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Lorry Load


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Birdbrain - 2019-10-23 9:47 AM

. Could it get any worse ???

Could what get any worse?

Brexiteers seem to present things like this and the camp in Calais as evidence of lax border controls

Wheres Common Sense tells us its evidence of just the opposite.

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John52 - 2019-10-23 5:53 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-10-23 9:47 AM

. Could it get any worse ???

Could what get any worse?

Brexiteers seem to present things like this and the camp in Calais as evidence of lax border controls

Wheres Common Sense tells us its evidence of just the opposite.


What ???

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Birdbrain - 2019-10-23 5:58 PM


John52 - 2019-10-23 5:53 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-10-23 9:47 AM

. Could it get any worse ???

Could what get any worse?

Brexiteers seem to present things like this and the camp in Calais as evidence of lax border controls

Wheres Common Sense tells us its evidence of just the opposite.


What ???


I can't put it any clearer. Try reading it slower *-)

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John52 - 2019-10-23 7:03 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-10-23 5:58 PM


John52 - 2019-10-23 5:53 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-10-23 9:47 AM

. Could it get any worse ???

Could what get any worse?

Brexiteers seem to present things like this and the camp in Calais as evidence of lax border controls

Wheres Common Sense tells us its evidence of just the opposite.


What ???


I can't put it any clearer. Try reading it slower *-)


Still nothing ... Can you draw some pictures

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Birdbrain - 2019-10-23 7:28 PM


Crikey ... https://news.sky.com/story/nine-migrants-found-alive-in-lorry-in-kent-11843186 ... We haven't left th EU yet have we ??? ... I thought thats when we were guna start getting slack border issues ... We must have left then


OK I'll try and explain it differently.

If we had slack borders why would they be going to these lengths, paying so much money, taking such high risks, to get through them?

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So it turns out these poor people are Chinese nationals which is pretty rare these days and unheard of at the Zerbrugge port apparently. So now we have the Bulgarians, Irish, UK, Belgium and Chinese authorities involved. If ever there was a case for cross border security collaboration then something like this has to be it.


Seems odd as the Chinese economy has done well in recent years.

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jumpstart - 2019-10-24 3:42 PM


It’s amazing so many people are trying to get in to uk,hasn’t anyone told them it’s all going to be crap here soon.


At the risk of stating the obvious again, illegal immigrants have to go where they can live illegally - under the radar in Britain's black economy.

The EU is the nursery of Employment regulation and worker's rights (so the Tories are keen to get out of it) where illegal immigrants find it much harder to work for cash in hand.

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John52 - 2019-10-24 10:25 PM


jumpstart - 2019-10-24 3:42 PM


It’s amazing so many people are trying to get in to uk,hasn’t anyone told them it’s all going to be crap here soon.


At the risk of stating the obvious again, illegal immigrants have to go where they can live illegally - under the radar in Britain's black economy.

The EU is the nursery of Employment regulation and worker's rights (so the Tories are keen to get out of it) where illegal immigrants find it much harder to work for cash in hand.


It was a bit of irony. However the Eu is also a nursery of import regulations which didn’t stop this lorry driving right across it.

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So some of the poor souls found in the refrigerated death trap turn out to be Vietnamese. I don’t doubt that there is a huge strain on our border and police forces when it comes to stemming the tide of economic migrancy. Nevertheless, I see high street shops near my home that are burdened by crippling business rates turning into cheap nail bars. These newcomers to our High Streets are almost exclusively staffed by young Vietnamese. It is unlikely that the owners of these businesses are able to pay the business rates from the pathetic profits to be had from such enterprise unless they also function as money laundering fronts for the crime gangs who cultivate cannabis. Have any of them been raided by the police or border force officials? Not to my knowledge.
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Violet1956 - 2019-10-25 6:59 PM


So some of the poor souls found in the refrigerated death trap turn out to be Vietnamese. I don’t doubt that there is a huge strain on our border and police forces when it comes to stemming the tide of economic migrancy. Nevertheless, I see high street shops near my home that are burdened by crippling business rates turning into cheap nail bars. These newcomers to our High Streets are almost exclusively staffed by young Vietnamese. It is unlikely that the owners of these businesses are able to pay the business rates from the pathetic profits to be had from such enterprise unless they also function as money laundering fronts for the crime gangs who cultivate cannabis. Have any of them been raided by the police or border force officials? Not to my knowledge.


Barry has his nails done at Flamborough every Tuesday by Mai Tong Wing from Barnsley ... I know Barry has problems booking in so maybe they earn more than you think

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Birdbrain - 2019-10-25 7:24 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-10-25 6:59 PM


So some of the poor souls found in the refrigerated death trap turn out to be Vietnamese. I don’t doubt that there is a huge strain on our border and police forces when it comes to stemming the tide of economic migrancy. Nevertheless, I see high street shops near my home that are burdened by crippling business rates turning into cheap nail bars. These newcomers to our High Streets are almost exclusively staffed by young Vietnamese. It is unlikely that the owners of these businesses are able to pay the business rates from the pathetic profits to be had from such enterprise unless they also function as money laundering fronts for the crime gangs who cultivate cannabis. Have any of them been raided by the police or border force officials? Not to my knowledge.


Barry has his nails done at Flamborough every Tuesday by Mai Tong Wing from Barnsley ... I know Barry has problems booking in so maybe they earn more than you think


Once again you are totally incorrect with the facts. Its Brexit on Sea (Bridlington).

