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Hi John 

for some reason I missed your previous post with the photo   
I have various equipment in my garage left over from my  Surgical instrument repair buissness and I thought I’d grind the metal to be thinner where i the nuts attach if not I’ll have to bite the bullet and buy some thinner gauge.  
I will fit the exterior plate at the same time to make my wife feel more secure. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update 

both front doors tethered and today I fitted small cameras between the side window and the blind surround. Hopefully this will put them off 

fiat have been in contact with me asking what my expectations are to go forward. 
 On contacting them it was to point out the couple of mods that could be made cheaply during manufacture. 
not sure if I have expectations of them or if they should offer. 


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Would be easy to make the inner plate (the most important one) if you have the stuff to hand, but If you have got to buy plate specially to make one you might as well get one ready made eg link

For £35.95 you get both plates (pictured) and 5 pages of fitting instructions with photos.  The inner plate is about 1mm, any thicker wouldn't bend to fit the contours, and wouldn't leave enough thread on the lower nuts to fit both plates.  You really need a 10mm box spanner for the higher nut as there is too much thread sticking out to fit in a socket.  Apart from that you just need torx and crosshead screwdrivers, something to prize the trim off, and a bit of double sided foam tape to stick the trim back on when you break the plastic clips.  I wouldn't bother with silicone on the back of the outer plate as water gets inside the door anyway thorough the window seals and drains out the holes in the bottom.  Just sand the sharp edges off and cover the back of the plate with tape where it contacts the door.  Silicone would make the plate difficult to slide into position, and ooze out to make a mess that has to be cleaned off without scratching the paint.

They also do other security stuff for Ducatos like deadlocks, and fit them at their place midway between Wigan and Warrington.  You see emergency services vehicles in there getting kitted out so they seem to know what they are doing.

X290 Door (1).JPG

X290 Door (2).JPG

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Thanks for the link John 

I will order both plates and I’ll forward these details onto fiat for them to comment on why these simple upgrades are not being carried out. 
you say to cover the rear of the plate with tape is this to protect the paint and what type of tape is recommended. 
thanks again 


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I just used sellotape on the back of the plate to protect the paint when you slide the plate - they suggest silicone to make it totally watertight.  But that would be messy and I can't see the point when water gets inside the door anyway around the window and drains out the bottom. PTFE plumbers tape might be an option?

Pic shows the microswitches I have on the door handle which activates the hazard lights and siren when a handle is pulled.  The internal plate fitted, and protecting the lever on the back of the key barrel from being operated by an inserted tool as yours was. And the door panel tied up out of the way, rather than lower down in the way as in the video.

X290 Door (3).JPG

X290 Door (4).JPG

X290 Door (5).JPG

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I’ll settle with the 2 plates. 
electronics is a little daunting for me. 
Fitting the plates will be fine and with the 2 front doors tethered along with the sliding door I’m hoping the tinkers will keep away 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update. 
fitted the plates, no problem specially with all the tutorials online. I did find it much easier popping off the plastic oval grommet on the door to get to the bottom right nut. 
I tend to use blu tac to hold nuts in sockets  in awkward places. 
took about 2 hours to complete 


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