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Boris and Letter Box Burkas


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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-08-08 8:06 PM


Boris is just trying to become the UK Trump. Get all the purple people onside first by becoming outrageous and a bit racist then make a leadership bid. I happen to agree with him and most of whats been said on here but he is a self serving career polly and knows exactly what he is doing.


How long before he suggests rebuilding Hadrians wall?


Religion isn't a race :-| ...............It's a culture ;-) ..........



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We may think that burkas look either elegant or silly and we may think that having muslim women wear such garments in pursuit of their religion is right or wrong - but the issue here is whether the UK should make wearing the burka/niquab in public illegal.  Given that we already have a law which empowers a police officer to tell anyone who is wearing anything which disguises their identity to remove it (failing which he/she can take them into custody) I don't see there is a problem.

Likewise, people dress up in all sorts of silly things for religious or other reasons and unless the costume (or whatever it is) confilcts with other laws (such as the one about wearing disguises, public decency laws etc) we don't have a problem with that either, do we?
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Guest pelmetman

Given our current terrorists threat level is severe, then I think the Burqa should be banned, especially as it's those that wear the Burqa practice the religion that is behind the raised threat level :-| ............









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antony1969 - 2018-08-09 6:43 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-08 8:06 PM


Boris is just trying to become the UK Trump. Get all the purple people onside first by becoming outrageous and a bit racist then make a leadership bid. I happen to agree with him and most of whats been said on here but he is a self serving career polly and knows exactly what he is doing.


How long before he suggests rebuilding Hadrians wall?


What did he say that was racist ??? ... Racist towards a religion ??? Daft white women wear the hijab and burka so cant be anything to do with colour ??? He never mentioned any nationality so what d'ya mean and actually a point your forgetting conveniently to mention is that he was defending the right to wear the silly things ... Was your Brexit hero "career polly" Ken Clarke racist when he described the burka like wearing a kind of bag ??? Was he saying it because he wanted to make a "leadership bid" ???


Of course its racist (mildly so, Im not saying he is about to join Britain first or start a new National Front), he singled out and insulted specifically Muslims who wear the Burka. Ok so they can be white Muslims or according to you non muslim white women that wear it (thats a new one on me) but its still going to offend Muslims in the main. Its just not something someone in his situation should have said.


Its not like its the first time either. He had a go at Obama's Kenyan background over Brexit and also He suggested the Queen must love touring the Commonwealth because she's greeted by "cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies" and that in the Congo, Tony Blair would be met with "watermelon smiles".


Of course this will endear him to the purple voters as a bloke who doesnt give a stuff, a good old boy who damn well says what we are all thinking and will damn well make Britain great again! When in fact Boris is just a complete self centred To$$er who will just make Boris greater.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-08-09 9:46 AM


Of course this will endear him to the purple voters


Barry the purple people hater :D .........


Well, I saw the thing comin' out of the sky

It had the one long horn, one big eye

I commenced to shakin' and I said "ooh-eee"

It looks like a purple hater to me


It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people hater

(One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people hater)

A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people hater

Sure looks strange to me (one eye?)


Well he came down to earth and he lit in a tree

I said Mr. Purple People Hater, don't eat me

I heard him say in a voice so gruff

"I wouldn't eat you 'cause you're so tough"


It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people hater

One-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people hater

One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people hater

Sure looks strange to me (one horn?)


I said Mr. Purple People Hater, what's your line?

He said "Hatin' purple people and it sure is fine

But that's not the reason that I came to land

I want to get a job in a rock and roll band"


Well bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people Hater

Pigeon-toed, under-growed, flyin' purple people Hater

(We wear short shorts) friendly little people Hater

What a sight to see (oh!)


And then he swung from the tree and he lit on the ground

And he started to rock, really rockin' around

It was a crazy ditty with a swingin' tune

(Sing a boop-boop, a-boopa lopa lum bam boom)


Well, bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people Hater

Pigeon-toed, under growed, flyin' purple people Hater

"I like short shorts!" flyin' purple people Hater

What a sight to see (purple people?)


Well, he went on his way, and then what do ya know?

I saw him last night on a TV show

He was blowing it out, really knockin' em dead

Playin' rock and roll music through the horn in his head


He's the mythical Unicorn 8-) ..........

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I thought we had "freedom of Speech" in this country???


At least he says what he thinks.which is more than some politicians .


