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Camper vanVehicle battery charger


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Gerry McG - 2020-02-29 11:04 AM


If I recall correctly, there was a quite public fall out between VanBitz and The late Allan from AandN regarding this operation of the proprietary VanBitz Battery Master.


Again, iirc, my recollection was that Allan confused /the operating principles of the VanBitz Battery Master with other "battery mate" products, and vanbitz refuted the basis of Allan's comments as wrong in fact.



You may have in mind this Battery Master-related spat between ‘aandncaravan’ and ‘eddievanbitz’ on the MotorHomeFun forum in 2016.




Allan Evans wasn’t omniscient or infallible, but on the Out&AboutLive forums he was helpful beyond the call of duty. If he were still participating here and had changed the opinion I mentioned in my posting of 15 February 2020 8:54 AM above, I’m sure he would have said so.

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Hi Derek,

Yes. That is the thread I recall reading.


I also went out yesterday and put a multimeter on the starter battery to see what was what on my van.

With solar only on a cloudy day, the starter battery was at 12.85v, which would appear to suggest there is surplus current coming over from the Solar system that charges the leisure batteries only.


I then put the van on EHU and the starter battery recorded 13.8v, so that would appear to confirm the starter battery is indeed charged by EHU via the EBL119

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Check out CAK Tanks website they do a starter battery device. I have had one fitted for years its dead easy to wire in, used to cost about £30 + my solar panel charges the leisure battery up to 13.6v then the device kicks in and trickle charges the starter battery by up to 4amps cutting out when the leisure needs topping up and so on.

Would not be without it, I never camp with hook up.


CAK battery charge manager BCM 12

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Gerry McG - 2020-03-08 7:21 AM


I then put the van on EHU and the starter battery recorded 13.8v, so that would appear to confirm the starter battery is indeed charged by EHU via the EBL119


...well, given that the EBL119 manual tells you that it does, that's hardly surprising..... (lol)


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