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Solar panel batteries &fridge


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Hi was after some advice on my van set up currently I have 2 separate batteries with 100w solar panel to each of them 1s for crx50 fridge and other is tv &lights my question is would it be better to link the batteries and panels and connect fridge with TV & lights any advice/info would be much appreciated 

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In general having a single battery bank in a motorhome is the prefered  system. 

I presume you also have seperate controllers for each panel.  Also its not clear if either of both batteries have additional charging  from 230v AC hook up or from engine alternator  via a relay or battery to battery charger. The capacity of each battery would be useful infomation.

If the batteries are of similar age and type, having a single 12v system with the batteries connected in parallel,  feeding  everything the 'caravan' area would be the prefered arrangement. The two solar controllers Icould be connected to the battery bank with no problems. 

My thinking is the fridge has a higher priority  than the TV, so having as much solar power and battery capacity  for keeping food/ drinks cold,  would seem the ideal set up.

Further information  would help formulating advice,

Age, type and Ah capacity of the two batteries?

Model of solar controller  and charge voltage settings, if known?

Solar panel type, flexible or rigid framed?

Alternator charging if fitted?

Mains hook up charging if fitted,  ( and which  or both batteries are charged)?

Any commercial electrical control unit fitted, example,  Sargent or CBE?


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