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From Hero to Zero........

Guest pelmetman

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On paper the Afhgan military should have beaten the Taliban easily. Far superior in numbers and the (British) military hardware we sent them - which is now in the hands of the Taliban >:-)

But, like the English Government, the Afhgan Government is so corrupt there wasn't the will to fight to defend them. :-S

When your own Government is about as bad as the invaders who would risk their lives to defend them :-S

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2021-08-18 10:59 AM


On paper the Afhgan military should have beaten the Taliban easily. Far superior in numbers and the (British) military hardware we sent them - which is now in the hands of the Taliban >:-)

But, like the English Government, the Afhgan Government is so corrupt there wasn't the will to fight to defend them. :-S

When your own Government is about as bad as the invaders who would risk their lives to defend them :-S


You do know it was Labours Blair that took the UK into Afghanistan? ;-) .........


So you're saying a LABOUR government was corrupt? :D ..........


At last we agree on something >:-) ........


(lol) (lol) (lol) .............

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Lets have some perspective of this;



Trump Slams Biden for Doing What Trump Bragged About


“I started the process, all the troops are coming home,” he told supporters at a rally in Wellington, Ohio in late June. “What are we going to say? We’ll stay for another 21 years, then we’ll stay for another 50. The whole thing is ridiculous.” And few months before that, in April of this year, Trump was clear about where he stood: “We can and should get out earlier…Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do. I planned to withdraw on May 1st.”


Trump’s former National Security Advisor even agrees, saying the former president “would’ve done essentially the same thing” as Biden.


So let me get this straight, the only president to be impeached twice is blaming Biden for a mess that Trump took credit for in front of supporters?


The rest of the Republican party seems to realize this too, seeing as the RNC wiped clean their webpage laying out Trump’s negotiations and work with the Taliban during his presidency.




RNC quietly deletes webpage touting Trump's call for U.S. troops to withdraw from Afghanistan


The Republican National Committee was caught attempting to quietly erase history on Sunday when a page on GOP.com praising former President Donald Trump's "historic peace agreement with the Taliban" was deleted as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban.


They claim to have been "launching a new website". (lol)



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But, he could have reviewed Trump's decision and altered whatever plans had been made. The timescale, although extended by Biden, was still, in the light of events since, woefully short. If no-one advised against so abrupt a departure, heads need to roll.


However, he seems to have proceeded on the assumption that Afghanistan had a reasonably competent government, and a sufficiently trained and equipped army to resist the Taliban. So, how did so much money get spent training and equipping an army of cardboard soldiers who merely handed their weapons and equipment to the Taliban, and then faded away?


And how did that feted government turn out to be of the same calibre?


It seems to me that someone has taken a shed load of cash and deposited it somewhere nice and safe, where they can get at it.


But, next up we begin to hear that the Afghan army might not actually be 300,00 - 400,000 strong, as was being claimed, but as small as 50,000! So, if pay, arms, and equipment, sufficient for an army of 300,00 - 400,000 were provided, what has happened to all that? I assume a lot of the Afghan soldiers won't have had bank accounts, so were paid in cash.


Finally, if these reported discrepancies are on the scale now being suggested, why does no-one, either side of the Atlantic, seem to have the remotest inkling of that has been going on? The fog of war, I know, but it seems very odd that no-one seems to have understood the size of the army, or where that claimed trillion dollars (plus £25billion - £40 billion from UK) went. As an ex colleague used to say, "I smell rodent"!

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Brian Kirby - 2021-08-18 6:04 PM


But, he could have reviewed Trump's decision and altered whatever plans had been made. The timescale, although extended by Biden, was still, in the light of events since, woefully short. If no-one advised against so abrupt a departure, heads need to roll.

Would the chaos have been any different though? It seems to me their intel was questionable.


Here is a copy of the peace deal Trump made with the Taliban last year.




It seems to me that someone has taken a shed load of cash and deposited it somewhere nice and safe, where they can get at it.


But, next up we begin to hear that the Afghan army might not actually be 300,00 - 400,000 strong, as was being claimed, but as small as 50,000! So, if pay, arms, and equipment, sufficient for an army of 300,00 - 400,000 were provided, what has happened to all that? I assume a lot of the Afghan soldiers won't have had bank accounts, so were paid in cash.

