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Brits to pay to enter Europe


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This was on Vines show today with foghorn Mouthy Malone whining about Brits being charged €7 to enter Europe, saying it was the EU being 'petty' and it was 'unfair'.


As JoB said "It is, literally, a rule *we* helped to write for *all* non-EU countries" And as we are now one of those countries, we must pay if we want to go to Europe but this seems to beyond the comprehension of Brexiters. It's another of their amazing "benefits" they keep chest puffing about. :-|




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I've just wasted £75 on a passport

Won't need it until Scotland gets independence.

Brexit has made crossing the channel such a miseable experience I don't think I'll bother again

Especially with the 'Government' continually changing their mind about quarantine on return

Would feel like a poor relation anyway now we are not part of the EU

Can't see UK joining again in my lifetime

Would be a climbdown for the Government, they wouldn't get the deal we had before because the EU 27 don't want us back.

They are better off without us now our wealth creators have already gone there to be on the right side of trade barriers.

EU is stronger now than its ever been

My only hope is Scottish Independence so we can get what we voted for and remain part of the EU

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Guest pelmetman

The EU needs all the financial help it can get now that its meal ticket has left >:-) ...........


Fortunately I can afford 14 euros a year B-) ..........


Unlike our resident Freeloader .....Joke52 (lol) (lol) (lol) ...........



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In the overall scheme of things €7 is a piddling sum. Take heart, if Brexit works to favour the UK in the way the Brexiters believe it will, Sterling will appreciate against the Euro and the cost of ETIAS for us will reduce year on year. Its a clear Land of Hope and Glory win-win, innit? :-D
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I think Brexiters should fund it but €7 is far too little and won't keep the riff-raff out. A more suitable figure would be €700 per Brexiter for a single entry visa and allowed one per year. Remain voters will get free unfettered access and priority passes at the ferry terminals and airports.


Some good tweets in that string.....I liked these;


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Brian Kirby - 2021-08-04 5:49 PM


In the overall scheme of things €7 is a piddling sum. Take heart, if Brexit works to favour the UK in the way the Brexiters believe it will, Sterling will appreciate against the Euro and the cost of ETIAS for us will reduce year on year. Its a clear Land of Hope and Glory win-win, innit? :-D



I agree.


I am quite willing to cough up £7 ( or even £10 ) every time I visit the EU because, no doubt, all the benefits of leaving that are coming our way, will make it financially worthwhile.

It's a bit frustrating waiting for the Brexiteers to list the benefits - so we know what to look forward to - but we must just put our trust in Boris Johnson to deliver.

In anticipation of sunlit uplands, I am stocking up on sun cream, 'cos I reckon there will be a shortage when the time comes.



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Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh
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Guest pelmetman
Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I guess if the UK ends up a economic basketcase like the EU we could start charging them 7 quid to enter the UK :D ..........


That would deffo keep Joke52 out when Jokeland votes to bite off the hand that feeds it >:-) .........



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pelmetman - 2021-08-05 8:11 AM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I guess if the UK ends up a economic basketcase like the EU we could start charging them 7 quid to enter the UK :D ..........




Well it seems we do have a similar visa plan in the pipeline - so I guess that makes us a basket case as well.


It's all about countrys' controlling their borders.


( Except the south coast of England ).



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Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I agree entirely, these Brexiteers need to move on, we have left the EU, learn to live with that not keep on bitching.

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colin - 2021-08-05 1:16 PM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I agree entirely, these Brexiteers need to move on, we have left the EU, learn to live with that not keep on bitching.


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colin - 2021-08-05 1:16 PM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I agree entirely, these Brexiteers need to move on, we have left the EU, learn to live with that not keep on bitching.



It would be nice if the fanatics on both sides moved on, but there's no sign of it yet.




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malc d - 2021-08-05 5:08 PM


colin - 2021-08-05 1:16 PM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I agree entirely, these Brexiteers need to move on, we have left the EU, learn to live with that not keep on bitching.



It would be nice if the fanatics on both sides moved on, but there's no sign of it yet.




What of the thousands who've lost their jobs, should they just "move on"?


According to Pelmet everyone is going to be "better off under Brexit" so I asked him numerous times if he will stand outside Hondas gates at Swindon telling the workers how much "better off" they will be with Brexit but he's afraid to face them. Maybe he can't afford a set of dentures.

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Government accused of ‘misleading’ musicians over Brexit barriers to European tours


Musicians’ organisations have accused the government of “misleading” artists over a statement that they can tour without visas or work permits in 19 EU states.


The statement, relating to what the Department for Culture, Media and Sport referred to as “short-term tours”, was made on Wednesday by Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden, who said he wanted “the UK’s fantastic performers and other creative professionals to be able to tour abroad easily”.


But bodies representing musicians told The Independent that the DCMS was simply listing arrangements already in place and leaving touring artists to find their way through the bureaucracy created by Brexit.


Musicians and other performers have faced massive new bureaucratic and cost hurdles to conduct tours in European countries as a result of Brexit.


And there was fury that the government failed to agree a 90-day touring visa on offer from Brussels as part of Boris Johnson’s Trade and Cooperation Agreement.


A parliamentary petition backed by stars including folk singer Laura Marling and Charlatans frontman Tim Burgess was signed by more than 285,000 people, and Sir Elton John warned the UK risks the loss of “a generation of talent” because of the new restrictions.


Musicians’ Union general secretary Horace Trubridge said Wednesday’s announcement contained “nothing new” and simply replicated lists drawn up by industry bodies as long ago as January.


