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Private hospitals overtake NHS for hip and knee replacements for the first time ever




The switch from NHS work to privately paying patients comes despite long waiting lists for treatment and an agreement last year when the government paid all of the hospitals’ operating, interest, rental and staff costs in exchange for their help during the public emergency.

The government has still not disclosed the cost. 8-)


David Rowland, director of independent think-tank the Centre for Health and the Public Interest, said the private hospital sector could not deliver this level of activity without the use of thousands of NHS consultants working in their spare time.


“It must be difficult for the 5.3m people on NHS waiting lists to know that NHS employees are choosing to dedicate their time treating fee-paying patients rather than helping to clear the NHS backlog,” he said.


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thebishbus - 2021-10-04 4:39 PM


I would say they are helping out the NHS,. I have just had both knees and my wife 1 knee replaced at our local private Hospital on the NHS free of charge.

Brian B.


Except its not free of charge.


It will normally be the same surgeon who is doing some shifts in the NHS but not as many as he could as otherwise he wouldnt have time to work in the private hospital.


If there are any serious issues the NHS will have to pick up the pieces and carry out the repairs - knocking those people on the waiting list further down the queue.


And the key thing is, the private hospital is making a profit on this work, and if you want to know how that is going to pan out longterm look to the states.


If the government want to perform more hip and knee operations they should build more NHS operating theaters, not pay the private sector to build them.

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I had cateracts removed at a private hospital thanks to the NHS - a private hospital that did not have to cope with any Covid patients so not only availabe but safer too - a win win scenario.


I see nowt wrong with private care working with the NHS for the common good, in fact I welcome practicality and common sense over political dogma and resentment - so glad I didn't vote labour!


Are you really suggesting that waiting lists would be shorter without private hospitals?


Perhaps if they were fully employed by the NHS doctors, surgeons and operating theatre staff would have no need or oportunity to work part time elsewhere.


Perhaps the NHS needs to get it's act together or maybe private medicine is too cost effective to discourage?

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CurtainRaiser - 2021-10-04 4:47 PM

If the government want to perform more hip and knee operations they should build more NHS operating theaters, not pay the private sector to build them.


And we all know how efficient the government is at building and operating anything!

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I'm not in favour of private healthcare but for those that want it, ok as long as it's kept well away and totally separate from all NHS facilities, and that includes operations. My local hospital has one of the best Resus units in the country and was the subject of a recent series of documentaries called "Critical Care". I doubt there is a private hospital anywhere in the country capable of treating some of the cases they deal with. Oddly enough i've always found those who sing the praises for private healthcare.....come times of crisis, stroke, heart attack, road accident etc, they always turn straight to the NHS.


As for a private room, I had that once during recovery from major surgery and found being in solitary extremely unpleasant. Thankfully it was only one day and night then I was moved back on the ward where I could see other people.

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Bulletguy - 2021-10-04 6:53 PM


My local hospital has one of the best Resus units in the country and was the subject of a recent series of documentaries called "Critical Care". I doubt there is a private hospital anywhere in the country capable of treating some of the cases they deal with. Oddly enough i've always found those who sing the praises for private healthcare.....come times of crisis, stroke, heart attack, road accident etc, they always turn straight to the NHS.



I too have benefitted from and been very appreciative of the NHS emergency care and as you say there probably is not a private hospital in the land that could better the NHS for llife saving care.


Then again that was never the intended role for the private care sector so you would not expect them to offer it.


What private care does well is share the load for non life saving operations and care with the NHS and from what I have seen, whilst it is not perfect, it has enabled a lot of people to get on with their lives free from pain - and that has to be a good thing however it is achieved.


Whether the NHS could achieve similar overall results itself alone for a similar cost - which would probably include much new building and much disruption - is another matter - personally given the government run and funded NHS and government history on new builds on time and on budget - I doubt it?

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CurtainRaiser - 2021-10-04 4:47 PM

if you want to know how that is going to pan out longterm look to the states.


