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Public Liability Insurance for Rallies

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As a small owners’ club, we organise rallies in different places in the UK each year. Most of the sites we go to provide insurance for campers against accidents, involving other campers or their personal property by any means such as motor vehicle accidents or other causes. Occasionally, we get asked to provide Public Liability Insurance (PLI) for our event. The premium of this consumes a lion’s share of our annual budget, therefore we would rather not buy it unless we have to.

However, we are worried that should an accident occur and we discovered that the site insurance didn’t cover us, we wouldn’t want to incur a claim against our unprotected members or committee members, who would be liable. There seem to be many varieties of insurance for different circumstances, and we could go on buying policies until the Club could not afford to exist.

We would therefore welcome advice as to what other clubs do to protect their members and officers against accident risks when rallying, and the circumstances in which PLI might be deemed a necessity or not?

With thanks in anticipation.

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Good points Mike.

Also worthy of consideration is the group's potential liability towards unpaid volunteers who could potentially suffer loss or injury whilst organising / running an event or trying to help others, especially when operating under the directions of a club official. If they were being paid it would be 'Employers Liability' but I don't know how the law relates to unpaid volunteers?

We used to be involved in running rallies / meets years ago but back in them more laid back and less 'I know my rights' litigation aware days insurance was not an issue that was ever discussed.

These low key rallies and meets were very often good fun with some good friendships formed and are one of the aspects we miss following our 'retirement' from Motorhoming

Perhaps Timberland might be able to offer some help, or maybe an internet trawl to contact various owners clubs/groups for their solutions might be worth considering?

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Do you have your own exception certificate to run rallies or are you simply a group of individuals who just happen to go to sites together? The ACCEO provide public liability for member clubs' rallies. If not already a member , take a look at joining. 


Insurance Services

A range of ‘specially designed’ insurance schemes is offered to Member Clubs and their members. Most Member Clubs are affiliated to the ACCEO Public Liability Policy for a very reasonable annual premium. For further information please contact our Insurance Officer.

Edit - just checked ACCEO list of members and Timberland Owners Club are already members.

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