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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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Barryd999 - 2019-10-07 5:50 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-07 5:11 PM


malc d - 2019-10-07 4:00 PM


What a pity no-one explained it " nice and clearly " BEFORE the referendum -

instead of all that scaremongering cr*p.



Worth a read of the first post on this from a University lecturer.




If the intention is no deal and many say thats been the plan all along then it is as that lecturer says an appalling abuse of power. There is clearly no mandate for it. This latest poll shows that quite clearly.




Its still alarming that one third of voters would actually support a no deal exit but in no way do a majority.

There never was a mandate for it but Johnsons backers have got £ billions riding on it so he's got to enrich them. Democracy has gone....the country is being milked by disaster capitalists and controlled by the US and Russia who both want to break up the EU.


Not surprised at the faithful few.....they've been successfully brainwashed and programmed to keep parroting the mantras. All cults follow the same pattern of indoctrination and misinformation and Brexit has been no different.

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747 - 2019-10-07 7:17 PM


Oh mr bulletguy, you are so wonderful. Whatever would we do without your clear incisive grasp of matters. We dummies would have been led up the garden path without you. 8-)


I bet you have shifted all your money out of Turnips though and followed Crispin Odious into shorting the pound. Whatever the feck that means. (I know what it means of course. Mwhahahahaaa! )

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Barryd999 - 2019-10-08 6:31 PM


pelmetman - 2019-10-08 1:56 PM


Just 23 days to go B-) ..............


Until No Deal >:-) ............



Dream on. I would change your sig (again) now to avoid further embarrassment.


Dream On. He'll have to change a lot more than his signature to avoid further embarrasement :D

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pelmetman - 2019-10-09 9:17 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-08 10:45 PM



Seems to going fine to me B-) .........




Steady as you go Bojo.........You've got the Hun on the run >:-) ...........



you and five million mail readers are going to need counselling when Brexit is cancelled.

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Barryd999 - 2019-10-09 10:11 AM


pelmetman - 2019-10-09 9:17 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-08 10:45 PM



Seems to going fine to me B-) .........




Steady as you go Bojo.........You've got the Hun on the run >:-) ...........



you and five million mail readers are going to need counselling when Brexit is cancelled.

Leave EU campaign did a huge amount of damage yesterday.


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-10-09 3:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-09 10:11 AM


pelmetman - 2019-10-09 9:17 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-08 10:45 PM



Seems to going fine to me B-) .........




Steady as you go Bojo.........You've got the Hun on the run >:-) ...........



you and five million mail readers are going to need counselling when Brexit is cancelled.

Leave EU campaign did a huge amount of damage yesterday.



We either leave voluntarily or get chucked out ;-) ...........


Brexit means Exit >:-) ............


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More bad news for Bresh1ters. :D


Britain has turned against Brexit and would now vote to stay in the European Union, according to the biggest ever poll-of-polls.


The YouGov analysis for the Evening Standard of 300 surveys shows “concrete” evidence that the country shifted against quitting the European bloc in the year after the June 2016 referendum and has steadfastly stuck to this position ever since.


One of the most striking findings is that 204 out of 226 polls since July 2017 have shown Remain ahead, with just seven for Leave, and 15 ties.


So far this year, just one poll in the series has put Leave ahead, compared to 74 for staying in the EU.




(ps; standby for wails of fake news, project fear and surrender monkey bollax from rabid Brexsh1ters!) *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-10-10 6:27 PM



More bad news for Bresh1ters. :D


Britain has turned against Brexit and would now vote to stay in the European Union, according to the biggest ever poll-of-polls.


The YouGov analysis for the Evening Standard of 300 surveys shows “concrete” evidence that the country shifted against quitting the European bloc in the year after the June 2016 referendum and has steadfastly stuck to this position ever since.


One of the most striking findings is that 204 out of 226 polls since July 2017 have shown Remain ahead, with just seven for Leave, and 15 ties.


So far this year, just one poll in the series has put Leave ahead, compared to 74 for staying in the EU.




(ps; standby for wails of fake news, project fear and surrender monkey bollax from rabid Brexsh1ters!) *-)


According to analysts ;-) ..........


Or as they're otherwise known SMSM.......Surrender Monkey Spin Merchants (lol) .........


If what you say were true :-| .........Oh No Joe would be beating Boris in the polls >:-) .......


BTW.......should anyone be interested in doing their own analyzing :D ...........






They seem remarkably similar to when Leave got dicked last time B-) ...........


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pelmetman - 2019-10-11 7:42 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-10 6:27 PM



More bad news for Bresh1ters. :D


Britain has turned against Brexit and would now vote to stay in the European Union, according to the biggest ever poll-of-polls.