The cost of hip replacements varied globally in 2019. Among the listed countries, the United States had the highest cost for a hip replacement with a price of over 40 thousand dollars. In the meantime, Poland had the lowest costs for a hip replacement at around five thousand U.S. dollars. https://www.statista.com/statistics/450373/cost-of-a-hip-replacement-in-various-countries/


No wonder the Americans want to take over our NHS

and make it a precondition of a trade deal


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Tracker - 2021-10-04 7:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2021-10-04 6:53 PM


My local hospital has one of the best Resus units in the country and was the subject of a recent series of documentaries called "Critical Care". I doubt there is a private hospital anywhere in the country capable of treating some of the cases they deal with. Oddly enough i've always found those who sing the praises for private healthcare.....come times of crisis, stroke, heart attack, road accident etc, they always turn straight to the NHS.



I too have benefitted from and been very appreciative of the NHS emergency care and as you say there probably is not a private hospital in the land that could better the NHS for llife saving care.


Then again that was never the intended role for the private care sector so you would not expect them to offer it.


What private care does well is share the load for non life saving operations and care with the NHS and from what I have seen, whilst it is not perfect, it has enabled a lot of people to get on with their lives free from pain - and that has to be a good thing however it is achieved.


Whether the NHS could achieve similar overall results itself alone for a similar cost - which would probably include much new building and much disruption - is another matter - personally given the government run and funded NHS and government history on new builds on time and on budget - I doubt it?


Do you think you would get the private health care free if we didn't have the NHS

For which you ought to thank the Labour Government

Like for your council house

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Tracker - 2021-10-04 7:30 PM

Whether the NHS could achieve similar overall results itself alone for a similar cost -


That we don't know because the Tories won't tell us how much it has cost us

- as for their VIP lane Crony contracts for useless PPE

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John52 - 2021-10-04 10:35 PM

Do you think you would get the private health care free if we didn't have the NHS

For which you ought to thank the Labour Government

Like for your council house


You probably don't understand this, but the NHS is not free.

It is free at the point of care but free it most certainly is not.

After a lot of years paying a lot of tax and fortunately needing no health care whatsoever when my turn arrived I considered myself very well paid up.

The NHS was the last worthwhile thing that Labour ever did so no wonder you keep banging on about it - cos there ain't anything else to crow about ever since - and Labour too has wasted it's chances.

No small wonder then that the electorate has no faith in Labour.

Council house? My mum and dad both served in the war and, like their parents before them suffered the hardships and losses and paid whatever tax was asked of them for many years so I feel that they too earned the right to a decent home and healthcare.

It ain't my fault that today's generation have a tough time but don't let that stop you taking every opportunity to personalise your obsession with Labour by blaming everyone else except your self and your beloved Socialists.

If you were a true devotee perhaps you would do more to seek change than sit and whinge like an anonymous keyboard warrior - but that would take real guts and that seems well beyond you.

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Tracker - 2021-10-04 4:52 PM


- a private hospital that did not have to cope with any Covid patients


so they can cream off the easy profitable jobs and leave the difficult dangerous jobs to the NHS

And Johnson still won't tell us how much of OUR money he has given them for it.

... or to his Cronies for absurdly priced and useless PPE


Why do you let them get away with that?

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To paraphrase Shakespeare, not to worry or to worry, that's the question.


Already seen where private organizations have been given access to health services delivery, 78% of the simple, low-risk, high-margin surgeries (knees, cataracts) done by them.

While 78% of those at high risk and low margin (cancer, heart, brain) are carried out by public health.

The percentages quoted are real, it has already happened and is verifiable.

If in some time on the independent press you will read the same results, you may remember that you have already read it here.

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thebishbus - 2021-10-04 4:39 PM


I would say they are helping out the NHS,. I have just had both knees and my wife 1 knee replaced at our local private Hospital on the NHS free of charge to us . Excellent service and an en suite private room.

Brian B.


Because they choose the pick of the jobs, and leave the rotten jobs like Covid to the NHS

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mtravel - 2021-10-05 10:24 AM

If in some time on the independent press you will read the same results, .


We are a bit short of independent press here mtravel

Thats why people have elected a rotten corrupt lying government and Brexit.

But please remember we are not all like that.

I am ashamed to live in a country that elected Boris Johnson's Government.

He was elected by pandering to the worst of human emotions, promising whatever people wanted to hear - even if that promise was to be broken an hour later.

So I can see how Johnson did it.

But the popularity of the Monarchy has always baffled me.

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John52 - 2021-10-05 10:45 AM



But the popularity of the Monarchy has always baffled me.



I think you have mentioned that before - but I don't think you have ever said who you would like to see as President.


