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learnt a new word today - toolbag


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My vans longer than a car so when I get in an on street parking space it doesn't leave so much room in front and behind. Just got into a space in Keighley today and heard a woman shout - how am I supposed to get out of there toolbag :$

(she had enough room but I moved rather than argue with her)

But at least I have learned a new word today :-D

Been called lots of things but I can't recall being called a toolbag before :-D

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Many years ago when I helped run a boys football team some of the older lads used to call the large sack that we kept the training balls in the 'scrote', so maybe you miss heard her call you a ball bag?


Just explaining, and not that I would ever call you that I do hope you understand!

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Tracker - 2018-08-08 9:33 AM


Many years ago when I helped run a boys football team some of the older lads used to call the large sack that we kept the training balls in the 'scrote', so maybe you miss heard her call you a ball bag?


Just explaining, and not that I would ever call you that I do hope you understand!


and not that I would ever say you were wrong I hope you understand ;-)

But she screeched 'Toolbag' at such volume there was no mistaking it :D

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