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bailey fuse for marker lights


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All 5 marker lights are out on my Bailey Autograph 765 suggesting a fuse but i cannot locate the fuse. anyone help?

The manual is not much help at all. There are supposed to be 3 locations for fuses but it seems to be written for continental vans. And the one set i have found by the steering wheel does not match any of the diagrams at all. Still i have checked each of the fuses in there and they all seem ok.

Failed MOT!

Anyone help?

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There could be a interface unit fitted that has the marker light fuses (and others) in it. . It is not part of the cab fuses but is a separate unit which you may find behind the drivers seat at the bottom of the door pillar behind a plastic cover. It is called a Motorhome interface relay in case it is shown in the Bailey hand book .
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have looked by the driver's seat post - found the fuses and wiring but still can't identify the motorhome relay and fuse box a couple of people have mentioned.

I've taken a picture in case anyone can make sense of that. it's in a pretty awkward place!

Thanks for all the help so far anyway!


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If you look at the primaleisure.com website and put in the part number 1000244 it should show a photo of the Motorhome interface relay that I was hoping you would find around that area. Maybe it is for a later model ?
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The interface relay on my Alliance & Autographs i have seen is to the rear of the drivers door pillar. In my Alliance it is in the corner hidden at the back of the water tank under a bench seat.In the Autographs it was easier to see again in the corner. 2 of the fuses are for the marker lights & 1 for the B+. If both sets of marker lights are out it may be the multi-pin plug is loose.
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You're looking for the interface box in this picture:



As mentioned above it'll be aft of the driver's door pillar and in the Bailey 'furniture' as close to the door pillar as possible. You may have to remove some internal boxing to reveal it. The marker lights are the 2x fuses circled in red.

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thanks to all posters, problem solved. the fuses were in the habitation space backing on to the driver's seat, under dining area. had to take out a piece of board to access and then get seriously contorted, but got to it and found a faulty fuse as expected.

Why they don't specify the location of these vital things is puzzling to me.

Thanks again!


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