Lets be honest, They do look like post boxes. And do cause problems , as it has been found that some MEN dress in them to hide when causing trouble.

Another thought, How do customs officers check them? We have been asked to take sun glasses off , at customs



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Tracker - 2018-08-08 5:51 PM

Boris knows that any publicity is good publicity and keeps him in the public eye.

It is for him when it gets people like you to vote for him.

Does he care that, yet again, his intervention has made a bad situation worse: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-blunders-nazanin-zaghari-ratcliffe-libya-dead-bodies-worst-gaffes-foreign-secretary-a8041686.html

Calling them 'letter boxes' and 'bank robbers' might impress you, but its playing right into their hands :-(

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John52 - 2018-08-09 5:46 PM


Tracker - 2018-08-08 5:51 PM

Boris knows that any publicity is good publicity and keeps him in the public eye.

It is for him when it gets people like you to vote for him.

Does he care that, yet again, his intervention has made a bad situation worse: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-blunders-nazanin-zaghari-ratcliffe-libya-dead-bodies-worst-gaffes-foreign-secretary-a8041686.html

Calling them 'letter boxes' and 'bank robbers' might impress you, but its playing right into their hands :-(


There you go again, trying to apply your own demented distorted thinking to other people who are quite capable of giving their own views.

Nowhere did I say I have ever voted for Boris, indeed from where I live it would not be possible - but don't let that stop you trying to delude yourself.

Nowhere did I say that it impressed me - that's your twisted dementia again - remind me again just whose are 'their' hands that I am alleged to be playing right into?

Please wait until you are sober or lucid before replying!

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Barryd999 - 2018-08-09 9:46 AM


antony1969 - 2018-08-09 6:43 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-08 8:06 PM


Boris is just trying to become the UK Trump. Get all the purple people onside first by becoming outrageous and a bit racist then make a leadership bid. I happen to agree with him and most of whats been said on here but he is a self serving career polly and knows exactly what he is doing.


How long before he suggests rebuilding Hadrians wall?


What did he say that was racist ??? ... Racist towards a religion ??? Daft white women wear the hijab and burka so cant be anything to do with colour ??? He never mentioned any nationality so what d'ya mean and actually a point your forgetting conveniently to mention is that he was defending the right to wear the silly things ... Was your Brexit hero "career polly" Ken Clarke racist when he described the burka like wearing a kind of bag ??? Was he saying it because he wanted to make a "leadership bid" ???


Of course its racist (mildly so, Im not saying he is about to join Britain first or start a new National Front), he singled out and insulted specifically Muslims who wear the Burka. Ok so they can be white Muslims or according to you non muslim white women that wear it (thats a new one on me) but its still going to offend Muslims in the main. Its just not something someone in his situation should have said.


Its not like its the first time either. He had a go at Obama's Kenyan background over Brexit and also He suggested the Queen must love touring the Commonwealth because she's greeted by "cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies" and that in the Congo, Tony Blair would be met with "watermelon smiles".


Of course this will endear him to the purple voters as a bloke who doesnt give a stuff, a good old boy who damn well says what we are all thinking and will damn well make Britain great again! When in fact Boris is just a complete self centred To$$er who will just make Boris greater.


Eh ... I didn't say non-Muslim women wear the burka did I ... What was racist about his Obama line ... Hasn't Obama got Kenyan blood ... Your type make the word racist worthless ... He hasn't said a God damn thing thats racist and what the hell hes said regarding the burka that makes him a "self centred to$$er" I dont know given he was actually defending the right to wear the frigging hideous thing

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Tracker - 2018-08-09 6:02 PM

Nowhere did I say I have ever voted for Boris,

Nowhere did I say you did. Please read it again because I don't know how I can put it any clearer.

Tracker - 2018-08-09 6:02 PMremind me again just whose are 'their' hands that I am alleged to be playing right into?

Again that is not what I said.

So please read it again because I don't know how I can put it any clearer.

If you really want a sober lucid conversation you need to stop altering what people have said.

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I heard an interview on Radio 4 this morning of a US nominee Congresswoman (a muslim, daughter of palestinian immigrants) who was asked, out of the blue to her, about Boris's description of burqa wearers as "looking like bank robbers". She unhesitatingly said it was a rediculous description to insert into any sort of serious article or discussion about the wearing of burqas. 

