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Ahhh.....delicate little flower Donny has chucked his dummy out........again!! and doesn't want to meet Kim Jong-Un after Pence had earlier said North Korea "may end like Libya", to which NK's foreign minister called him "a political dummy".


A few months ago Trump was calling Kim Jong-Un "little rocket man". So it's only ok for the US to sling out insults, but not any other country. Hhmm.


Can't believe Trump is 71......he's like a little child. *-)




The White House gift shop is flogging off summit coins....now reduced to $19.95 (lol)



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Bulletguy - 2018-05-24 8:19 PM


Pence had earlier said North Korea "may end like Libya",


Given what happened to Gadaffi after he gave up his nuclear weapons, even I can't think of a worse thing to have said.

Kim Jong had been brought to the negotiating table by its closest ally China joining sanctions against it, - Trump replied by starting a trade war with them.

Makes me wonder if Trump really wants peace, or if he is just one of those politicians who needs an enemy :-(

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John52 - 2018-05-24 11:06 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-05-24 8:19 PM


Pence had earlier said North Korea "may end like Libya",


Given what happened to Gadaffi after he gave up his nuclear weapons, even I can't think of a worse thing to have said.

Kim Jong had been brought to the negotiating table by its closest ally China joining sanctions against it, - Trump replied by starting a trade war with them.

Makes me wonder if Trump really wants peace, or if he is just one of those politicians who needs an enemy :-(

This is what happens when a country elects a television reality game show host for a President and Pence is like his little puppy dog. He's way too unpredictable to hold office which makes him an extremely dangerous person to have anywhere remotely close to nuclear buttons. I wouldn't trust him with a bag of chocolate buttons.


Last week when NK released the three Americans back to US, Jong Un had gone from "little rocket man" to "nice man".


Pence talking about using "the Libya model", a country that got bombed the sh*te out of it, was utter madness when you're supposedly making moves toward some form of diplomatic relations. But then i don't believe Trump was ever truly interested. Just more huff 'n bluster.


He's looking even more silly now in the eyes of the world as after blarting because another country dared to insult a precious US politician, Jong Un has said he's still prepared to meet "any time and in any way."



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Smaller countries that don't have America's power and wealth have to use something else like diplomacy, or perhaps guile and cunning. Otherwise they would be slapped down.

Maybe part of the problem is that America has so much power doesn't need to, and can have a President who acts like a spoilt child.

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John52 - 2018-05-25 7:49 AM


Smaller countries that don't have America's power and wealth have to use something else like diplomacy, or perhaps guile and cunning. Otherwise they would be slapped down.

Maybe part of the problem is that America has so much power doesn't need to, and can have a President who acts like a spoilt child.


"Smaller countries" like North Korea and Kim Jong Un and his family have been using nuclear threats and bullying for years ... But of course POTUS Trumps the bad guy

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Donald Trump’s Hair - 2018-05-24 10:56 PM


I am ashamed of the man.. hope he gets me shaved off :-D


You should be, he's nuts! And orange. There is a member on here called Antony who would welcome you onto his bonce I am sure.


Welcome to the forum by the way.

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Barryd999 - 2018-05-25 8:42 AM


Donald Trump’s Hair - 2018-05-24 10:56 PM


I am ashamed of the man.. hope he gets me shaved off :-D


You should be, he's nuts! And orange. There is a member on here called Antony who would welcome you onto his bonce I am sure.


Welcome to the forum by the way.


Ye ... Any spare hair I'll have ... You'll find on here Donald Trumps Hair that most of those who call POTUS Trump are the ones that vote for a terrorist loving Venezuelan regime loving anti-Semite here in Blighty and who stay quiet when the leader of Turkey pays a visit ... Ye I know you couldn't make it up

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antony1969 - 2018-05-25 8:10 AM


John52 - 2018-05-25 7:49 AM


Smaller countries that don't have America's power and wealth have to use something else like diplomacy, or perhaps guile and cunning. Otherwise they would be slapped down.

Maybe part of the problem is that America has so much power doesn't need to, and can have a President who acts like a spoilt child.


"Smaller countries" like North Korea and Kim Jong Un and his family have been using nuclear threats and bullying for years ... But of course POTUS Trumps the bad guy


Nobody is defending Kim Jong Un

He seems ruthless but rational - using the nuclear threat he has got.

America's reminding him of what happened in Libya, and going back on its deals, is sure to make him hang on to his nuclear weapons at all costs.

Can't you see Trump could have handled this better?

