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Removing rear seat belts


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Our van has a belted passenger seat, and driver seat, plus the bench seat in the habitation area also has two seat belts. The latter get in the way a bit and wear at the seat coverings which are leather.


Assuming that we never carry any passengers, and that I refrain from asking my wife to sit in the back while we are travelling in order to identify the origin of some annoying squeak or to rustle up an emergency Marmite sandwich, is there any reason why I should not remove the belts and store them.


I suspect the answer is that it would modify the vehicle sufficiently to make DVLA unhappy, in which case I will not proceed.


However before I spend too much time researching further I thought I'd ask here, since normally someone pitches up with a comprehensive answer faster than I can find it myself.


Idleness is a sin I know.



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This 2005 link asked a similar question




Section 4 S.1 (Number of seats, including driver) of the V5C for my Fiat Ducato-based Rapido motorhome has the figure “4” in it, but the V5C makes no reference to whether those seats have belts or not.


The Rapido has the usual pair of belted cab seats. The two seats in the habitation area are ‘convertible’ and (for us) they are always positioned to form two inwards-facing benches. However, these seats can - by dint of rejigging the cushions and adding various extra strange bits and pieces - be transformed into forwards-facing ‘designated travel seats'. The conversion procedure is ill-designed and ill-thought-out and the result would undoubtedly be uncomfortable, but, as the converted seats CAN bcome travel seats, 3-point seat-belts are provided for them.


The stalk of each seat-belt protrudes through a slot in the wooden seat base and is a ) a nuisance and b) would wear the seat cushion that sits on top of it. Rather than remove the stalks I’ve just pushed them back through their slot and used a piece of hard foam rubber to stop them popping out.


The UK’s MOT seat-belt rules are here




Before the Rapido goes for its MOT I remove the seat cushions, so there’s now no longer any ‘seat’ as such and hence no requirement for the MOT inspector to check the belts. This has never been commented on and it’s plain that the belts are not tested as the stalks are never moved from inside their slots.


So - if you removed the belts from your motorhome’s rear seat - I don’t think you’d NEED to tell the DVLA and it should not affect the MOT.


Me, I’d check with the DVLA if it concerned me (which it wouldn’t!) and I’d probably ask my insurance provider if they were interested.



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The only possible problem I can see is that if these seats are clearly identified as 'Designated Travel Seats' with the appropriate sticker then at MOT time the tester may see these as such and go looking for the seat belts. No seat belts on a designated seat could very possibly result in a fail. It's not a situation I've ever encountered so would really depend on the testers attitude on the day, ie did he get out of the wrong side of the bed!



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The MOT regulations make no mention of 'Designated Travel Seats' (DTS).


I'm doubtful about any legal status a sticker used to positively or negatively identify a DTS might have, My Rapido does not have a DTS sticker on either of the rear seats. Conversely, the inwards-facing bench seats (that had no belts) of my 2005 Hobby motorhome were identified with a sticker as non-DTS seats.


This link might be of interest




but as there's nothing in the MOT regs about DTS, an MOT inspector should not be reacting to any positive or negative DTS stickers a motorhome might carry.

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