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Risk to America is very low according to Trump

(He's trying to talk the stock markets back up which would help his re-election prospects)

But I fear Norovirus will expose the weakness in the US healthcare system

Poor Americans avoid going to the Doctor to save money, and the virus will spread faster than in countries with socialised healthcare :-(

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Birdbrain - 2020-02-27 8:53 PM


Like normal when hes spreading hate he gets it wrong ... Dope


When I get it wrong I admit it and apologise.

You should try it sometime.

Instead of ignoring it, changing the subject, and resorting to personal attacks.

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Advise is ...don’t wear a mask, don’t go to hospital unless you have breathing difficulties, wash your hand frequently,don’t panic. The main affect on the healthcare system will be all the extra telephone staff needed to respond to all the people calling,just like here in the NHS.
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John52 - 2020-02-27 8:59 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-27 8:53 PM


Like normal when hes spreading hate he gets it wrong ... Dope


When I get it wrong I admit it and apologise.

You should try it sometime.

Instead of ignoring it, changing the subject, and resorting to personal attacks.


When I eventually get sumat wrong then I'll do just that sweet cheeks ... Bin time

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jumpstart - 2020-02-27 9:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-27 8:53 PM


Like normal when hes spreading hate he gets it wrong ... Dope


Assume your talking about Trump and all his lies. The dope is putting the vice-dunce in charge,the one who said cigarette smoking doesn’t kill. What could possibly go wrong?


"What could possibly go wrong?" ... For you 4 more years ... Losing must hurt

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StuartO - 2020-02-28 8:00 AM


This thread started off on the wrong foot with the wrong title and immediately descended into interpersonal squabbling.


May I suggest to moderators that it has no value and should be frozen without delay.

Whatsthe point?

If Birdbrain wasn't trolling on this thread he would only be trolling on another until he gets banned again.

I may have got it all wrong anyway.

Some are saying stop the social and economic damage of quarantine and let this flu like virus run its course. Generally its only killing the old and weak who will die anyway. Its the natural cycle - and if you could stop that the world would become so over populated it would be standing room only.

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jumpstart - 2020-02-28 7:55 AM


What could go wrong? Vice dunce Pence , single handedly caused an HIV epidemic in his state when governor .Asked how he would solve it he said ...I will pray on it. The only thing worse than politicians are religious politicians.


DOAH ... Your not American ... As your above post showing your ignorance and lack of understanding on American issues proves ... Ive read some pretty fairytale Hollywood stuff from the hate squad on here but claiming the Vice President "single handedly caused an HIV epidemic" is a bit OTT even for a scarecrows stand in to claim ... Can ya hear that , the wind blowing from ear to ear without obstruction ??? ... "dunce" you couldn't have said it better sweet cheeks

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John52 - 2020-02-28 8:09 AM


StuartO - 2020-02-28 8:00 AM


This thread started off on the wrong foot with the wrong title and immediately descended into interpersonal squabbling.


May I suggest to moderators that it has no value and should be frozen without delay.

Whatsthe point?

If Birdbrain wasn't trolling on this thread he would only be trolling on another.

I may have got it wrong anyway.

Some are saying stop the social and economic damage of quarantine and let this virus run its course. Generally its only killing the old and weak who will die anyway. Its the natural cycle - and if you could stop that the world would become so over populated it would be standing room only.


But trolling as you put it isnt what I did and you know it but dont like it ... You posted a hateful incorrect post on POTUS Trump and I pointed that out ... Bin there , done that

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Birdbrain - 2020-02-28 8:10 AM


jumpstart - 2020-02-28 7:55 AM


What could go wrong? Vice dunce Pence , single handedly caused an HIV epidemic in his state when governor .Asked how he would solve it he said ...I will pray on it. The only thing worse than politicians are religious politicians.


DOAH ... Your not American ... As your above post showing your ignorance and lack of understanding on American issues proves ... Ive read some pretty fairytale Hollywood stuff from the hate squad on here but claiming the Vice President "single handedly caused an HIV epidemic" is a bit OTT even for a scarecrows stand in to claim ... Can ya hear that , the wind blowing from ear to ear without obstruction ??? ... "dunce" you couldn't have said it better sweet cheeks


I’d rather be a scarecrow than an American under the dunce twins.


