since you left Her Majesty's service btw? ;-)
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Violet1956 - 2018-04-14 2:58 PM


Aside from any criticisms of our government over their failure to consult Parliament I'm impressed with the detail provided by LtGen McKenzie of the attack. I think Putin will be running scared. He and Assad are up against a considerable force. Whilst Trump is clearly stupid, the military and intelligence personnel at his disposal are not.

I just about managed five minutes early morning watching the orange buffoon performing his theatrics before i had to switch over. Such an embarrassing and sickly 'display' for any intelligent American citizens.

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I don't think Trump is stupid and his 'advisers' certainly are not.


Granted, he does not have the presence, gravitas and manner of a proper politically experienced leader, but then he is not one so why would we expect him to be?


If it takes a new cold war to subdue Putin's Russia then so be it as that is better than a real war as it was Reagan's Star Wars bluff that helped to break the USSR financially and the end of the first cold war.


If economic sanctions and an arms race is what it takes to break Putin, which will in turn make his support of Assad financially more difficult, it is worth a try.

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Tracker - 2018-04-14 5:04 PM


I don't think Trump is stupid and his 'advisers' certainly are not.

That depends on whether or not he broke constitutional law which is under scrutiny. Something he was keen to remind Obama he needed to seek first five years ago (which he did), yet amazingly ignores that now and thinks the law doesn't apply to him.

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