I think she has a point.
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Guest pelmetman
StuartO - 2018-08-10 7:51 AM
I heard an interview on Radio 4 this morning of a US nominee Congresswoman (a muslim, daughter of palestinian immigrants) who was asked, out of the blue to her, about Boris's description of burqa wearers as "looking like bank robbers". She unhesitatingly said it was a rediculous description to insert into any sort of serious article or discussion about the wearing of burqas. 

I think she has a point.
You mean we should only use bland language to discuss the peccadilloes of a certain religion? ;-) ..........Sounds like a attack on freedom of speech by the usual suspects to me *-) .........
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StuartO - 2018-08-10 7:51 AM
I heard an interview on Radio 4 this morning of a US nominee Congresswoman (a muslim, daughter of palestinian immigrants) who was asked, out of the blue to her, about Boris's description of burqa wearers as "looking like bank robbers". She unhesitatingly said it was a rediculous description to insert into any sort of serious article or discussion about the wearing of burqas. 

I think she has a point.
I heard that too.Bit biased against Boris I thought as she was NOT told the context in which it was written - or the fact that Boris does NOT think they should be banned.( …. and I'm definitely NOT a fan of Boris ! ) ;-)
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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2018-08-10 8:23 AM


Sky News ... A Muslim woman wearing the robe with just her eyes poking out claimed Boris Johnsons words had "dehumanised her" ... Lordy


I thought it was only Americans who didn't understand irony (lol) ..............



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I dunno Antony as it just seems to be a link to this post. I said Boris was mildly racist with his comments and he has certainly offended a lot of people but of course that was his intention. He has forced Theresa who's job he wants to speak out and shown his cards as a supporter of the purple people populists who will now be rallying behind Boris as they see him as one of them and against Theresa as she clearly isn't. I don't know how racist Boris really is if at all because it's all a political game to him to lead him to number 10. If he thought it would serve him to be tree hugging Muslim lover he would choose that path. He did the same with Brexit writing two letters, one In support of remaining one in support of leaving.


Sincerity is just not his thing yet People support him

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malc d - 2018-08-10 8:26 AM
StuartO - 2018-08-10 7:51 AM
I heard an interview on Radio 4 this morning of a US nominee Congresswoman (a muslim, daughter of palestinian immigrants) who was asked, out of the blue to her, about Boris's description of burqa wearers as "looking like bank robbers". She unhesitatingly said it was a rediculous description to insert into any sort of serious article or discussion about the wearing of burqas. 

I think she has a point.
I heard that too. Bit biased against Boris I thought as she was NOT told the context in which it was written - or the fact that Boris does NOT think they should be banned.( …. and I'm definitely NOT a fan of Boris ! ) ;-)

The interviewer was indeed fishing for an adverse reaction but I think the interviewee's point was that the description, even if in context it was clearly intended to be humerous, would inevitably be taken as offensive by those who wear burquas, so why alienate the people you are hoping to convince unnecessarily?  For Boris of course the aim of the article was pretty much unconnected with burquas and communicating with those who wear them and much more to do with playing to his own crowd.

It is remarkable that this issue has escalated to Boris being formally taken to task about it.

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PJay - 2018-08-09 2:24 PMI thought we had "freedom of Speech" in this country???At least he says what he thinks.which is more than some politicians .Lets be honest, They do look like post boxes. And do cause problems , as it has been found that some MEN dress in them to hide when causing trouble. Another thought, How do customs officers check them? We have been asked to take sun glasses off , at customsPJay

I take his point about the niquab looking like a letter box but the comparrison with armed robbers doesn't ring so true - don't they wear balaclavas or womens' nylon stocking pulled over their heads these days - and classically wasn't the uniform a striped jersey and an eyeband?  That still doesn't mean it's a good idea to introduce gratuitous insults into the argument about whether they should be made illegal.
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StuartO - 2018-08-10 9:07 AM It is remarkable that this issue has escalated to Boris being formally taken to task about it.

I agree - storm in a teacup - I'm sure all the attacks are being motivated by his political opponents.You would think that by now he would have stopped giving them such a lot of ammunition - but I suppose,without his exhibitionism, he wouldn't be Boris.Politics requires diplomacy so I think he would be more at home sticking to the tabloid press. :-|
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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2018-08-10 9:23 AM


Politics requires diplomacy



The establishment status quo requires diplomacy ;-) ............


Change requires a kick up the backside :D .........