Quote from Pence” I don’t believe in science”. What could possibly go wrong. The best think about Pence is that he is over there.

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jumpstart - 2020-02-28 8:54 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-28 8:10 AM


jumpstart - 2020-02-28 7:55 AM


What could go wrong? Vice dunce Pence , single handedly caused an HIV epidemic in his state when governor .Asked how he would solve it he said ...I will pray on it. The only thing worse than politicians are religious politicians.


DOAH ... Your not American ... As your above post showing your ignorance and lack of understanding on American issues proves ... Ive read some pretty fairytale Hollywood stuff from the hate squad on here but claiming the Vice President "single handedly caused an HIV epidemic" is a bit OTT even for a scarecrows stand in to claim ... Can ya hear that , the wind blowing from ear to ear without obstruction ??? ... "dunce" you couldn't have said it better sweet cheeks


I’d rather be a scarecrow than an American under the dunce twins.


Quote from Pence” I don’t believe in science”. What could possibly go wrong. The best think about Pence is that he is over there.


"the dunce twins" ... Both successful in business , one a millionaire the other a billionaire so go figure ??? ... Talking of dunces lets be having the proof where Vice President Pence said "I dont believe in science" and talking further of dunces what does "the best think about Pence" mean ??? ... People in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones princess ... Ya'll have a nice day now

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John52 - 2020-02-28 9:40 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-28 9:34 AM



"the dunce twins" ... Both successful in business , one a millionaire the other a billionaire so go figure ??? ...


You should do less posting and more reading

Trump inherited his wealth and lost most of it https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/donald-trumps-business-failures-were-very-real


Me thinks its you that should do the reading on POTUS Trump ... Hate blinds facts , give your eyes a good rub

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What about Coronavirus Mr President........Trump” won’t affect us”

Media headlines....Coronavirus world epidemic likely to affect us and not well.

US market falls 2000 points in two days.

Trump...Oh that Coronavirus....I need someone with healthcare experience on this.....ummm

I know what about Dumbass Pence,you know “ smoking doesn’t kill” Pence.

He’ll sort this out like he didn’t do with HIV epidemic in his state. What’s the plan Mike......errr I’m gonna pray.

That’ll sort it out.

Make America sneeze again.


Signed the scarecrow.

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John52 - 2020-02-28 9:47 AM


Trumps Golf Resort in Scotland has lost money since he took it on - despite indirect American taxpayer subsidies to the local airport.

You still haven't pointed out what I have posted about him that you said is wrong.

I wonder why *-)


Wonder no more ... You havent asked me to ... Your almost as dippy as Jumpedin

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Birdbrain - 2020-02-28 9:34 AM


jumpstart - 2020-02-28 8:54 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-02-28 8:10 AM


jumpstart - 2020-02-28 7:55 AM


What could go wrong? Vice dunce Pence , single handedly caused an HIV epidemic in his state when governor .Asked how he would solve it he said ...I will pray on it. The only thing worse than politicians are religious politicians.


DOAH ... Your not American ... As your above post showing your ignorance and lack of understanding on American issues proves ... Ive read some pretty fairytale Hollywood stuff from the hate squad on here but claiming the Vice President "single handedly caused an HIV epidemic" is a bit OTT even for a scarecrows stand in to claim ... Can ya hear that , the wind blowing from ear to ear without obstruction ??? ... "dunce" you couldn't have said it better sweet cheeks


I’d rather be a scarecrow than an American under the dunce twins.


Quote from Pence” I don’t believe in science”. What could possibly go wrong. The best think about Pence is that he is over there.


"the dunce twins" ... Both successful in business , one a millionaire the other a billionaire so go figure ??? ... Talking of dunces lets be having the proof where Vice President Pence said "I dont believe in science" and talking further of dunces what does "the best think about Pence" mean ??? ... People in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones princess ... Ya'll have a nice day now


Take it you have no proof ??? ... Just lies and hate

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