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Looking beyond all the insults and name calling that does nothing to enhace the credibilty of the half wits that continue to post it on here, there is a probably a lot more to the entire Korea issue than meets the eye of the ill informed bystander which is what we all are because we only know what the all controlling politicians and manipulative media allow us to know.


Sure North Korea may have nuclear missiles but it lacks the US's economic strength and sooner or later N Korea will run out of both money and the patience of it's Chinese providers.


I, like you, have no way of knowing, but there may well be dialogue between the US and China, as well as between the two Koreas, and this issue is far from dead.


In order to negotiate both sides have to want, or need, to negotiate so rather than you lot throwing your own dummies out of your pram why not just keep your dummies in your mouths and wait and see how it develops and if you have a comment to make why not make it in non insulting terminology?


And by the way I am no admirer of Donald Trump and his style of presidency.

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Tracker - 2018-05-25 11:08 AM


Looking beyond all the insults and name calling that does nothing to enhace the credibilty of the half wits that continue to post it on here, there is a probably a lot more to the entire Korea issue than meets the eye of the ill informed bystander which is what we all are because we only know what the all controlling politicians and manipulative media allow us to know.


Sure North Korea may have nuclear missiles but it lacks the US's economic strength and sooner or later N Korea will run out of both money and the patience of it's Chinese providers.


I, like you, have no way of knowing, but there may well be dialogue between the US and China, as well as between the two Koreas, and this issue is far from dead.


In order to negotiate both sides have to want, or need, to negotiate so rather than you lot throwing your own dummies out of your pram why not just keep your dummies in your mouths and wait and see how it develops and if you have a comment to make why not make it in non insulting terminology?


And by the way I am no admirer of Donald Trump and his style of presidency.


Dont be coming up with sensible suggestions Rich. Thats no fun at all!


Maybe Don might be the right man to sort out this nutcase in North Korea I dunno, they clearly speak the same language. My dicks bigger than yours etc.



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John52 - 2018-05-25 10:49 AM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 8:10 AM


John52 - 2018-05-25 7:49 AM


Smaller countries that don't have America's power and wealth have to use something else like diplomacy, or perhaps guile and cunning. Otherwise they would be slapped down.

Maybe part of the problem is that America has so much power doesn't need to, and can have a President who acts like a spoilt child.


"Smaller countries" like North Korea and Kim Jong Un and his family have been using nuclear threats and bullying for years ... But of course POTUS Trumps the bad guy


Nobody is defending Kim Jong Un

He seems ruthless but rational - using the nuclear threat he has got.

America's reminding him of what happened in Libya, and going back on its deals, is sure to make him hang on to his nuclear weapons at all costs.

Can't you see Trump could have handled this better?


Did you just say Kim Jong Un is rational ???

You sayTrump could have handled this better but yet a lot of those who are moaning about him now are the same ones who moaned when he took a tough stance to get Kim Jong to the table ... It's purely based on a hatred for Trump and nothing more ... He's in a lose lose situation with the haters and that's great because I'd hate them to like him because if they did it would mean he'd changed and me and millions of others don't want that ... 4 more years 4 more years

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Tracker - 2018-05-25 11:08 AM


Looking beyond all the insults and name calling that does nothing to enhace the credibilty of the half wits that continue to post it on here, there is a probably a lot more to the entire Korea issue than meets the eye of the ill informed bystander which is what we all are because we only know what the all controlling politicians and manipulative media allow us to know.


Sure North Korea may have nuclear missiles but it lacks the US's economic strength and sooner or later N Korea will run out of both money and the patience of it's Chinese providers.


I, like you, have no way of knowing, but there may well be dialogue between the US and China, as well as between the two Koreas, and this issue is far from dead.


In order to negotiate both sides have to want, or need, to negotiate so rather than you lot throwing your own dummies out of your pram why not just keep your dummies in your mouths and wait and see how it develops and if you have a comment to make why not make it in non insulting terminology?


And by the way I am no admirer of Donald Trump and his style of presidency.

If we look at the numbers, and nobody loves 'willy waving' more than the US, then you are talking 6,600 nukes owned by the US and just 15 suspected by DPRK........fifteen!!


When Pence used his "Libya model" term when comparing DRRK disarmament, not only was it a completely inept and crass remark, it was a veiled threat and pretty obvious how NK would react. I find it totally staggering the US *supposedly* about to form some kind of diplomatic relation with NK could behave in such a manner. Very unprofessional.


It should be apparent now to the rest of the world that Trumps intention was not sincere at all and his bellicose rhetoric is totally counterproductive. The USA's bully boy baiting is nothing new under this administration and Trump is indulging dangerous and foolhardy brinkmanship because of his ego at losing face. Last week he was bullying and antagonising Iran, this week it's NK. Who will it be next week....Ireland? Any country.....as long as they are smaller and less powerful.