It's been reported President Ghani, now safely in exile in the UAE, fled Afghanistan with £123 million in cash said to be stolen from state funds which he denies. Either way, I was surprised at the relatively small amount. Country leaders plundering state coffers usually do so in the billions.....Idi Amin, Pinochet, Mugabe, Gaddafi, Marcos etc. I've also read reports where the Afghan forces were not getting paid regularly which if true, goes some way to explaining their reluctance to fight not to mention the fact many possibly felt their better option was to get the hell out asap.

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Bulletguy - 2021-08-19 3:37 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-08-18 6:04 PM

But, he could have reviewed Trump's decision and altered whatever plans had been made. The timescale, although extended by Biden, was still, in the light of events since, woefully short. If no-one advised against so abrupt a departure, heads need to roll.

1 Would the chaos have been any different though? It seems to me their intel was questionable.

Here is a copy of the peace deal Trump made with the Taliban last year.


It seems to me that someone has taken a shed load of cash and deposited it somewhere nice and safe, where they can get at it.

But, next up we begin to hear that the Afghan army might not actually be 300,00 - 400,000 strong, as was being claimed, but as small as 50,000! So, if pay, arms, and equipment, sufficient for an army of 300,00 - 400,000 were provided, what has happened to all that? I assume a lot of the Afghan soldiers won't have had bank accounts, so were paid in cash.

2 It's been reported President Ghani, now safely in exile in the UAE, fled Afghanistan with £123 million in cash said to be stolen from state funds which he denies. Either way, I was surprised at the relatively small amount. Country leaders plundering state coffers usually do so in the billions.....Idi Amin, Pinochet, Mugabe, Gaddafi, Marcos etc. I've also read reports where the Afghan forces were not getting paid regularly which if true, goes some way to explaining their reluctance to fight not to mention the fact many possibly felt their better option was to get the hell out asap.

1 Who knows, but there would at least have been a chance for it to be less chaotic. Instead, he simply pulled the plug, apparently without consulting the Afghans or any of his allies. America First? It seems either the intelligence was way wide of the mark, or politicians both sides of the Atlantic agreed to ignore it. If the latter, it seem odd they appear to have abandoned working by agreement with Biden suddenly breaking ranks and no-one trying to pull him back. I guess the truth will gradually emerge.


2 I wouldn't think £123 touches the sides. But, as above, I assume the truth will emerge in time. We are too close to events at present, IMO.

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Brian Kirby - 2021-08-19 6:56 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-08-19 3:37 PM

Brian Kirby - 2021-08-18 6:04 PM

But, he could have reviewed Trump's decision and altered whatever plans had been made. The timescale, although extended by Biden, was still, in the light of events since, woefully short. If no-one advised against so abrupt a departure, heads need to roll.

1 Would the chaos have been any different though? It seems to me their intel was questionable.

Here is a copy of the peace deal Trump made with the Taliban last year.


It seems to me that someone has taken a shed load of cash and deposited it somewhere nice and safe, where they can get at it.

But, next up we begin to hear that the Afghan army might not actually be 300,00 - 400,000 strong, as was being claimed, but as small as 50,000! So, if pay, arms, and equipment, sufficient for an army of 300,00 - 400,000 were provided, what has happened to all that? I assume a lot of the Afghan soldiers won't have had bank accounts, so were paid in cash.

2 It's been reported President Ghani, now safely in exile in the UAE, fled Afghanistan with £123 million in cash said to be stolen from state funds which he denies. Either way, I was surprised at the relatively small amount. Country leaders plundering state coffers usually do so in the billions.....Idi Amin, Pinochet, Mugabe, Gaddafi, Marcos etc. I've also read reports where the Afghan forces were not getting paid regularly which if true, goes some way to explaining their reluctance to fight not to mention the fact many possibly felt their better option was to get the hell out asap.

1 Who knows, but there would at least have been a chance for it to be less chaotic. Instead, he simply pulled the plug, apparently without consulting the Afghans or any of his allies. America First? It seems either the intelligence was way wide of the mark, or politicians both sides of the Atlantic agreed to ignore it. If the latter, it seem odd they appear to have abandoned working by agreement with Biden suddenly breaking ranks and no-one trying to pull him back. I guess the truth will gradually emerge.


2 I wouldn't think £123 touches the sides. But, as above, I assume the truth will emerge in time. We are too close to events at present, IMO.

Only using Kabul airport is adding to the chaos and I don't know why they aren't using the others. There are three other international airports. Some reports of US cargo planes capable of carrying over 600 people, flying out with just 100 aboard.


