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What size Solar Panel?


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I would like to have a solar panel syatem installed primarily to keep my camper batteries charged with the secondary purpose of charging phones and a laptop. We don't use a TV when on trips. A fitter we spoke to suggested a 175 watt panel which seemed rather small or is it?
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Is your motorhome still the 2002 Auto-Sleepers "Pollensa" that you referred to in these 2019 and 2020 discussions?






This webpage has a lot of information about motorhome solar-panel systems and how to 'size' the panels.




The advice on sizing was

How big do I go?...how big a solar panel do I need?


In my opinion, the answer is simpler than you think but not truly defined but here are some choices.


1: If you have a compressor fridge and an inverter then go for 120w or above – 150W if you have the space on the roof. I run a 100W solar panel and have no problems but I do use the van for everyday transport and I turn my fridge off at night.


2: If you are just powering some lights and a few charging sockets then you’ll be fine with 80w – 100w


3: If you want to keep your starter battery topped up when it’s parked at home then look at the 60w panels


4: If you are thinking about panels smaller than 60w – don’t bother – those dash mounted cheap ones from motorists stores will do nothing for your batteries.


Based on your stated requirements, a 100W-120W panel should be sufficient.

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I have 2 x leisure batteries that a 100 watt solar panel keeps fully charged on my van when parked up , it also has a Vanbitz battery master fitted that allows a controlled trickle charge from the leisure batteries to the starter battery keeping that fully charged at the same time.
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Size depends on expected consumption, location and available roof space. We have a compressor fridge, 180Ah battery and 320W of solar. In summer, it barely keeps up. Simply because in summer we prefer to park in the shade to keep cool(er) where power output might be just 1/4th or less. In winter it's also often struggling, because of the weather or because alpine valleys don't see sun for much of the day.


So basically, 120W mentioned above is enough, provided you are a sun seeker in mild climates and mostly perfect conditions. My advice would be to get as much as you have space. On a typical van that's usually not more than 2x 100-160W panels anyway.

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