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Basic Spanish


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Hi all

With still some time on my hands before that hopeful trip abroad again, I was thinking of learning a bit of conversational Spanish, i dont want full blown conversations on politics, etc, but I do want to go a bit further than just learning basics, like good evening, or can I order a beer please, (although that would be a pleasant and enjoyable start).


When you Google the subject, the amount of choices are overwhelming, with various learning groups claiming their approach to be the best, can anyone on the forum, from their personal experience of taking on this challenge, give me some advice.

Thank in advance and stay safe.


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For learning the basics fast, I always found Michel Thomas discs excellent. At a time I was doing business in China, I was Mandarin conversant in months. You can try the introductory disc (downloadable) to see how you go. Then follow up on vocabulary with duolingo. I have learned 3 languages using the same method so I am confident it works.
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I used duolingo extensively during the first lockdown. Sat each afternoon in the Motorhome with a cup of tea and iPad.

It was fine as far as it went, but as you progress it becomes more important to get the grammar, spelling and gender right otherwise you ‘lose a life’ until next day unless you go back on previous lessons to regain time.

I eventually gave it up as it was becoming less relevant to the conversational French I was seeking.



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I also vote for Michel Thomas.


I studied Spanish with the Open University to Advanced Intermediate level a

Which included a week at a a Spanish university. I would say that a significant number of students used Michel Thomas to supplement their studies.

It is very easy to lose language skills if not regularly used and I still listen to the dvds 10 years on to refresh my knowledge. There are three sets of discs from beginner to advanced and I am able access through my local library.


Good luck. Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn and, once learnt, you can also communicate in Italian cos the languages are very similar.



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I have used them all. Michel Thomas, pimssleur, FSI, Paul noble, rocketspanish, notes in Spanish, coffee break Spanish, lightspeed Spanish and loads more. They all have good points and together make a great learning resource but if I had to choose one to recommend it would be language transfer and best of all it's free but welcomes donations. For the life of me I can't understand why it's not better known as quality of content is outstanding. The format is similar to Michel Thomas so those who are recommending that would really benefit from and enjoy using this.


Spanish — Language Transfer




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