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Long storage layover

Tony Oneill

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Good day

Here is a question for the forum.

Sorry, bit of background

I live in Cape Town, moved here 10 years ago with work and stayed when I retired.

Before I left the UK I owned a motor home for 5/6 years and used it whenever I could, work permitting.

My idea would be to own a motor home again and use it for 4/5 months a year, sneaking in two summers if I am lucky.

My concern is how will the motor home stand up to long term (6/7 months) storage.

I do not have a UK base so will be coming straight off the plane.

I expect I will have at least a flat battery, any ideas how I can make this work

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Where are you planning to store it? In a secure compound, a friends garden or what? Either way the battery's likely to self discharge a bit if not switched off though if you disconnect it and your m/h has solar panel, you might just get away with it. If it were me, I'd have the M/H serviced before putting it into storage and make sure creepy crawlies and in your case snakes are kept out,, though not sure how you can do that.

I'd guess a local dealer could look after it for you running it every so often but what the cost would be ???. 

Google shows quite a lot of suitable places that could supply a service for you

vehicle storage cape town airport - Google Search

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As you do not have a UK base how will you register, tax and insure the MH in the UK? Unless a relative or friend will allow you to use their address then I do not know of any other way of doing it. And do you have a UK driving licence or can you drive a UK registered MH on whatever licence you do have?

Would it be cheaper and less hassle to rent a MH in the UK when you need one?

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Aha, I'd misunderstood, I thought the OP was going to have a M/H in S Africa, hence my comment about snakes and dealers in Capetown. If it's going to be here in UK, a lot easier to find a company/storage yard to provide battery charging etc.  

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Thanks Colin and Keith.

Yes the motor home would be in secure storage in the UK but without access to power, no snakes I hope in Northants.

Good point about the registration, that's a whole new topic. I do have a property I rent out but don't live there, do you have to be living in the UK to register a vehicle? might be a stupid question.

A friend  of mine owns a car in Spain and just uses it when he goes to his place.

I must look into this registration issue.

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