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EasyCool1500 12/240v air con system


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I purchased my first MoHo last November, an Autoquest Stargazer. It came with an EasyCool air con system fitted to the roof over the rear kitchen area. I brought the van through MotorDepot.com and as such have no warranty. They have been very good providing answers for other queries but are unable to help with the air con system.


It worked on the day of purchase, both hot and cold, but I have been unable to get the hot side working since. Cold function works fine but when I switch over to warm air, I get an alarm sounding and a red light on the inverter. The air con unit itself appears to try and start but possibly lacks power as the switch area produces a rasping/clicking sound similar to a faulty relay switch.


I have not been able to track down an EasyCool dealer or technician in the Northamptonshire area. I believe Waeco took over EasyCool some time ago. If anybody has any info on technicians that might look at the unit for I would appreciate it, or any personal experience data/info. Thanks.




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I would imagine the red light and alarm on the inverter are because of a low battery voltage .


When you saw the unit operating was it on EHU or running off the inverter, and if the latter then was the engine also running?


It may be that the inverter is only capable of running the unit in cooling mode and not heating.



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The unit was running on EHU at the time, without the engine running. I had battery problems over the following week or so, presumably because the van hadn't been used for several months, (it's owner having been struck down with lung cancer). The starter battery, rated 650a, was only showing 420a after 30 minutes driving. I had it replaced with an 800a. (All from memory - I'll check the batteries in the morning).


This did not make any difference, the alarms still sounding when on EHU or battery power.


Could it be that the leisure battery is nearing it's end of life and does not hold enough capacity?

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We had this system on our van. The heating only worked on ehu,. The air con worked on ehu and when the engine was on. When we used the air con whilst travelling, we turned it off before the engine was turned off

You don't say how old the system is. Our inverter did stop working after some years, but the system always worked on ehu.

We did remove it in the end, as the weight was an issue for . . Cant help with instruction book , as we sold the system and books with it.

But you may be able to find instructions by Google

I would definitely get a new domestic battery


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