They should look back on history to 1961 and their disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion where they got well and truly whipped and sent back home with egg on their face.


All credit to the North Koreans whose foreign minister said his government was willing to talk “at any time in any form.” Ball nicely put firmly back over the net to Trumps side.

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Maybe POTUS Trump could've done what Obama did for years ... Nothing ... 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump not the tooth fairy ... Those in the know here on Chatterbox know best of course as usual ... They've looked up a few stuff on the web and become experts on North Korea/American talks ... Brilliant
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antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


Maybe POTUS Trump could've done what Obama did for years ... Nothing ... 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump not the tooth fairy ... Those in the know here on Chatterbox know best of course as usual ... They've looked up a few stuff on the web and become experts on North Korea/American talks ... Brilliant

Obama achieved a hell of a lot under his administration which Trump has obsessed over trashing and dismantling, such as the Iran deal for one. He would do better to learn how to become a statesman befitting the office of President instead of behaving like a petulant child but he's shown that's never going to happen.

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Bulletguy - 2018-05-25 4:40 PM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


Maybe POTUS Trump could've done what Obama did for years ... Nothing ... 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump not the tooth fairy ... Those in the know here on Chatterbox know best of course as usual ... They've looked up a few stuff on the web and become experts on North Korea/American talks ... Brilliant

Obama achieved a hell of a lot under his administration which Trump has obsessed over trashing and dismantling, such as the Iran deal for one. He would do better to learn how to become a statesman befitting the office of President instead of behaving like a petulant child but he's shown that's never going to happen.


The threads about North Korea and whatever POTUS Trump does wether good or bad will only be shot down by you and the other losers on here ... That's the behaviour of petulant children ... Is his Impending Impeachment!! Any closer ???

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antony1969 - 2018-05-25 11:10 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-05-25 4:40 PM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


Maybe POTUS Trump could've done what Obama did for years ... Nothing ... 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump not the tooth fairy ... Those in the know here on Chatterbox know best of course as usual ... They've looked up a few stuff on the web and become experts on North Korea/American talks ... Brilliant

Obama achieved a hell of a lot under his administration which Trump has obsessed over trashing and dismantling, such as the Iran deal for one. He would do better to learn how to become a statesman befitting the office of President instead of behaving like a petulant child but he's shown that's never going to happen.


The threads about North Korea and whatever POTUS Trump does wether good or bad will only be shot down by you and the other losers on here ... That's the behaviour of petulant children ...

Yes he is.......extremely. And as i said only yesterday though many times before, he's too unpredictable which makes him unreliable and dangerous. He's unprofessional.


And not to disappoint....Mr Unpredictable has now done a u-turn. *-)




And after bragging about other countries "respecting us again" it seems the only 'friends' he's got left now are Russia. (lol)(lol)




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antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


. 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump .....


Nothing to do with North Korea's last remaining substantial trading partners China and Russia joining sanctions against them then *-)

Its all down to the Trump administration's nuclear threats, backing out of deals, and comparisons with Gadaffi (who was deposed and killed after giving up his nuclear weapons) that will persuade Kim Jon to give up his nuclear weapons *-)

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Bulletguy - 2018-05-26 12:34 AM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 11:10 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-05-25 4:40 PM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


Maybe POTUS Trump could've done what Obama did for years ... Nothing ... 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump not the tooth fairy ... Those in the know here on Chatterbox know best of course as usual ... They've looked up a few stuff on the web and become experts on North Korea/American talks ... Brilliant

Obama achieved a hell of a lot under his administration which Trump has obsessed over trashing and dismantling, such as the Iran deal for one. He would do better to learn how to become a statesman befitting the office of President instead of behaving like a petulant child but he's shown that's never going to happen.


The threads about North Korea and whatever POTUS Trump does wether good or bad will only be shot down by you and the other losers on here ... That's the behaviour of petulant children ...

Yes he is.......extremely. And as i said only yesterday though many times before, he's too unpredictable which makes him unreliable and dangerous. He's unprofessional.


And not to disappoint....Mr Unpredictable has now done a u-turn. *-)




And after bragging about other countries "respecting us again" it seems the only 'friends' he's got left now are Russia. (lol)(lol)




If him being "unprofessional , unreliable , unpredictable" secured the release of 3 Americans and has got North Korea busting for talks then I reckon me and millions of others will take that ... Do nothing Obama is fast becoming a distant memory ... Make America Great Again Mr President xxx



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John52 - 2018-05-26 7:45 AM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


. 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump .....


