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BoJo ramps up bribes


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pelmetman - 2021-03-15 2:50 PM

0.0034p isn't gonna cause me any sleepless nights :D .........


*-) Your 0.0034p is going a long way (lol)

But a least Nicola Sturgeon isn't spaffing it away on Crony Contracts and Private Jets like BoJo

Our nurses are getting a proper pay rise


PS. and our NHS charges are far less than yours

Have you worked out who the LOSER is yet *-) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2021-03-25 6:10 AM


pelmetman - 2021-03-15 2:50 PM

0.0034p isn't gonna cause me any sleepless nights :D .........


*-) Your 0.0034p is going a long way (lol)

But a least Nicola Sturgeon isn't spaffing it away on Crony Contracts and Private Jets like BoJo

Our nurses are getting a proper pay rise


PS. and our NHS charges are far less than yours

Have you worked out who the LOSER is yet *-) (lol)


How can being charged nothing for my perscriptions get any cheaper? :-S .........



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pelmetman


More Piffle from the NASTY NASTY LEFTY GUARDIAN *-) .........


Fortunately Joe Public knows the truth >:-) .........




Is that the SNP on 2%??? 8-) ..........


(lol) (lol) (lol) ...........

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pelmetman - 2021-04-12 9:01 AM




Is that the SNP on 2%???......



Apparently its necessary to point out its obviously far more than 2% in Scotland because those polls are GB wide - not just Scotland

In any case, I did not say the SNP will win

Just that either way you will Lose

Because BoJo will send us even more of your money to maintain his empire at you LOSER's expense :-S

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2021-04-12 11:24 AM


pelmetman - 2021-04-12 9:01 AM




Is that the SNP on 2%???......



Apparently its necessary to point out its obviously far more than 2% in Scotland because those polls are GB wide - not just Scotland

In any case, I did not say the SNP will win

Just that either way you will Lose

Because BoJo will send us even more of your money to maintain his empire at you LOSER's expense :-S


I guess if your cup is always half empty ;-) ..........


Then you'll think its a Lose Lose :D ........


Fortunately my cup is always half full to overflowing B-) ........


As I seem to be on the Winning streak since 2016 >:-) .......



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Government wastes more public money trying to hide its dodgy deals.


And loses. Again.


"We are pleased to say that the Court has granted a Cost Capping Order in our judicial review of Government’s decision to hand a contract to Cummings’ pals at Hanbury without any competition. We will now be able to fight this case to its conclusion.


Crucially, the Judge agreed with us that Government’s estimated costs bill of £450k (almost as much as the contract itself) is ‘disproportionate to a one day hearing’ – and set a cap at £120k for both parties.


Government’s decision not to consent to a cost cap is bizarre and – many of the same arguments were determined by the Court weeks ago in relation to our PPE challenges. It has now tried and failed twice to argue that these are not public interest proceedings. And it has now twice had to bear from the public purse our costs of seeking a cap. This is a phenomenal – and avoidable – further waste of taxpayers’ money.


Here’s what the Judge had to say on Hanbury:


“I start by considering whether or not there is a matter of genuine public interest raised by these proceedings. I am satisfied that there is. This matter concerns the direct award of a public contract without publicity or competition, and the issue is whether it was unlawful to award a contract in that way.”


The Judge went on to say she is “satisfied that there is a part for the courts to play in determining the legality of the procedures” and “it is appropriate that there should be a public hearing that the Court will consider the evidence and make a decision on the lawfulness of this particular procurement”.


We will take this fight all the way. If you are in a position to donate to the legal challenge you can do so here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/a-river-to-my-people/


Thank you,


Jolyon Maugham

Director of Good Law Project"



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  • 2 weeks later...

Even BoJo's Broadcasting Corporation can't hide it.

BoJo ' congratulated Ms Sturgeon and Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford on their re-elections and invited them to a meeting "to discuss our shared challenges and how we can work together in the coming months and years to overcome them".

Looks like he will be sending us even more of that LOSER pelmetman's money ;-)


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