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Whale Expanse Water Heater/gas and Electric.


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I am hoping that a member of the Forum will have a lot more knowledge than myself on Whale water heaters!. I have been on Site for the last three days with no problems at all, Then this morning the water pump cut in , indicating that it was pumping water somewhere. checked no taps open, nothing leaking from joints in the pipe work in and under the cupboards, everywhere dry. Got the Wife to switch the pump on while I check under the van. The water is coming from very short spigot pipe of about 10mm dia high up on the end of the actual heater. It looks as if there could have been a small cap on the end of the spigot, But I am only guessing. Nothing except water on the floor ?, ( I am parked on gravel). can't see any mention in the manuals, or the trouble shooting sections.

Cheers Em.

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Thankyou Bigparkie,

Your suggestion was bang on, let about a bucket full run through a couple of times and then tried it and everything is working normally. All the water i collected was perfectly clean with no sign of any grit etc. The filter in the pump was all so clean. Happy days thankyou again!.

cheers Em.

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Although the action you took fixed the problem, I'm wary that 'grit' would have been the cause.

It's certainly the case that, if debris of any sort found its way into a Whale Expanse's drain-valve, the valve would not close properly and water leakage (minor or serious) through the valve would occur. But from what you said in your original posting, you had been on site for 3 days and there had been no sign of water loss during that period.

I've no hands-on experience of the Expanse appliance, but I notice that (like Truma combination air/water heaters) the Expanse has a frost-protection feature that will open the drain-valve if the weather is cold enough. However, unlike the Truma heaters where a manually-engaged safety/drain valve provides anti-frost protection automatically, I note that an Expanse's frost-protection is selected via its Whale control-panel.

As the water loss from your Expanse suddenly occurred "this morning", I suspect that frost-protection had been selected (deliberately or accidentally) through the Whale control-panel and the temperature had dropped low enough to cause the drain-valve to open.

Assuming that an Expanse's frost-protection operates similarly to the Truma procedure, the giveaway at the time would have been that - when water was emerging from the heater's 'spigot' (which should not have had a cap on it) - the drain-valve's yellow operating lever would have moved from its closed position to its open position. When you came to follow Bigparkie's advice, did you find the drain-valve's lever in its open or closed position?


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  • 1 year later...

I had no end of trouble with ours, the valve doesn't have any link to a frost setting on the whale it's purely a manual mechanical valve. Originally the valve was constantly dripping and because the little spout you see the water drip from doesn't protrute the heaters outer casing it was causing moisture build up on the heater element connections and tripping our electric. Fitted a new valve and siliconed the seal to prevent the water ever getting to the electric again and that sorted the tripping issue. Within days the valve started leaking again! Pump running every 10 seconds, whale didn't want to know and said we must be running too high a pressure from our pump. We fitted a pressure gauge and it was running fine, they sent a replacement valve again and that one has lasted 2 years.... Pump started running again this morning... Valve has gone again. I notice the price of the valve has doubled in price in 2 years. Poor quality manufacturing by Whale. You can get to the valve to change it yourself but you'll need a gas engineer to reconnect your gas and balance the flu and check for co2 leaks as these need disconnecting to take the cover off.

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, problemas whale said:

Boa tarde.

Estou com um problema no aquecimento baleia WL8211, não funciona pois aparece o bloqueio e eu não consigo fazer o reset. Será que me ajudar podem?


Translated from Portugese gives the following if anyone can help...

"Good afternoon.

I'm having a problem with my Whale WL8211 heating, it doesn't work because the lock appears and I can't reset it. Can you help me?

Thank you"

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The Whale WL8211 is an underfloor water heater


There's a manual here


Multi-lingual versions of the operating manual can be viewed on-line and  all of those manuals include troubleshooting guidance relating to 'lock outs'. However, none of the manuals are in Portuguese.

(It might be helpful to know the make, model and age of the leisure vehicle that has the WL8211 heater in it.)

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