Nothing to do with North Korea's last remaining substantial trading partners China and Russia joining sanctions against them then *-)

Its all down to the Trump administration's nuclear threats, backing out of deals, and comparisons with Gadaffi (who was deposed and killed after giving up his nuclear weapons) that will persuade Kim Jon to give up his nuclear weapons *-)



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antony1969 - 2018-05-26 7:54 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-05-26 12:34 AM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 11:10 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-05-25 4:40 PM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


Maybe POTUS Trump could've done what Obama did for years ... Nothing ... 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump not the tooth fairy ... Those in the know here on Chatterbox know best of course as usual ... They've looked up a few stuff on the web and become experts on North Korea/American talks ... Brilliant

Obama achieved a hell of a lot under his administration which Trump has obsessed over trashing and dismantling, such as the Iran deal for one. He would do better to learn how to become a statesman befitting the office of President instead of behaving like a petulant child but he's shown that's never going to happen.


The threads about North Korea and whatever POTUS Trump does wether good or bad will only be shot down by you and the other losers on here ... That's the behaviour of petulant children ...

Yes he is.......extremely. And as i said only yesterday though many times before, he's too unpredictable which makes him unreliable and dangerous. He's unprofessional.


And not to disappoint....Mr Unpredictable has now done a u-turn. *-)




And after bragging about other countries "respecting us again" it seems the only 'friends' he's got left now are Russia. (lol)(lol)




If him being "unprofessional , unreliable , unpredictable" secured the release of 3 Americans and has got North Korea busting for talks then I reckon me and millions of others will take that ... Do nothing Obama is fast becoming a distant memory ... Make America Great Again Mr President xxx

Actually it was Sweden who was "heavily engaged" in negotiating and securing their release as reported by mainstream US media......but Sweden engaged professional diplomatic skills rather than the bellicose antagonistic rhetoric of Trump you swoon over.


So you should be thanking them instead of blowing kisses to your love flame. *-)



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Bulletguy - 2018-05-26 1:23 PM


antony1969 - 2018-05-26 7:54 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-05-26 12:34 AM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 11:10 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-05-25 4:40 PM


antony1969 - 2018-05-25 4:14 PM


Maybe POTUS Trump could've done what Obama did for years ... Nothing ... 3 Americans already released and North Korea saying they want to talk and already started dismantling nuclear test sites ... That's down to POTUS Trump not the tooth fairy ... Those in the know here on Chatterbox know best of course as usual ... They've looked up a few stuff on the web and become experts on North Korea/American talks ... Brilliant

Obama achieved a hell of a lot under his administration which Trump has obsessed over trashing and dismantling, such as the Iran deal for one. He would do better to learn how to become a statesman befitting the office of President instead of behaving like a petulant child but he's shown that's never going to happen.


The threads about North Korea and whatever POTUS Trump does wether good or bad will only be shot down by you and the other losers on here ... That's the behaviour of petulant children ...

Yes he is.......extremely. And as i said only yesterday though many times before, he's too unpredictable which makes him unreliable and dangerous. He's unprofessional.


And not to disappoint....Mr Unpredictable has now done a u-turn. *-)




And after bragging about other countries "respecting us again" it seems the only 'friends' he's got left now are Russia. (lol)(lol)




If him being "unprofessional , unreliable , unpredictable" secured the release of 3 Americans and has got North Korea busting for talks then I reckon me and millions of others will take that ... Do nothing Obama is fast becoming a distant memory ... Make America Great Again Mr President xxx

Actually it was Sweden who was "heavily engaged" in negotiating and securing their release as reported by mainstream US media......but Sweden engaged professional diplomatic skills rather than the bellicose antagonistic rhetoric of Trump you swoon over.


So you should be thanking them instead of blowing kisses to your love flame. *-)




CNN ??? C'mon ... Clinton News Network isn't going to credit POTUS Trump with anything but failure are they ... A lot like yourself ... If Sweden played a part then hats off to Sweden ... 3 Americans are free ... What a sad man you are ... You've claimed Sweden used "professional diplomatic skills" ... You can show exactly what was said and done I presume during discussions to back up that claim ???

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Bulletguy - 2018-05-26 1:23 PM

Actually it was Sweden who was "heavily engaged" in negotiating and securing their release as reported by mainstream US media......but Sweden engaged professional diplomatic skills rather than the bellicose antagonistic rhetoric of Trump you swoon over.


Countries like Sweden tend to have better leadership because they can't use military and economic might like Trump.

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