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Another EBL/Fridge Problem


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BruceM - 2020-12-11 11:03 AM


I’ve found this a fascinatingly informative thread and a great insight into the workings of the EBL’s fridge electronics.


Whilst I’ve nothing practical to add to the superb insight provided by the other posters I still wonder why use of the EBL refrigerator AES output was abandoned. As I see it, the AES fridge output probably failed (relay defect?) so the absorption fridge circuitry was repurposed for this function. This may well have been a professional ‘repair’. This makes me question why when the new fridge was installed, it didn’t make use of the EBL fridge output?


If you have the inclination and time, it would be interesting to measure the voltage on Block 1 pin 2 (AES +ve output) both with the vehicle engine off and the engine running to see if if the appropriate +ve voltages are present. If not then I guess the EBL repair was insufficient and abandoned, if it is present then the mystery remains.

Reading back, I realise I haven't done this.

That said, I think, even if the correct voltage appears at the output, the apparent damage to the internal relays is sufficient proof of why it was abandoned. Probably they cut and linked the tracks, only to find the relays were stuffed anyway. Nice try, no banana!

When I get the chance, I'll measure it, even if only out of curiosity. It may be a while - but there seems to be plenty more lockdown time left to fill................



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BruceM - 2020-12-12 4:21 PM


I won’t attempt to provide an opinion on all your options, there are those much better technically qualified on this forum than I to do so.


I will however say ..................


.............. Rather than make further changes to the EBL’s functional design, would it be wiser and perhaps kinder to the next owner of the van to either have your EBL repaired or even swap it for a reconditioned unit and wire the fridge in correctly?

I'm in the process of putting together a wiring diagram that I'll put with the vehicle documents and tape another copy in a sleeve to the underside of the seat base that houses the EBL.

If nothing else it will remind me when, hopefully on the very rare occasion, I go to look in there.

Add to that, I don't think I'd want to inflict on anyone the amount of effort required to understand what the hell had gone wrong in the first place! *-)



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The problem is solved - well, at least gone away!


Everything now works as it should, albeit in a somewhat non-standard way. When I look at the amount of extra wiring, relays and fuses, it shows just how compact and efficient the Schaudt EBL units are when you take into account the desired end result.

My only criticism of them is that they are maybe not as robust in some areas as they could be and would benefit from better overload protection devices that cannot be circumvented by the congenitally daft owner, ie, fixed, resettable circuit breakers on some circuits.

I have only one problem left to solve, it's not something caused by the 'meltdown' of the original fridge/EBL, it's a problem caused by the poor design and inefficiencies of the Dometic AES system. In short, when the solar S+ triggers, the fridge switches to solar, even if the EHU is on line. Que? 8-)

The S+ line from the solar is now switched but I think I favour the 'failsafe' option.


The last thing I have to do is thank all the Forum members who's knowledge, skills and endless patience have allowed me to sort this problem out. Without your help it could have been an expensive visit to a repair shop and in the current environment, not likely to have happened anytime soon. In the process I've learned far more about Schaudt EBLs than I ever anticipated - or hoped I would need to ........... plus it's something to keep me occupied and sane(ish) during Lockdown.

There are too many to list and thank but I must offer particular thanks to Alan (Alanb) and Paul (plwsm2000). You, Sirs, have the patience of Saints. :-D



ps Keithl: Quite correct, I've found another! INCOMING ................... (lol)

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Alanb - 2021-01-27 2:00 PM


Thanks appreciated Will, but more due to pwlsm2000.


May I praise the intention to leave details of modifications.



Modesty is an admirable character trait - but OK, agreed, plwsm2000 has awesome knowledge, no denying it. :-D

Reference the diagrams: This is by no means the only 'issue' I've had to resolve. The poor old thing has had quite a bit of inexpert modification over the years.

The wiring diagrams for this motorhome simply don't exist, even for the original layout. Frankia only responded with a 'Nein', very polite but 'Nein'.

It seemed only fair to give someone a clue to my work and modification, especially considering all the effort put into getting there. It was bad enough when I had an idea/inkling regarding what had happened and a lot of help resolving it. Now it's basically a fair proportion of the guts of an EBL laid bare and in more robust form, so to the uninitiated? a potential 'Whhaaaaaattt?'. Run away............



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