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John52 - 2019-10-25 6:48 AM


jumpstart - 2019-10-25 6:42 AM

the Eu is also a nursery of import regulations which didn’t stop this lorry driving right across it.

Really *-)

Can you tell us what import regulations there are at the borders between EU countries *-)


They got in didn’t they?

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Is it pointless pointing out that this is still an open enquiry, that is apparently very far from over, and that Vietnam is not in the EU? Yes, I suppose it is.


Facts are still emerging, but to date it seems the Vietnamese probably left home to supplement the incomes of their families, who borrowed to get the money. In an odd outbreak of morality, some of the smugglers have already returned the money!


They have then travelled via an unknown route into France or Belgium, where they were loaded into in Irish owned refrigerated semi-trailer that was collected from Purfleet by a Bulgarian registered tractor driven by a Northern Irish driver. All arrests to date have been in UK.


So, what is the point in trying to turn and as yet unresolved tragedy into a stick to beat the EU with? Is this any more than any old peg to hang a well worn prejudice on?

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Violet1956 - 2019-10-25 6:59 PM


So some of the poor souls found in the refrigerated death trap turn out to be Vietnamese. I don’t doubt that there is a huge strain on our border and police forces when it comes to stemming the tide of economic migrancy.

March 2010 to March 2018, police forces in England and Wales lost 21,732 officers - a drop of 15%, according to Home Office figures. Johnson wants to recruit 20,000 officers over three years and put back what they took out.


Training will prove a problem as they don't have enough instructors. Also, since government got rid of 20+ thousand officers, some stations have closed down and it's patently obvious they got it wrong in getting rid of such a high number of officers but i've never seen anyone admit to that. What this proves is you cannot run policing on the cheap, just as you can't with emergency services.


Since the tragic and needless deaths of the 39 people was first reported, more information is gradually coming out and all are Vietnamese though police are still working with both the Vietnam and Chinese embassies.


It's reported the people found in the container possibly paid as much as £30k each....money raised by their already poor families in the hope they would find work here and help out their respective families back home. What begs the question is why pay £30k to someone to smuggle you as an 'illegal' in a metal box with no air, food or water, when for a fraction of that amount they could have booked a flight as a tourist, then once here simply disappeared?


Following the arrests made it's still early days yet but the husband and wife from Warrington arrested yesterday i think are not involved. They previously owned the truck which was registered in Bulgaria (not unusual for HGV's to be registered outside UK) but hadn't been in the country for two years.

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Underinvestment in police and border security will be exploited and the outcome is not merely financial; it results in this kind of tragedy. Although it pains me to say this, the result for the families of these poor souls should cause other families to wise up and treat the promises of the vile people traffickers who care nothing for their "clients" with the requisite incredulity.
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Bulletguy - 2019-10-26 2:26 PM


Violet1956 - 2019-10-25 6:59 PM


So some of the poor souls found in the refrigerated death trap turn out to be Vietnamese. I don’t doubt that there is a huge strain on our border and police forces when it comes to stemming the tide of economic migrancy.

March 2010 to March 2018, police forces in England and Wales lost 21,732 officers - a drop of 15%, according to Home Office figures. Johnson wants to recruit 20,000 officers over three years and put back what they took out.


Training will prove a problem as they don't have enough instructors. Also, since government got rid of 20+ thousand officers, some stations have closed down and it's patently obvious they got it wrong in getting rid of such a high number of officers but i've never seen anyone admit to that. What this proves is you cannot run policing on the cheap, just as you can't with emergency services.


Since the tragic and needless deaths of the 39 people was first reported, more information is gradually coming out and all are Vietnamese though police are still working with both the Vietnam and Chinese embassies.


It's reported the people found in the container possibly paid as much as £30k each....money raised by their already poor families in the hope they would find work here and help out their respective families back home. What begs the question is why pay £30k to someone to smuggle you as an 'illegal' in a metal box with no air, food or water, when for a fraction of that amount they could have booked a flight as a tourist, then once here simply disappeared?


Following the arrests made it's still early days yet but the husband and wife from Warrington arrested yesterday i think are not involved. They previously owned the truck which was registered in Bulgaria (not unusual for HGV's to be registered outside UK) but hadn't been in the country for two years.


I too wondered why pay 30,000 to get smuggled in a container.

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Violet1956 - 2019-10-26 2:53 PM


Underinvestment in police and border security will be exploited and the outcome is not merely financial; it results in this kind of tragedy. Although it pains me to say this, the result for the families of these poor souls should cause other families to wise up and treat the promises of the vile people traffickers who care nothing for their "clients" with the requisite incredulity.



I saw an interview the other night, on TV, with a man in Vietnam who is some sort of authourity on trafficking from that country. He says it's been going on for years ( and not just into the UK ). Sounds to me as if it's on an industrial scale.

Apparently people who head for the UK are often told there will be an amnesty whenever a royal occasion occurs, ( Births / weddings etc)

It seems the government out there are not too concerned as the amounts of money sent home contribute significantly to the countrys GDP.



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Violet1956 - 2019-10-26 2:53 PM


Underinvestment in police and border security will be exploited and the outcome is not merely financial; it results in this kind of tragedy. Although it pains me to say this, the result for the families of these poor souls should cause other families to wise up and treat the promises of the vile people traffickers who care nothing for their "clients" with the requisite incredulity.

Finance was and is the prime motivator for cutbacks though....what other reason? Pay scales here; https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/police-officer Multiply that by 20,000 over an eight year period of cuts.

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