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reversing sensors


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The reversing sensors on my motorhome will only work properly when the bike rack, which is fixed to the back ,is in the upright postion ie;not being used.Please can anyone tell me if they can be altered so they will not pick up the bike rack,many thanks
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Guest JudgeMental


your sensors should be tilted down a bit - who installed them?


if a motorhome dealer they should have known better

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Have you walked around it to see where it is falling short .? We had this with the first van but I have to say it wasn't a brilliant thing in the first place it was set into the two back rear corners . This was no good if a child was behind it because they would just sit in the middle and it did not pick them up at all...we changed to a reversing Camera and feel better for it .

I know this is not helping you . You need someone like Dave with the knowledge or someone who has done this as a job ...

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Guest JudgeMental
michele - 2007-07-01 11:39 AM

You need someone like Dave with the knowledge or someone who has done this as a job ...


I agree with this..


it depends what has been fitted - trace wires to unit and see what make it is. - then see if you can buy some angled housings for the detectors - are there 4?.


there may be an adjustment on them already - you will have to look or bring to a local auto electrician or Dave

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It is not unusual for sensors to pick up the bike rack when it is deployed. Sadly there is little you can do about it. If you angle the sensors down they're likely to pick up the ground and give false readings. In all honesty they are likely to have a working range that is only slightly longer than the deployed bike rack and therefore will be of limited use when its down anyway.



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panagah - 2007-07-03 7:39 PM my revering sensor works fine, However she does get a bit wet in the rain and sometimes doesn't shout loud enough. I rectified the problem by getting her an umbrella and radio. (lol)

I think that you should finish the job properly and buy her a pair of wellies......

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Why don't lorry drivers need all this troublesome paraphernalia?


It seems like a lot of wire-trailing, holes-through-the-bodywork faff, for something that apparently has limited and less than reliable benefit?


The only thing that’s assured with this tackle is the transfer of cash in the direction of purveyors of gadgetry.


Better to properly learn the art of reversing?

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crinklystarfish - 2007-07-04 9:45 AM Why don't lorry drivers need all this troublesome paraphernalia? Better to properly learn the art of reversing?

Hi Steve, takes a lot of practice but I genuinely feel more comfortable in reversing a total rig of 45Ft in length. Have a camera on the back of our new Hymer for 1 main reason. It has a solid rear wall, and I use it mainly to see how close people are to me. The number of people who tailgate me is quite high.  Surprisingly they are not that close when I'm in a big rig!!!! Big rigs are not my main line of work, but I help out my cousin and some mates if not doing much on a week-end myself. Just to keep my eye in as it were.


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crinklystarfish - 2007-07-04 9:45 AM


Why don't lorry drivers need all this troublesome paraphernalia?


It seems like a lot of wire-trailing, holes-through-the-bodywork faff, for something that apparently has limited and less than reliable benefit?


The only thing that’s assured with this tackle is the transfer of cash in the direction of purveyors of gadgetry.


Better to properly learn the art of reversing?


More and more lorries are being fitted with reversing cameras now and almost all quarries in the land will not admit any vehicle over 3500KGs without one, same goes for many large building sites now too.



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More and more lorries are being fitted with reversing cameras now and almost all quarries in the land will not admit any vehicle over 3500KGs without one, same goes for many large building sites now too. D.

Dave - very true, but I think this only applies to fixed bodied wagons - so far anyway. It may come in with EU rules for artics and the ever more popular "Drawbar & Trailer" set up, so popular with mainland Europe.But then again this kind of set up does not need the old style Class 1 licence. Bizarre!!


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I was asked this question by a wee Scotsman at one of the motorhome shows but before I could respond a passer by replied thus:


"I used to drive an artic for a living and one day I pulled over to a newsagents to get a paper. When I came out of the shop I found some idiot had reversed a Vectra up to my front bumper which meant I had to reverse a fourty foot, 44 Tonne wagon to get out. I walked around the back of the rig and saw that I'd got about two clear car lengths, say 35 feet or so. I walked down the offside and got into the cab, started the motor and engaged reverse, checked my mirrors and started the manouvre. Once I'd reversed about a ca's length I fiured I could swing round the Vectra so engaged first and pulled out. Imagine my horror to see a very mangled Mini in the space behind the truck."


What had happened apparently is that during the few moments it ook to walk the length of the truck, get in and start the engine a woman pulled in behind the truckin the Mini. She hadn't even had time to get out before the truck hit her car and pushed her backwards into the front of a newish Mercedes saloon car. He reckoned it took the fire service an hour or more to cut her out and thankfully she wasn't physically injured (just a gibbering wreck I should think). The Mini was a complete write off and the Merc sufered several thousand pounds worth of damage.