The YouGov analysis for the Evening Standard of 300 surveys shows “concrete” evidence that the country shifted against quitting the European bloc in the year after the June 2016 referendum and has steadfastly stuck to this position ever since.


One of the most striking findings is that 204 out of 226 polls since July 2017 have shown Remain ahead, with just seven for Leave, and 15 ties.


So far this year, just one poll in the series has put Leave ahead, compared to 74 for staying in the EU.




(ps; standby for wails of fake news, project fear and surrender monkey bollax from rabid Brexsh1ters!) *-)


According to analysts ;-) ..........


Or as they're otherwise known SMSM.......Surrender Monkey Spin Merchants (lol) .........


If what you say were true :-| .........Oh No Joe would be beating Boris in the polls >:-) .......


BTW.......should anyone be interested in doing their own analyzing :D ...........






They seem remarkably similar to when Leave got dicked last time B-) ...........


Bollox. Brexit is not the only reason people vote for a party. The remain vote is split over more parties than the leave vote as well although why the Tories are still ahead in the polls is beyond me. They were way further ahead in 2017 though and looked what happened then. They had a 21 point lead when the election was announced. However Corbyns Glastonbury days of "Oooh Jeremy Corybn" are well dead and buried.


The only way to settle the argument over brexit and the endless polls is a referendum on what is actually available which ultimately will likely be no deal vs remain. latest poll, by YouGov according to that article shows that if there is a second referendum with the choice between Remain or quitting with “No Deal”, the staying-in option wins by 55 per cent to 45 per cent. That is a clear majority but to be honest I find it staggering if its true that as many as 45% of those asked are as bat sh1t crazy as you are.

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Barryd999 - 2019-10-11 10:40 AM

why the Tories are still ahead in the polls is beyond me.


Their Spin Doctor Dominic Cummins (who is now more in demand than Tory Bliar so he's looking for another job) Only just got round to watching a clip Bulletguy posted as its a bit long winded but very interesting:

Like the Mad Hatter who has soaked it all up, DC refers to everyone by their surname except 'Boris'

DC feels the slogan on the side of the bus - lets give it to the NHS instead got more votes than the £350 million claim - because many people rightly feel that most Tory MP's don't really care about the NHS.

There was also the scaremongering about immigration - which, since most people didn't understand the reasons for, DC managed to blame on the EU *-)

But the biggest blinder they played was the slogan 'Take Back Control'. DC says that if he was running the remain Campaign the first thing he would have done would have been to get rid of 'Cameron & Osborne' - two Etonian Tory Posh Boys running the remain campaign was exactly the wrong image and it played right into their hands. (They were so out of touch they thought they could win the remain campaign by saying leaving the EU would lead to a fall in house prices)

The masterstroke slogan 'Take Back Control' gave the impression the EU had taken control from 'us' (despite the UK opting out of everything it didn't want like the Euro, and ignoring the EU to invade Iraq) - and that leaving the EU would give control to the people. *-)

What Dominic Cummins did not forsee was Michael Gove throwing a curved ball against BoJo. He expected BoJo to be the next PM after David Cameron. So Dominic Cummins had more work to do. But thats another story.

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pelmetman - 2019-10-11 7:42 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-10 6:27 PM



More bad news for Bresh1ters. :D


Britain has turned against Brexit and would now vote to stay in the European Union, according to the biggest ever poll-of-polls.


The YouGov analysis for the Evening Standard of 300 surveys shows “concrete” evidence that the country shifted against quitting the European bloc in the year after the June 2016 referendum and has steadfastly stuck to this position ever since.


One of the most striking findings is that 204 out of 226 polls since July 2017 have shown Remain ahead, with just seven for Leave, and 15 ties.


So far this year, just one poll in the series has put Leave ahead, compared to 74 for staying in the EU.




(ps; standby for wails of fake news, project fear and surrender monkey bollax from rabid Brexsh1ters!) *-)


According to analysts ;-) ..........


Or as they're otherwise known SMSM.......Surrender Monkey Spin Merchants (lol)

I knew you'd throw your dummy out as the above comment clearly shows.

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Barryd999 - 2019-10-11 10:40 AM


pelmetman - 2019-10-11 7:42 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-10 6:27 PM



More bad news for Bresh1ters. :D


Britain has turned against Brexit and would now vote to stay in the European Union, according to the biggest ever poll-of-polls.


The YouGov analysis for the Evening Standard of 300 surveys shows “concrete” evidence that the country shifted against quitting the European bloc in the year after the June 2016 referendum and has steadfastly stuck to this position ever since.


One of the most striking findings is that 204 out of 226 polls since July 2017 have shown Remain ahead, with just seven for Leave, and 15 ties.


So far this year, just one poll in the series has put Leave ahead, compared to 74 for staying in the EU.




