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If at first you don't succeed try try again


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Hi all,

I am thinking once again to give motorhoming another try this time with a smaller older van I hope to go over the water as well as in the UK and I would like some advice.

The Van is a 2004 Fiat Trigano Tribute with 38,000 on the clock it looks in Mint condition and the owner says it is his baby and has wanted for nothing,

That shows with the amount of things that he has showered on it.

It had the cambelt done last year, new tyres a new pull out awning a solar panel, full service this year and has an eleven month MOT among other things and there is" NO RUST:!! apart from a very small bit on the bottom of the drivers window

Reason for selling is he wants to take his grandchildren with him and it is not big enough and has brought a caravan.

First the price that I am paying is I think fair what do you think is a fair price for this van in great condition,IF you have one or have owned one of these Vans do you have anything that you think that I should look for.

Would I be able to take it over the water due to all the restrictions on emissions.

I do not know what euro rating there is on this van IF any and where I will be able to go.

In the climate as it is now what will be the chances of the government saying that I will be banned from all towns and my vehicle being worth nowt.

It is no use saying O that will not happen in my life time as I have read from other Motorhomes a lot just lately that they have the same worries.

I chose not to buy a new van yet so my loss will not be as bad do you think I have nothing to worry about and am I making a good choice.

Am I worrying for nothing.




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Regarding emissions restrictions, applying for an emissions ‘sticker’ for France does not require that a vehicle’s Euro Rating be known as the vehicle’s date of first registration can be used instead. For a 2004-registered diesel-fuelled motorhome a Sticker 4 would be issued, equivalent to a Euro 3 rating. Other countries have their own emissions regulations and there’s never any guarantee that those rules won’t change. For more information refer to this link




(But DO NOT use this website to apply for these ‘badges’ as the website applies a high management charge.)


How old are you? I’m 74 and I have no concerns about governments ‘banning' my motorhome usage. There are three reasons for this


1: I shall almost certainly have ceased motorcaravanning before any such restrictions might realistically come into force.


2: I can’t do anything to affect governmental restrictions or rule-changing.


3: I treat my present Rapido motorhome as an unnecessary toy and, if it suddenly became worthless, while this would irritate it wouldn’t really harm me financially.


If you are going to agonise over unpredictabilities, or the cost of buying a 2004 motorhome will be really critical for you, don’t buy another motorhome.


There two links are to a Trigano Tribute (“Triggy”) related website and Facebook group.






The latter carries an advert for a 2004/38K mileage Tribute, on offer at £14500.


Other on-line asking-prices for 2004 Tributes vary from £16K to £19K (examples here)




Without knowing what the asking-price is of the particular Tribute you’ve referred to, it’s hard to know whether it’s ‘fair’ or not. But as the owner has now changed to caravanning, and it’s a private sale, and (presumably) there will be no warranty, try offering £14K.

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If you want reassuring over the condition of the Tribute then why not get an inspection done by the likes of the Mobile Caravan Engineers








PS And I very much support your attitude of 'try again'!!!


PPS And my attitude to emissions zones is 'if they don't want us then we don't want them' and steer clear and find areas we are made welcome.

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Mickydripin - 2019-05-04 9:55 PM


Am I worrying for nothing.





Probably worrying a bit too much I would say.


People who keep changing their vans constantly worry but about resale value ( understandably ) - but in my case I bought a van many years ago and kept it. Over the years it has saved me thousands in hotel bills and I have seen most of western Europe from the North Cape to Croatia - so I have no concern at all about how much value it is losing. No-one should buy any vehicle with the idea that it is an investment, they all lose money ( with the possible exception of classic vehicles ).

Anything I get for my van when I eventually sell it , I regard as a bonus !



As for emissions - no doubt over the next few years there will be more restrictions about entering towns and cities - but as I avoid both that doesn't concern me too much.


The government claims to be very concerned about our vehicles and climate change - but at the same time plans a new runway at Heathrow - and recently gave the go ahead for a new cruise liner terminal at Greenwich - so I'm not expecting any major legislation very soon. Most of the forward plans concern the design and sale of new vehicles anyway.


On the continent - which is my preferred area for touring - it would be interesting to see the reaction of the Yellow Vest organization in France if any draconian restrictions were suddenly imposed.


Good luck !



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Guest pelmetman

Cant say I've been prevented from going anywhere because of emissions? :-S ........


That said in 11 years time I'll be able to enter London congestion charge free as Horace will be 40 :D .......


Might just drive through to annoy them with my stinky diesel (lol) .......



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Hi everybody,

Thanks for your replies every little helps.

I would have liked more on things to look for on the Fiat Tribute of this age you have covered most things.

I will let you know how I get on when I go to see it tomorrow wish me luck!. Mike.


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I have German and French stickers. Some quite large areas are now involved in restrictions. I understand that the area around Grenoble, and not just the city itself) is a restricted zone. Belgium has also introduced restrictions for some cities like Antwerp that require you to register before you enter or face fines.
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Guest pelmetman

Perhaps the pertinent question is?..........Has anyone ever actually had a fine for entering these EU zones?.....


As I got a fine for my brother driving my car over the Dartford crossing :-| .......


Just askin?.......



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