The truck driver was demoted to 7.5 Tonners with a commensurate cut in pay. He was charged with "driving without due care and attention" although he didn't say whether he was prosecuted or not. In his own words "if the company had fitted reversing cameras to the fleet this would not have hapened, I'd still be driving big trucks and earning sensible money and the lady would probably still have her beloved Mini".


I think that is reason enough to fit reversing cameras to any large vehicle with large rear blind spots.



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And that is exactly why we have one It's not that we have not learned to reverse. I never had probs reversing a London Double Decker or a Coach with a trailer on the back. Its the blind spot I am after and I have to say the mirrors are crap on our van they don't exactly give it to you . So I prefer to be better safe than sorry.
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Not arguing the fact, I also agree with you that reversing cameras being fitted to any vehicle with a large rear blind spot is and will be benficial. That's was my main reasoning for having one fitted to the Hymer, due to the solid rear wall and quite a large blind spot area, especially when you've begun to reverse. That's why we also took up the option to have a reversing camera factory fitted on our new Audi Q7.


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Well that stirred a bit of a reaction! I hope that my views are taken in the context that they are meant, and that is to stimulate a bit of critical thinking. At the end of the day I couldn’t care much less about such trifle, but will defend my bit of the trifle anyway.


I’m a bit surprised that the people who haven’t had an issue reversing leviathans have seen the need to fit aids to their personal vehicles.


Ironically I can more easily see the argument for >7.5 LGVs/PCVs etc. to be furnished with sensors / cameras, but where does it end? We’re only talking about vehicles that are 7/8 meters or so, solid rear walls or not. It also became obvious from some of the other responses that sensors / cameras are hardly the most effective / reliable accessory.


I’ve never felt the need to fit any kind of aid, even though my white box is a smidge over 7m and has no through vision. If I ever had been inclined, I’d probably now not bother given the demonstrable technological limitations. Indeed, I expect that there are cases where over-reliance on them has ended badly, not that anyone would admit it?


Hence my assertion that learning to reverse is perhaps a skill that is not roundly mastered but instead is spuriously substituted by fitting gadgets. In any event, there are more blind-spots than directly behind the ‘van but judgement for these spots is unquestioningly brought to bear, as it should be.


I’m beginning to accept that I’m out of step with much of the current propensity to ‘over-gadget’, but each to their own. I’m not persuaded though. I have better things to spend my cash on than cameras that show me my bike rack or sensors that give audible warning if they feel a bit uppity, especially when I have to pay through the nose for them and cut holes in my ‘van for the privilege.


My parathion shot on this one would be: Learn to reverse properly first, spend cash on gadgets that may or may not work as intended second; if you really feel you must.




Thai, you do need a C+E for a draw bar over 750kg, just like an artic.


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Guest JudgeMental

noticed on German site talk of new EU legislation regards all campers over 3500kg requiring reversing aids.


Promobil Quote: (forgive dodgy translation)


"European Union guideline: Mirror obligation with over 3,5 t


Since beginning this yearly all new vehicles must be equipped with a back driving system with more than 3.5 tons within the European Union. This improved mirrors can be, which waive the dead angle, in addition, back driving cameras are possible. The legislator leaves thereby constructional clearance to the manufacturers. Travel mobilists with new vehicles must make themselves however no concerns, since all new vehicles become at all certified only with the appropriate mirrors, as the Caravaning explains industry federation (CIVD).

For owners of older vehicles there is to be this yearly a re-tooling guideline in the run, because presumably starting from center 2008 vehicles, which on became certified of 1.1.2000, must be re-tooled. per-mobilely in time on the possibilities for the Nachrüstung will report."

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So you choose not to use technological aids with your reversing, that is your choice and your right. What I don't accept though is your intimation that people have fitted these aids because they haven't mastered the art of reversing yet. You could not be further from the truth in this with many of the forum members. Michele used to drive a double decker bus in London, you don't get to do that without being able to reverse the outfit and I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera. I have driven everything from a moped to a 7.5 tonner with a trailer, including a tractor and turntable trailer and have had to be able to reverse all of them. I've no doubt that many of the other forum members are quite capable of reversing their rigs with or without cameras and or sensors but I know I speak for many when I say the majority of those who have a reversing camera fitted are very glad they did so.


To close I will just relate a little story from a fellow motorhome journalist with many years experience of driving different vehicles. He was reversing his motorcaravan out of a driveway but "felt" (his words not mine) that something was not right. He got out and walked to the back of the motorhome to see a young boy of around 10 years standing right behind the 'van but with his back to it. The child hadn't moved, and wouldn't have done until he'd been hit by the 'van because it turned out he was profoundly deaf!


The Journo had a camera fitted straight away after that.



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