(ps; standby for wails of fake news, project fear and surrender monkey bollax from rabid Brexsh1ters!) *-)


According to analysts ;-) ..........


Or as they're otherwise known SMSM.......Surrender Monkey Spin Merchants (lol) .........


If what you say were true :-| .........Oh No Joe would be beating Boris in the polls >:-) .......


BTW.......should anyone be interested in doing their own analyzing :D ...........






They seem remarkably similar to when Leave got dicked last time B-) ...........

The only way to settle the argument over brexit and the endless polls is a referendum on what is actually available which ultimately will likely be no deal vs remain.

The electorate should be balloted on no deal vs Remain.....thats what the cultists most fear as they know they'd lose it.


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-10-11 1:15 PM


Barryd999 - 2019-10-11 10:40 AM


pelmetman - 2019-10-11 7:42 AM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-10 6:27 PM



More bad news for Bresh1ters. :D


Britain has turned against Brexit and would now vote to stay in the European Union, according to the biggest ever poll-of-polls.


The YouGov analysis for the Evening Standard of 300 surveys shows “concrete” evidence that the country shifted against quitting the European bloc in the year after the June 2016 referendum and has steadfastly stuck to this position ever since.


One of the most striking findings is that 204 out of 226 polls since July 2017 have shown Remain ahead, with just seven for Leave, and 15 ties.


So far this year, just one poll in the series has put Leave ahead, compared to 74 for staying in the EU.




(ps; standby for wails of fake news, project fear and surrender monkey bollax from rabid Brexsh1ters!) *-)


According to analysts ;-) ..........


Or as they're otherwise known SMSM.......Surrender Monkey Spin Merchants (lol) .........


If what you say were true :-| .........Oh No Joe would be beating Boris in the polls >:-) .......


BTW.......should anyone be interested in doing their own analyzing :D ...........






They seem remarkably similar to when Leave got dicked last time B-) ...........

The only way to settle the argument over brexit and the endless polls is a referendum on what is actually available which ultimately will likely be no deal vs remain.

The electorate should be balloted on no deal vs Remain.....thats what the cultists most fear as they know they'd lose it.


That's what the polls said last time >:-) .........


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Bulletguy - 2019-10-11 1:15 PM

The electorate should be balloted on no deal vs Remain....


now we different people running the remain campaign.

We were aghast to see places like Sunderland voting for Brexit. Until you realise what they were voting against. Cameron & Osborne had only ever had to win Tory votes, Osborne especially seemed to think he was still campaigning in Tatton with his falling house price comment. Sunderland had years of Austerity, Massive Inequality, all the money being spent in the South East, Dominic Cummings 'Lets Take Back Control' must have made them think that by voting for Brexit they were just taking a swipe at the likes of Cameron & Osborne.

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2019-10-11 7:57 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-10-11 1:15 PM

The electorate should be balloted on no deal vs Remain....


now we different people running the remain campaign.

We were aghast to see places like Sunderland voting for Brexit. Until you realise what they were voting against. Cameron & Osborne had only ever had to win Tory votes, Osborne especially seemed to think he was still campaigning in Tatton with his falling house price comment. Sunderland had years of Austerity, Massive Inequality, all the money being spent in the South East, Dominic Cummings 'Lets Take Back Control' must have made them think that by voting for Brexit they were just taking a swipe at the likes of Cameron & Osborne.


How am I different? ;-) .............


After 3 years of your Loser sh*te I'm just more fecking belligerent >:-) .........


Keep on dreaming LOSER (lol) (lol) (lol) ........


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Guest pelmetman
pelmetman - 2019-10-13 8:50 AM



Keep it up Bojo ;-) ...........




Jeremy Corbyn might agree with you.

If BoJo gets his no deal Brexit, even Dominic Cummings won't be able to hide all the consequences for long, so the Tory Party will be finished.

Why do you think BoJo is so desperate to hold the election before we leave *-)

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John52 - 2019-10-13 9:05 AM


pelmetman - 2019-10-13 8:50 AM



Keep it up Bojo ;-) ...........




Jeremy Corbyn might agree with you.

If BoJo gets his no deal Brexit, even Dominic Cummings won't be able to hide all the consequences for long, so the Tory Party will be finished.

Why do you think BoJo is so desperate to hold the election before we leave *-)


The games going to be up at some point for sure. I doubt Cummings will be able to hide the consequences for more than a week. If Johnson manages to pull off leaving with no deal by October 31st by some kind of Cummings wizardry Cummings wont care. Its what he wanted and he will waltz off skipping away with a big no deal boner. Johnson however will then have to face the electorate in the next month or so and if its as bad as some predict they will be finished. On the other hand if he fails to take us out on the 31st they will lose votes to the BP and split the Tory vote, the consequences of that could be interesting. I hope for a Labour LibDem coalition without Corbyn at the helm.

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