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Damage to Side Windows From Winter Cover

Fred Duck

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We've taken the Protec cover off our van this week. There's the usual 'Tiger Print' staining on areas of the paintwork that is easily removed by polishing but the rubbing to the two side windows leaving marks is something we've not seen before. I imagine that one of the polishing systems used for the removal of deterioration to plastic headlamp lenses might be a solution but I'm reluctant to try in case it results in making the damage worse.


This must be a comon issue. Be grateful to hear of the experience of others who have been down this route successfully.



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Guest pelmetman

Try Brasso ;-) .........


It worked on the perspex window I accidentally scratched whilst fitting our bathroom overdoor window B-) ........



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I would be very guarded with using anything on our acrylic plastic windows, that is not very specifically made for that purpose.


These acrylics are very prone to develop a rash of micro cracks, that appear as silver mirror like dashes deep within the plastic, and are there forever. This can occur with the chemicals & solvents used in many domestic cleaners, like those for real glass, what happens is the locked in stresses between the plastic grains get released, so a rash of silvery flecks of fracture happens on every stress relieved grain boundary.


This rash development, is not immediate it takes quite a long time for this release to occur, weeks or months after the wrong product has been used on the window.


The manufacture of our windows is a hot moulding so by its very nature generates locked in stresses everywhere the plastic is "moulded".


There are plenty of right products out there to use, but way more very risky ones, one right one is Fenwicks, Windowise


https://www.towsure.com/fenwicks-windowize-caravan-window-scratch-repair I have zero connection with these people, but have used it and am aware its more readily available than some profession lines.


Should you be into gambling and save yourself £6 odd quid on a £300 window, by using anything other than that made for that task, metal polishes, glass cleaners, wash and wash time again any possible traces away and keep your fingers crossed for the next few months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To bring this to a conclusion, picked up some Fenwicks Windowise this morning and, after lunch, set to. 10 minutes work to each window and they are all but like new. Certainly much, much better even than they were when we bought the van in 2019. Appreciate that there are other products designed for this job and that such as Brasso and toothpaste have also been recommended but the Fenwicks product did the job for me and I couldn't be more pleased with the result for the sake of £6.49 and 20 minutes work.


Thanks, again, for all the previous replies.



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