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Metered EHU


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Staying at a very nice CL site in Cornwall at present.

The owner has informed me that they are changing to metered EHU pitches in a few weeks time in response to soaring energy costs and suggests this is a fairer way to charge for all. There will be a basic charge for the pitch and then you pay for what you actually use.

What is the general opinion, is this going to become normal now in the UK?

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potus4388 - 2022-03-30 8:21 AM

What is the general opinion, is this going to become normal now in the UK?


Hopefully, and hopefully with the appropriate correction to the pitch fee.

It has to be the equitable solution, that those who would otherwise abuse the system face its ramifications, not the site owner and from that the rest of us.

The inevitable moving to EVs and soring energy costs in general, precipitate this anyway, so I think it is something we are going to progressively find.


Personally, I am happy to see it and feel it is needed to keep these so desirable 5 van site we favour.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but to be able to actually charge for electricity as a separate item the 'seller' needs to be licensed. This why the two main clubs charge for something like a standard pitch which has no EHU and then a super pitch which does have EHU but the charge for the electricity used is 'hidden' within the cost.



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The "rules" are here in the PDF downloadable from this site:




The reseller can't charge more than they themselves pay for the electrical energy, they can factor in an equitable distribution of a standing charge and of course the VAT.

It should be remembered many CL etc are commercial so pay commercial energy rates and don't benefit from the "Cap", so don't necessarily expect similar pricing to our home charges.

The infrastructure costs to provide the facilities, meters etc, has to recovered in other ways, say pitch pricing.

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Many moons ago, when in Germany, I remember the electric supply to the pitch being a coin-operated connection point. I thought then that was a great idea. I dont used EHU now thanks to the advance in solar panels.
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The simplest solution would be for sites to use a card system. You get a initial precharged card with the number of units determined by your length of stay, this would be included in your pitch fee. If you need more you get a further charge put on the card at cost.


Some marinas use such a system so the technology is already there. The advantage is that remote meter monitoring is notoriously unreliable whereas the cards are old school and work.

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In Germany, the cost of electricity in almost all Stellplatz is 0.50 €/Kwh.

This means that, tested dozens of times, for the summer consumption of a motorhome one euro is enough from 6pm to 10am the next day.

At least.

In campsites it costs something more, on average 3 euros with some peaks of 4.

In Great Britain it typically costs from 4 to 5 pounds, in the Portsmouth area they asked for 6.

I hope you too consider this an exaggeration.

Or unfair if fyou prefer.



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YorkshireGlobecar - 2022-03-30 9:48 AM


Depends how it works. Some places we stayed, had to buy a prepayment card with a minimum amount on. If you did bot use all the electricity you paid for, tough. If your prepayment ran out in the middle of the night, also tough. That system is terrible.


That, with a premutation of, if at a sensible hour and someone is about at the farm, to index on another £x's worth if needed, is what one of my favourite sites does.


It seems to work very well, it is "suggested" you take £3 a night [ pre the big energy price hike] and see where you go from there. If staying 5 nights our typical summer stay, we opt for a £5 the stay, which had been enough, but we have a decent solar system.


A winter stay, then even at £3, back in those cheaper energy days could be "marginal", though easily countered if getting low by using gas for the huge energy load, space heating.

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'Pre payment' and 'pay after meter reading' can be a PITA when you just want to get on with things and/or are not sure how much you will be using. Fortunately most of the time we don't bother with power, but some sort of payment system through a contactless card could be made to work?
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We have just come back from a CAMC CL in Norfolk with metered electricity.


They take all your details on booking, name, address, mobile no and CAMC membership no and no of nights req'd, they give you a code for the entrance gate.

The meter on your pitch is pre loaded with more than enough for your stay, ours had about £25 iirc, they only charge what they pay for the electricity, you take the reading as you arrive and also when you leave and calculate the amount owed accordingly, then leave your money including the pitch fee in an honesty envelope and post it into the box by the entrance.

We only used the grand total £1.50 for 3 nights stay (exc pitch fees) as most of our equipment runs on 12volt inc fridge and we have diesel heating so hardly need any electric but its nice to have a small amount of 230v back up in the winter to keep the batteries topped up when the sun don't shine for the solar panels.

Its a great system for low electricity users but obviously will only work if everyone is honest.



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