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The queens revenge?


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What a squirming odious scumbag he is.


Apparently Covid is worse now as is the death rate than when the plan B restrictions were implemented.


Its the Mayor of Jaws all over again. Back in the water everyone, there is no shark.


I am all for seeing the back of this dreadful disease but this is just pandering to the swivel eyed loops and yet another attempt to regain popularity at the expense of putting people unnecessarily at risk.

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Barryd999 - 2022-02-20 12:49 PM


What a squirming odious scumbag he is.


Apparently Covid is worse now as is the death rate than when the plan B restrictions were implemented.


Its the Mayor of Jaws all over again. Back in the water everyone, there is no shark.


I am all for seeing the back of this dreadful disease but this is just pandering to the swivel eyed loops and yet another attempt to regain popularity at the expense of putting people unnecessarily at risk.



The country is getting exactly what it voted for.


Leaderless at a time of anxiety about Covid, Ukraine, high cost of living etc,etc



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malc d - 2022-02-20 1:19 PM


Barryd999 - 2022-02-20 12:49 PM


What a squirming odious scumbag he is.


Apparently Covid is worse now as is the death rate than when the plan B restrictions were implemented.


Its the Mayor of Jaws all over again. Back in the water everyone, there is no shark.


I am all for seeing the back of this dreadful disease but this is just pandering to the swivel eyed loops and yet another attempt to regain popularity at the expense of putting people unnecessarily at risk.



The country is getting exactly what it voted for.


Leaderless at a time of anxiety about Covid, Ukraine, high cost of living etc,etc



Yes some folk have extremely odd priorities don't they? And now Brexit fundamentalists are in a panic over the possibility of losing their Dear Leader.

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John52 - 2022-02-20 3:32 PM


Bulletguy - 2022-02-20 2:14 PM

Brexit fundamentalists are in a panic over the possibility of losing their Dear Leader.

Thats understandable.

When your product is a con you need a con-man to sell it.


Do you think when he goes whoever takes over will finally admit it was all a con then? (lol)

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"Let her have her little party. Let the flag clad sycophants have one last hurrah. Let's see if we can wangle a couple more bank holidays and see a few new bank notes, coins, and stamps. Then, when the steam runs out on the auld girl, let that be the end of it.


I'm no royalist, but I've no ill will toward the queen, just the archaic institution she heads up. Yes, she lives in immense luxury and wealth, but you can't choose your family, especially horny uncles.


She went from never dreaming of being anywhere near that throne to dropping everything at 27. Imagine that. The realisation at that tender age that your life is changed forever, and that you'd be spending the rest of it in a fish bowl being constantly let down, and repeatedly embarrassed by your own stupid fecking inbred, horse-faced, plum-throated tribe of pampered, out of touch morons.


"Morning Lilybet, you're the queen now, oh, and there's this new invention called 'telly' that every **** will be watching you on, forever. Wait until Channel 5 comes along in about 60 years. Then you're fecked!"


No. Let's just end it. Let the monarchy pass when she does. We don't need a gurning plant whisperer with more medals than a fecking trophy shop to symbolically rule over us. It's 2022 for feck's sake. Just make Stephen Fry head of state and have done with it.


I mean, 12 million quid of 'the queen's money' to detract from nonce allegations? That should be enough of an argument right there. I don't care how you badge it up; that's our fecking money, or our ancestor's money, or the ancestors of India's fecking money.


People will still visit all the re-purposed castles and palaces for all bootlickers who scream, "WarrA bOuT TourISm??!"


And to them I say let me tell you about a little place called France one day.


We have monarchies and a ruling class because their forefathers were bruts and thugs with massive armies. Let's not sugarcoat it. That wealth, those properties, all of it was taken, and, im most cases, by force, from people like you and I.


Let's ask for it all back. No, demand it back. Give them a couple of million and a grace and favour cottage somewhere and send them packing. Let that be the end of this fecking madness."

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