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Project 2000 step -mechanical issue


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Our single step project 2000 goes out without a problem. Mostly it retracts OK. 

Occasionally, especially when we have been in and out several times without retracting it, it refuses to budge.

If I lift the step about 1/2 inch then it retracts ok.

Is there a mechanical adjustment I should make?

(most online material seems to revolve around motor / electrical issues)



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It sounds as though a pivot or lever may have worn or got bent and is getting stuck or the limit switch needs adjustment. How mechanically inclined are you? ie can you strip it down and look for wear or damaged/bent components? If so unplug the power before getting stuck in as these steps are powerful and can easily cause injury if they move when you are not expecting them to.


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You could find that there's a build up of crud inside the step housing.

Our step became tricky to retract and often needed a helpful nudge and the autoretract had packed up too.

After taking the cover strip off, outside above the actual step blade, its possible to see inside and to clean it out.

I sprayed all around the inside and underneath with silicon lubricant and after a few in and outs it works like new including the automatic retract when turning the ignition on.

Worth a try....

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