As Presidents are elected - you might get Boris Johnson ( or Rees-Mogg - or Michael Gove - or Grant Shapps )




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malc d - 2021-10-05 10:59 AM


John52 - 2021-10-05 10:45 AM



But the popularity of the Monarchy has always baffled me.



I think you have mentioned that before - but I don't think you have ever said who you would like to see as President.


As Presidents are elected - you might get Boris Johnson ( or Rees-Mogg - or Michael Gove - or Grant Shapps )





What is needed as a starter is a written constitution, one that sets out the powers and controls of the various arms of government. Then we need a fully elected second chamber. The royals can stay as they do in some countries as tourist attractions, but no special tax treatment and treated the same as every other person by the law - no trips to Pizza Express going uninvestigated by the police.


What is currently happening is the opposite, removal of power from the courts and the electoral commission, restrictions on who can vote and the replacement of what were once considered independent chairs with government lackeys - Paul Dacre to OFCOM FFS!


And still some on here will cheer on the drift towards divisive authoritarianism.

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malc d - 2021-10-05 10:59 AM


John52 - 2021-10-05 10:45 AM



But the popularity of the Monarchy has always baffled me.



I think you have mentioned that before - but I don't think you have ever said who you would like to see as President.


As Presidents are elected - you might get Boris Johnson ( or Rees-Mogg - or Michael Gove - or Grant Shapps )




God forbid!!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

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malc d - 2021-10-05 10:59 AM


John52 - 2021-10-05 10:45 AM



But the popularity of the Monarchy has always baffled me.



I think you have mentioned that before - but I don't think you have ever said who you would like to see as President.


As Presidents are elected - you might get Boris Johnson ( or Rees-Mogg - or Michael Gove - or Grant Shapps )





Whoever is elected.

People don't always make the best choice.

Of course they might choose someone I don't like.

But its their choice.

And 5 years later we get another choice.

We are not stuck with Johnson or Rees Mogg , plus all their extended family and hangers on, plus all their descendents, plus all their descendents extended families and hangers on, whatever they turn out to be like, for evermore.


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John52 - 2021-10-05 2:36 PM


malc d - 2021-10-05 10:59 AM


John52 - 2021-10-05 10:45 AM



But the popularity of the Monarchy has always baffled me.



I think you have mentioned that before - but I don't think you have ever said who you would like to see as President.


As Presidents are elected - you might get Boris Johnson ( or Rees-Mogg - or Michael Gove - or Grant Shapps )





Whoever is elected.

People don't always make the best choice.

Of course they might choose someone I don't like.

But its their choice.

And 5 years later we get another choice.

We are not stuck with Johnson or Rees Mogg , plus all their extended family and hangers on, plus all their descendents, plus all their descendents extended families and hangers on, whatever they turn out to be like, for evermore.



I'm surprised that anyone in the U.K. would want even more election campaigns !


We would just get 'stuck' with a different family every 5 years.



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CurtainRaiser - 2021-10-05 11:51 AM

What is needed as a starter is a written constitution,.


They prefer to make it up to suit themselves as they go along.

Plus if it was written down for people to read, they would realise how corrupt and dangerous it is.

When push comes to shove, whoever controls the armed forces controls us all.

And Her Majesty's armed forces swear allegiance to her, not to us.

All we have is an unwritten assumption she won't use all her power as long as things keep going her way.

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John52 - 2021-10-06 5:10 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-10-05 11:51 AM

What is needed as a starter is a written constitution,.



When push comes to shove, whoever controls the armed forces controls us all.

And Her Majesty's armed forces swear allegiance to her, not to us.

All we have is an unwritten assumption she won't use all her power as long as things keep going her way.



You are the first person I have ever come across who is scared stiff of the queen.




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malc d - 2021-10-06 9:31 AM


John52 - 2021-10-06 5:10 AM


CurtainRaiser - 2021-10-05 11:51 AM

What is needed as a starter is a written constitution,.



When push comes to shove, whoever controls the armed forces controls us all.

And Her Majesty's armed forces swear allegiance to her, not to us.

All we have is an unwritten assumption she won't use all her power as long as things keep going her way.



You are the first person I have ever come across who is scared stiff of the queen.





We don't know what her successors will be like

So it might be an idea to limit their power if we still can

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