And matters are even worse in the eight countries with no visa waivers, such as Spain, where a DJ can face paperwork bills of as much as £600 to play a single show.




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Bulletguy - 2021-08-05 6:44 PM


malc d - 2021-08-05 5:08 PM


colin - 2021-08-05 1:16 PM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I agree entirely, these Brexiteers need to move on, we have left the EU, learn to live with that not keep on bitching.



It would be nice if the fanatics on both sides moved on, but there's no sign of it yet.




What of the thousands who've lost their jobs, should they just "move on"?


According to Pelmet everyone is going to be "better off under Brexit" so I asked him numerous times if he will stand outside Hondas gates at Swindon telling the workers how much "better off" they will be with Brexit but he's afraid to face them. Maybe he can't afford a set of dentures.


Well dentures are more expensive in England than in Scotland

On account of all pelmet's money that Johnson sends us to bribe the pissheads to vote for him and maintain Johnson's empire at pelmet's expense.

(lol) (lol) (lol)

He still hasn't worked out who the LOSER is though...

it takes him a while *-)

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Bulletguy - 2021-08-05 9:34 PM



Government accused of ‘misleading’ musicians over Brexit barriers to European tours


Musicians’ organisations have accused the government of “misleading” artists over a statement that they can tour without visas or work permits in 19 EU states.


The statement, relating to what the Department for Culture, Media and Sport referred to as “short-term tours”, was made on Wednesday by Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden, who said he wanted “the UK’s fantastic performers and other creative professionals to be able to tour abroad easily”.


But bodies representing musicians told The Independent that the DCMS was simply listing arrangements already in place and leaving touring artists to find their way through the bureaucracy created by Brexit.


Musicians and other performers have faced massive new bureaucratic and cost hurdles to conduct tours in European countries as a result of Brexit.


And there was fury that the government failed to agree a 90-day touring visa on offer from Brussels as part of Boris Johnson’s Trade and Cooperation Agreement.


A parliamentary petition backed by stars including folk singer Laura Marling and Charlatans frontman Tim Burgess was signed by more than 285,000 people, and Sir Elton John warned the UK risks the loss of “a generation of talent” because of the new restrictions.


Musicians’ Union general secretary Horace Trubridge said Wednesday’s announcement contained “nothing new” and simply replicated lists drawn up by industry bodies as long ago as January.


And matters are even worse in the eight countries with no visa waivers, such as Spain, where a DJ can face paperwork bills of as much as £600 to play a single show.




This "fanatic" carries on despite a plea from one of his buddies

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Hilarious......the Brexiters Bible is still frothing over this report which was known about over three years ago! During the past three days they've ran four screechy headers along with a poll...."do you think it's fair" to which 60% said they did so maybe, just maybe, the penny has finally dropped.


A lot of voters said that Britons should not be surprised by the travel charge as it was always a known part of the Brexit deal.


A voter said: “Back in 2016 people were told that if the UK left the EU, then it would become necessary to apply for a visa to enter an EU country, it is no surprise.”


A fellow reader agreed: “If you travel to most countries you have to have a visa, Turkey charge around £20 for 3 months, so no big deal really.”





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Last year one American company became worth more than the entire FTSE100 and the gap continues to widen

Thats how insignificant Britain has become

Yet the Express is sayig visa fee will break Europe *-)

How can you get through to people who are still so deluded they think Rule Britannia is stronger than the EU27 combined

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pelmetman - 2021-08-05 8:11 AM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I guess if the UK ends up a economic basketcase like the EU we could start charging them 7 quid to enter the UK :D ..........


That would deffo keep Joke52 out when Jokeland votes to bite off the hand that feeds it >:-) .........



So how does the UK currency compare with this 'economic basket case' since the Brexit vote *-)

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2021-08-07 8:17 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-05 8:11 AM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I guess if the UK ends up a economic basketcase like the EU we could start charging them 7 quid to enter the UK :D ..........


That would deffo keep Joke52 out when Jokeland votes to bite off the hand that feeds it >:-) .........



So how does the UK currency compare with this 'economic basket case' since the Brexit vote *-)


It compares quite well compared to be where its been in the last decade ;-) .............





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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2021-08-05 12:45 PM


pelmetman - 2021-08-05 8:11 AM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I guess if the UK ends up a economic basketcase like the EU we could start charging them 7 quid to enter the UK :D ..........




Well it seems we do have a similar visa plan in the pipeline - so I guess that makes us a basket case as well.


It's all about countrys' controlling their borders.


( Except the south coast of England ).




We could use the money to send the migrants back home ;-) ...........


Just need to kick the Loony Liberals Human rights act into touch first >:-) .........



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pelmetman - 2021-08-07 8:21 AM


John52 - 2021-08-07 8:17 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-05 8:11 AM


Birdbrain - 2021-08-05 5:58 AM


Imagine getting so worked up over less than six quid ... You cant buy 20 cancer sticks for that money ... In some pubs and restaurants if there were any staff left to serve that is as they've all gone home ya wouldnt get a pint for that money ... We are saving billions in payments to the corrupt club every year and £5.96 causes a flare up ... You gotta laugh


I guess if the UK ends up a economic basketcase like the EU we could start charging them 7 quid to enter the UK :D ..........


That would deffo keep Joke52 out when Jokeland votes to bite off the hand that feeds it >:-) .........



So how does the UK currency compare with this 'economic basket case' since the Brexit vote *-)


It compares quite well compared to be where its been in the last decade ;-) .............





Do you ever read the links you post *-)

It shows the pound crashing compared to this 'economic basket case' on news of the Brexit vote, and not recovering

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