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Barryd999 - 2018-08-10 9:03 AM



I dunno Antony as it just seems to be a link to this post. I said Boris was mildly racist with his comments and he has certainly offended a lot of people but of course that was his intention. He has forced Theresa who's job he wants to speak out and shown his cards as a supporter of the purple people populists who will now be rallying behind Boris as they see him as one of them and against Theresa as she clearly isn't. I don't know how racist Boris really is if at all because it's all a political game to him to lead him to number 10. If he thought it would serve him to be tree hugging Muslim lover he would choose that path. He did the same with Brexit writing two letters, one In support of remaining one in support of leaving.


Sincerity is just not his thing yet People support him


I thought he wrote the 2 letters to help him make a decision ??? ... Maybe given his open admiration for POTUS Trump he's just sick of being PC which is something that's been slowly killing free speech for years ... Well free speech against certain folk but not for others it seems to me ... I believe he's about as racist as you because I'm sure any sane person can't agree with what the burka represents and any sane person would say it does look a little like a post box or bank robbers gear ... Difference is its Boris thats said it and as you've picked up on he's a bang on Brexiteer which is the real reason most are on his case ... I'm slightly surprised you haven't mentioned his wealth

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2018-08-10 9:50 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-10 9:03 AM



I dunno Antony as it just seems to be a link to this post. I said Boris was mildly racist with his comments and he has certainly offended a lot of people but of course that was his intention. He has forced Theresa who's job he wants to speak out and shown his cards as a supporter of the purple people populists who will now be rallying behind Boris as they see him as one of them and against Theresa as she clearly isn't. I don't know how racist Boris really is if at all because it's all a political game to him to lead him to number 10. If he thought it would serve him to be tree hugging Muslim lover he would choose that path. He did the same with Brexit writing two letters, one In support of remaining one in support of leaving.


Sincerity is just not his thing yet People support him


I thought he wrote the 2 letters to help him make a decision ??? ... Maybe given his open admiration for POTUS Trump he's just sick of being PC which is something that's been slowly killing free speech for years ... Well free speech against certain folk but not for others it seems to me ... I believe he's about as racist as you because I'm sure any sane person can't agree with what the burka represents and any sane person would say it does look a little like a post box or bank robbers gear ... Difference is its Boris thats said it and as you've picked up on he's a bang on Brexiteer which is the real reason most are on his case ... I'm slightly surprised you haven't mentioned his wealth


As I see it Boris is being attacked by two groups with agendas :-| ...........


First are the backstabbing Remoaners who see him as a threat >:-) ...........


Second are the Islamist's who are trying to present any negative discussion of their religion as Islamophobia, and in so doing trying to get folk to pander to their victim hood agenda *-) .............

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pelmetman - 2018-08-10 10:04 AM


antony1969 - 2018-08-10 9:50 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-10 9:03 AM



I dunno Antony as it just seems to be a link to this post. I said Boris was mildly racist with his comments and he has certainly offended a lot of people but of course that was his intention. He has forced Theresa who's job he wants to speak out and shown his cards as a supporter of the purple people populists who will now be rallying behind Boris as they see him as one of them and against Theresa as she clearly isn't. I don't know how racist Boris really is if at all because it's all a political game to him to lead him to number 10. If he thought it would serve him to be tree hugging Muslim lover he would choose that path. He did the same with Brexit writing two letters, one In support of remaining one in support of leaving.


Sincerity is just not his thing yet People support him


I thought he wrote the 2 letters to help him make a decision ??? ... Maybe given his open admiration for POTUS Trump he's just sick of being PC which is something that's been slowly killing free speech for years ... Well free speech against certain folk but not for others it seems to me ... I believe he's about as racist as you because I'm sure any sane person can't agree with what the burka represents and any sane person would say it does look a little like a post box or bank robbers gear ... Difference is its Boris thats said it and as you've picked up on he's a bang on Brexiteer which is the real reason most are on his case ... I'm slightly surprised you haven't mentioned his wealth


As I see it Boris is being attacked by two groups with agendas :-| ...........


First are the backstabbing Remoaners who see him as a threat >:-) ...........


Second are the Islamist's who are trying to present any negative discussion of their religion as Islamophobia, and in so doing trying to get folk to pander to their victim hood agenda *-) .............


In Barry World he thinks Boris defending the rights of Muslim women to 'choose' to wear the burka is Boris rallying for the populist right wing vote ??? ... What a burka

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