C4 screened a documentary last night about Jason Fox, ex-Special Forces who did multiple tours of duty there before being discharged with PTSD, returned to Afghanistan as a civilian in 2019 to make this doc.


He has some very interesting meetings.




(if you can't view on C4 it's also available free on this link) https://www.facebook.com/22UKSF/videos/the-final-mission-foxys-war-ex-sbs-foxys-journey/331762767498487/

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Guest pelmetman
CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-20 12:52 PM


BREAKING: Now that we're no longer spending £2 billion a year on Afghanistan, the Tories have confirmed they can afford to keep the £20 a week Universal Credit uplift.


But they're not, because they don't want to.


Coz there's no need due to the UK's job bonanza caused by Brexit ;-) .........


Which has ensured the feckless have never had less of an excuse not to get a job >:-) .........


Plus the wages for those jobs are increasing.........So yet another Brexit bonus B-) .........


No need to thank me (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........

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pelmetman - 2021-08-20 2:36 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-20 12:52 PM


BREAKING: Now that we're no longer spending £2 billion a year on Afghanistan, the Tories have confirmed they can afford to keep the £20 a week Universal Credit uplift.


But they're not, because they don't want to.


Coz there's no need due to the UK's job bonanza caused by Brexit ;-) .........


Which has ensured the feckless have never had less of an excuse not to get a job >:-) .........


Plus the wages for those jobs are increasing.........So yet another Brexit bonus B-) .........


No need to thank me (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........


You do realise that 80% of those receiving Universal Credit are already in work?

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Guest pelmetman
CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-20 2:43 PM


pelmetman - 2021-08-20 2:36 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-20 12:52 PM


BREAKING: Now that we're no longer spending £2 billion a year on Afghanistan, the Tories have confirmed they can afford to keep the £20 a week Universal Credit uplift.


But they're not, because they don't want to.


Coz there's no need due to the UK's job bonanza caused by Brexit ;-) .........


Which has ensured the feckless have never had less of an excuse not to get a job >:-) .........


Plus the wages for those jobs are increasing.........So yet another Brexit bonus B-) .........


No need to thank me (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........


You do realise that 80% of those receiving Universal Credit are already in work?


You do realise that due to Brexit their wages are increasing >:-) .........



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pelmetman - 2021-08-20 2:53 PM


You do realise that due to Brexit their wages are increasing >:-) .........



Well according to your governments official source its due to covid.


"However, annual growth in average employee pay is being affected by temporary factors that have inflated the increase in the headline growth rate. These are compositional effects where there has been a fall in the number and proportion of lower-paid employee jobs so increasing average earnings and base effects where the latest months are now compared with low base periods when earnings were first affected by the pandemic."




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pelmetman - 2021-08-20 2:36 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-20 12:52 PM


BREAKING: Now that we're no longer spending £2 billion a year on Afghanistan, the Tories have confirmed they can afford to keep the £20 a week Universal Credit uplift.


But they're not, because they don't want to.


Coz there's no need due to the UK's job bonanza caused by Brexit ;-) .........


Which has ensured the feckless have never had less of an excuse not to get a job >:-) .........


Plus the wages for those jobs are increasing.........So yet another Brexit bonus B-) .........


No need to thank me (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........


In that case why is the 'Government' reneging on its triple lock promise to link pensions to wages?

Why is the British State pension less than the EU average?


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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2021-08-21 6:37 AM


pelmetman - 2021-08-20 2:36 PM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-08-20 12:52 PM


BREAKING: Now that we're no longer spending £2 billion a year on Afghanistan, the Tories have confirmed they can afford to keep the £20 a week Universal Credit uplift.


But they're not, because they don't want to.


Coz there's no need due to the UK's job bonanza caused by Brexit ;-) .........


Which has ensured the feckless have never had less of an excuse not to get a job >:-) .........


Plus the wages for those jobs are increasing.........So yet another Brexit bonus B-) .........


No need to thank me (lol) (lol) (lol) ..........


In that case why is the 'Government' reneging on its triple lock promise to link pensions to wages?

Why is the British State pension less than the EU average?


Have the government actually said that.......or are they just discussing options ;-) ........


BTW you are wrong YET AGAIN *-) ........


"UK pensioners can expect slightly more money from the government than their European counterparts, although comparing gross figures doesn’t take into account different average incomes and cost of living in these four countries."



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