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Doubt over origin of Covid virus


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Prof John Watson, formerly England's deputy chief medical officer, was part of a WHO delegation sent to Wuhan to investigate the sources of the pandemic, and said he was not certain Covid-19 originated in China


He told BBC One's The Andrew Marr Show that the pandemic most likely started with an infection in an "animal reservoir" which was then passed on to humans through an "intermediate host".


Asked if he was sure the virus emerged in China, Prof Watson said "no".


He said: "I think that there are all sorts of reasons to do with the way it did start in the outbreak in Wuhan and the various bits of information about the way in which these viruses live in different animal reservoirs, that suggest that China is a very, very possible source for the outbreak, but by no means necessarily the place where the leap from animals to humans took place.


"And I think we need to ensure that we are looking beyond the borders of China, as well as within China."



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Violet1956 - 2021-02-16 6:58 PM


In sum, we are no further forward in establishing the exact source of the corona virus or how and where it was transmitted to humans following the grant of limited access to the data held by the Chinese. Can’t say I’m surprised.

I doubt we ever will. It was the last comment which struck me, "and I think we need to ensure that we are looking beyond the borders of China, as well as within China." In other words, don't let ourselves get taken down the usual rabbit hole....it's too easy.


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Guest pelmetman

I see our resident Commie is still defending and deflecting ;-) .........


Putin and Pooh Bear will be pleased (lol) (lol) (lol) .......

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Guest pelmetman
jumpstart - 2021-02-16 9:05 PM


......most likely....


......can’t rule out.....


They don’t know because they were not given full access.............WHY?


Exactly ;-) .......


If you've got nothing to hide.......why hide it *-) ........



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We also had difficulties designing future studies to look into the laboratory claims within our joint group, because if you want to explore such a hypothesis further, you need a different mechanism. You need to do a formal audit, and that’s far beyond what our team is mandated to do or has the tools and capabilities to do. So that was also a reason why we could not start moving forward in our next series of studies into that direction. But the fact that the hypothesis is listed or assessed as extremely unlikely is not the same as if it had been listed or assessed as impossible. We’re not closing the door

From the interview.


So having asked each lab if the virus had come from them...they were told ...No.

And as shown above ,without a different mechanism the WHO don't know any more without an audit.

So basically all a complete waste of time.

Its all just a play on the words.

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jumpstart - 2021-02-16 9:05 PM


......most likely....


......can’t rule out.....


They don’t know because they were not given full access.............WHY?

"And I think we need to ensure that we are looking beyond the borders of China, as well as within China." Think about that instead of diving into the rabbit hole I mentioned......it's too easy.

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Guest pelmetman
jumpstart - 2021-02-17 7:54 AM


Have you actually read the report.....most science teachers would give it a D minus.

There is no rabbit hole , there was no proper investigation because the Chinese won't allow it and that isn't because the virus came from outside China.


You're wasting your typing finger ;-) ...........


Bullets a Communist and useful idiot for the likes of China and Russia :D ........



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Time to cut the crap! Rather than argue from a standpoint of relative ignorance, why not read this: https://tinyurl.com/y7x5rhm6 first published December 2020?


It is from a respected scientific publishing house present on both US and UK, and deals with the probable route from the main suspects (horseshoe bats - of which there are several species) through possible intermediaries (civets, pangolins - each of which groups has several species) to humans. The bats, the civets, and the pangolins are native over a wide area of Asia, including Malaya and China. Being wild animals, they cross national borders freely.


What is missing is reliable proof not only of the species involved, but also of the environmental factors permitting the virus to cross from bat, to the intermediary, and then to humans. Having seen film of the inside of Chinese "wet" markets, it is easy to believe that such transmission would be possible, but belief is not proof. It is also speculated that the original SARS virus arose in this way, in China. So whereas the circumstantial evidence may point to China, and may even eventually be proved, it is not reliable proof.


The Chinese are notoriously sensitive to "loss of face" so, if implicated, are highly liable to obfuscate and deflect, especially as they appear to have been implicated in the evolution of two such viruses, probably through the appallingly primitive nature of these markets. However, such markets are not uncommon (see here: https://tinyurl.com/vtlhfaj ) throughout south east Asia.

It is possible that we shall never be able to positively identify the exact location of the cross-over to humans, or the exact route the virus took to become infectious to humans.


So far as I can determine, these are the "facts" as presently known. Under present circumstances, they are liable to change. A pre-disposition to blame any country for "hosting" an emergent virus on the basis of its political system is hardly conclusive - unless you are a mediaevalist - is it?


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Whatever the source of Covid and other diseases that emanate from Asia, the world would do well to lessen it's dependance on China for trade and finance.


Mankind has never learned any lessons from the past other than the one lesson he has learned is to do nothing and carry on blindly making the same mistakes again and again because it is easier to do nothing than it is to face up to reality.


It is almost impossible to avoid Chinese made goods so entrenched in our way of life is China but I for one will not be buying a Volvo or an MG!


Trust or believe China at your peril - no proof - just a gut feeling!

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Bulletguy - 2021-02-17 12:57 PM

All about taking back control innit? ;-)


It would be if the government had the balls to do it and they might be more inclined to do it if they were backed by the electorate instead of the noisy few being anti everything that appears to be a non socialist ideal, conveniently forgetting that sooner or later someone has to pay for everything and that has to come from capitalism and wealth generation.

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Tracker - 2021-02-17 2:55 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-02-17 12:57 PM

All about taking back control innit? ;-)


It would be if the government had the balls to do it and they might be more inclined to do it if they were backed by the electorate instead of the noisy few being anti everything that appears to be a non socialist ideal, conveniently forgetting that sooner or later someone has to pay for everything and that has to come from capitalism and wealth generation.

No Tory government is interested in investing in any state owned industry, they'd sooner sell it off for some of their mates to get rich quick. The rail sell off was a classic example and the infrastructure now virtually all owned by various EU countries. It would cost £billions to buy back......assuming any owners were willing to sell but we couldn't afford their price anyway so it's a non-starter. "Taking back control" was a favourite mantra of Brexit which was as stupid and laughable then just as it is now. https://tinyurl.com/yhpect2j


And that's just another example..

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When in doubt change the subject as ever

Since when did any state owned company ever make any worthwhile profit - until they were privatised when an amazing turnaround often happened.

Profit and tax generation, other than personal tax paid by employees of state companies, is the domain of private industry and services not state owned

Not that I want to see state owned service companies privatised but it would be nice if they became properly and effectively managed instead and provided the service they should at a sensible cost - a concept seemingly lost on the looney left.

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Tracker - 2021-02-17 4:22 PM


When in doubt change the subject as ever

I was never in doubt. I illustrated how UK obviously trusts China and France to 'take control' and because you didn't like that, I gave you another example how foreign countries own one heck of a lot of UK......making a total nonsense of "taking back control".

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