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CBE PC380-BS Control Panel Clock Setting

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Hi, my first post for a long time. My control panel, CBE PC380-BS, is playing up. When I set the clock, it keeps time, but when the control panel is turned off and on again, the clock re-sets to 00:00.


I’ve checked all connections, fuses, leisure battery etc with no result.


Just wondering if anyone else has had this, or has any ideas? It’s only an inconvenience, but am a bit concerned that it might be a warning sign of something worse to come!



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Instructions for the PC380-BS here




but I can't see anything obvious to cause the issue you are having.


I'm not familiar with this particular CBE panel - I assume that, once the clock's time has been set, it's necessary to 'confirm' that setting before exiting the setting menu?

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Thanks Derek, yes, that's correct. I think I'm accurately following the instructions you kindly attached.


The setting is confirmed by pressing the Programme button. This takes you to the main menu, where there's an option to Exit. After this, the main panel appears and the changes have been saved, but as soon as the panel is switched off and then re-started, it reverts to 00:00!

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Does the panel possibly have a small button type cell as a backup to keep the time when turned off, similar to that used on computer motherboards? If so has it failed?




PS That is assuming it used to remember the time and now doesn't!

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Fair question! I don't turn it off during a trip, but do if I'm not using the van for a few weeks during the winter. Reason is that it's presumably using a bit of power, so don't want to drain the leisure battery in the dark days when the solar panel might be struggling. No idea if this is a reasonable concern or not. It used to remember the time even when switched off.
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Just found this link via a Google search and on page 19 is the following quote




"NOTE: The watch is supplied from the leisure battery (B2). Should B2 be disconnected, the watch is able to keep working, without visualization, for about week 2"


So this implies either a small battery or possibly a capacitor on the board to maintain the watch setting.

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Yes, I noticed that when I read CBE's instructions and - just in case something was lost in translation - I ran the equivalent section in the Italian instructions through GOOGLE Translate that produced the following:


NB: The clock takes power from the battery services (B2).If the B2 battery is disconnected, the clock is able to continue the operation, without display, for about 2 weeks.


There's nothing in the instructions about replacing a 'maintenance' power source for the clock, but the instructions suggest there is one and the issue has the flavour of the historic clock-failure problems of desktop computers. As you say - if there is a 'back up' - it could be a battery/component in the control-panel or in the DS Distribution Box.


The age of the motorhome has not been stated and Wildax have been using the "Aurora" name since before 2006. However, I think Aurora XL models are post-2014 (and the PC380 is a quite recent panel).


It would be worth contacting Wildax about this as they've chosen to fit this CBE system and may be aware of the problem.


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Try contacting one or other of the suppliers of CBE equipment, eg 12 volt Planet above, or one of the repair shops like Apuljack Engineering ELECTRONICS or Martin at A and N Caravan Services and ask if the know if it is possible to repair this fault.







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Derek, yes, it does seem to point to failed back-up power supply. The van's a 2018 conversion. I'll follow your suggestion and give Wildax a call after Easter. If it is just a power supply problem, perhaps the control panel isn't terminally ill after all. He says, optimistically.


Everyone - many thanks for your replies and a Happy Easter to all.

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I have a 2021 Wildax (Constellation 3XL) with the same panel. I set the clock when I got the van last summer and it has more or less retained the time ( It is about 5 minutes out now!) since then. I switch the panel off when we travel or when we get home and the van is not being used, sometimes several weeks.
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Tintent115 - 2022-04-18 7:58 AM


I have a 2021 Wildax (Constellation 3XL) with the same panel. I set the clock when I got the van last summer and it has more or less retained the time ( It is about 5 minutes out now!) since then. I switch the panel off when we travel or when we get home and the van is not being used, sometimes several weeks.


Thanks, yes, that's what I think mine should be doing. Will follow up a couple of leads and hopefully get to the bottom of it this week!

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I have been following this thread with interest, and I agree that the problem is most probably due to the failure of a backup power supply.


My 2006 CBE PC200 control panel has the same backup supply alluded to in the instructions, and I have not encountered problems. This could be due to my habitation 12V system being almost permanently live, (No EMC shutdown, and separately fused dual habitation batteries.)


I have in the past suffered from failure of several nicad backup batteries in electronic timers/programmers. The main obstacle to repair was sourcing replacement batteries, so in the case of two heating programmers they were replaced with the same make. Interestingly new devices of the same make and type had lithium coin cells as the backup battery


Is it possible that CBE are still using nicads as backup batteries? Lithium coin cells would require to be isolated until put into service, and could become exhausted, if the normal (B2) supply was removed for long periods. A capacitor would not have any of these problems, and would be much less likely to fail.


There is no backup power source on my DS520 distribution board, and the obvious location would be in the control panel, into which I have never investigated.


I await the outcome with interest.



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Hi there are a couple of very good suggestions and a couple of reasons why this may happen , if the unit has a lost a permanent feed to the unit or in the unit and or 2nd if the board does have a battery back up this can be changed if you take a picture of the unit I will most probably be able to identify the unit and there is a very good chance it can be repaired.
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electric billy boy - 2022-04-19 12:52 PM


Hi there are a couple of very good suggestions and a couple of reasons why this may happen , if the unit has a lost a permanent feed to the unit or in the unit and or 2nd if the board does have a battery back up this can be changed if you take a picture of the unit I will most probably be able to identify the unit and there is a very good chance it can be repaired.



This is the beast!




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on the road again - 2022-04-20 2:56 PM


Alan - thanks. I've explored my van's installation and haven't found any back-up batteries. I've asked some people who might know, including Wildax, and am waiting to see what they say. I'll post the outcome when resolved.


You will not find this sort of backup device external to the PC380. It will be internal and soldered to the PCB.


While I have investigated many parts of my PVC in the years since purchase in 2006, I have never previously looked inside the PC200. This omission has now been rectified, and nestling between the PCB and front panel is a memory backup capacitor. I did not manage to read the capacity, but it the voltage was 5.5VDC. Physical size was estimated as about 11mm diameter by 5mm thick. This equates well to an entry in a 20 year old Farnell electronic components catalogue, for a Panasonic SD series capacitor, but not an exact match, as the terminations were different.


The question now becomes why has the capacitor failed? A possible explanation is a dry joint, which is rare, but not unknown on other CBE modules.





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It's probable that CBE has continued - with the PC380 panel - to employ the same method of providing a clock 'back up' power supply. In fact, this 2021 MHFun thread




includes the following


A little information I also had this problem with a CBE pc380-bs.

I took the control panel out and could hear a faint buzz from the capacitor. Resoldered the joints and gave them a clean and it works again. Luck or a common problem I dunno but worth a try if anyone else gets the same problem.


As mentioned by Keith earlier, Apuljack Electronics Ltd advertises repairs for the PC380 panel




and should be able to advise.


A new panel is advertised here



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