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NHS safe in Tory hands


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Nothing says “the NHS isn’t being privatised” like hiring the ex-CEO of the US healthcare insurance giant which has taken over the care of 500,000 NHS patients this year.


Her role in Number 10? “Advisor on NHS transformation and social care”.



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Deloitte were awarded £280m of covid related public sector contracts which has helped a bump in profits. 691 partners are EACH getting £854,000 profit share. (Source FT)


And yet the government REFUSED to increase statutory sick pay from a measly £95.85/week during the pandemic so that workers on low incomes could afford to self-isolate. And ironically over 2 million workers in UK were excluded from it because they earned too little.


If you vote Conservative you support this type of greed and corruption.

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Guest pelmetman
CurtainRaiser - 2021-09-30 5:59 PM


If you vote Conservative you support this type of greed and corruption.


So says the bloke who stuffed his snout in the taxpayer trough for 4.1 million *-) .........


To create just 50 jobs and provide a park bench for the local drunks 8-) .......

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