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Guest starspirit

Your right Michele - I do enjoy a good rant with Frank.

He don't pussy foot about and at least I know where I stand - loathed!


Hey what a good name for a TV chat show - 'Rant with Frank'!

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Guest caraprof
Hymer C 9. - 2007-09-27 6:41 PM Caraprof, Sorry not to have replied to your comments to me earlier, (things to do you know), yes I have seen your recent posts and agree a lot of these are helpful, and given in good spirit, then all of a sudden you go off on a tangent like the comment about the York show photo (not necessary). Then someone puts a comment on you take exception to and you get all superior, and aggressive and I don't see the need and like you I am entitled to my opinion. When you have your good head on I think you are one of the helpful pleasant users of the forum. You asked so thats my thoughts and no I don't want to get into a slangingmatch with anyone. Regards Carol.

Oh my God! Hands up those who thought my comment about the York show was anything other than a bit of fun! I also offered to cure Michele's bad back by rubbing her down with a wet lettuce leaf. Do you think that I really meant that too!

I'm really sorry for people who cannot work out when a comment is obviously a bit of light-hearted banter, as that was!

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Guest caraprof
starspirit - 2007-09-27 8:22 PM Oh yes Frank we do all understand you - yes really!

Listen you loathsome man, lower down I list your opening comment on the thread about the best way to charge batteries, either by using the car engine or a generator. The poster asked for comments and he got them, none of which were in any way offensive. You open your post with:

Ignore the pompous self righteous bunch Charlie - they lead sheltered lives!

Now why did you do that, why did you feel that you had to give your comment but at the same time take your usual sly and slimy dig at others?

This is why I still loathe you. You're a penny-pinching miser who's never happier than when he's peppering his posts with insidious asides about other unnamed people.

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Guest starspirit

Good evening Frank.

I did notice that you had quietly been on site for a while and I thought perhaps that you might be analysing every word that had been said in your absence in order to devise some unkind words to say to some unfortunate contributor.

I did somehow also think that it might just be me who incurs your wrath and that is fine if it allows some others of more delicate constitution to escape.

I can't be bothered to look back but as I vaguely recall my comment on the topic that you have picked on was directed at those unkind contributors who felt that the whole experiment had no validity.

That was fair enough, we all have our views, but it was the way that they expressed their disagreement that made me feel compelled to add my two penny worth in support of Charlie.

I don't see how that can be construed as sly and slimy - but then you are the expert at that so you should know.



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Guest caraprof
Mandy&Andy - 2007-09-27 9:48 AM Ohhh Frank, Why oh Why do you keep doing this.? Do you not realise what people think of you on the other side of the screen. I am sure in life you are probably a very nice gentleman but sadly and I cannot for the life of me understand why you get behind the keyboard and are constantly unkind to complete strangers. You say you don't wave at people who you don't know so how can you be so nasty to those people for no reason. You are always on the defence and never miss a chance to tell us what a wonderful life you have and have made a marvellous empire for yourself. I am very happy for you but others too have a great life and belong great clubs but they don't all wait for you to write something they don't agree with and jump down your throat straight away. (if you feel they do then it is probably in retaliation for a previous post of yours) Please try and be a bit kinder to people and step back a second before you click submit and think do I really need to be so unsympathetic and antagonistic. So many on here have given you lots of chances but you just rebuff them constantly, one minute you are agreeing with them the next you are down their throats with a pick axe! I just know you are going to come back at me now and accuse me of being someone else, as no one could possibly think badly of you but I assure you I am me and do feel very sad about some of the things you say to people. So carry on and attack as I am quite sure you are going to. Mandy

First of all the only reason that I've ever told anyone about my wonderful life is when others have accused me of not having one. There was a wonderful comment from one woman that ended up with her saying "At least I have a life." By which she meant that because I abhor the cheap sentimentality of waving at total strangers I don't have a life!

As for why do I keep doing this, I don't. The majority of my posts are civilised and where possible, helpful and often humourous. But regrettably, I can't stand the likes of a few people on this site, such as Wingpete and TC101, probably the same, who insist on stupid posting which are deliberately designed to entice the gullible into answering them properly and eventually making a fool of themselves. It's a cruel type of humour.

As for what people think of me - of course I know that some dislike me! There're one or two that I can't stand as well and one, whose behaviour and sliminess over many months, has made me absoloutely loathe him.

But I couldn't care less I'm afraid. If people continue to post nonsense, then I'll feel free to tell them. If people are unpleasant to me, they'll get as good as they get.

Finally, if you really want to get a feeling about how nice most people are on this site you should go back to the waving thread. I and some others constantly and politely made the point that we do not like waving but if others do, then that's fine by us.

The vitriol that we received was appalling. Almost without exception the wavers were insulting and cruel and constantly rammed home the point that because we don't enjoy this maudlin custom, that we're miserable and unfriendly and above all 'don't have a life'.

Well, I know what real friendship means, and it isn't waving at total strangers who you then totally ignore when they're pitched next to you. And this thread proved to me once and for all what a stupid and pointless exercise all of this phoney baloney waving-friendship is because they, the wavers, were actually unfriendly and thoroughly unpleasant just because I and others didn't agree with their viewpoint.

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Guest starspirit

As one non waver to another Frank I do have sympathy for your view here, but I don't brand wavers as unfriendly just because they had a go at you - you are after all an inviting target with your attitude problem.


I do agree that once on site many folk disappear rather than risk talking to a stranger.



Right that's Starspirit and Mandy&Andy sorted - now who's next for the chop Frank?

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Guest caraprof
starspirit - 2007-09-27 9:02 PM As one non waver to another Frank I do have sympathy for your view here, but I don't brand wavers as unfriendly just because they had a go at you - you are after all an inviting target with your attitude problem. I do agree that once on site many folk disappear rather than risk talking to a stranger. Right that's Starspirit and Mandy&Andy sorted - now who's next for the chop Frank?

My attitude problem! That's rich coming from you. Read the thread first before leaping in again. The initial one was a first-time poster who didn't even know me. Read my first post which was the epitome of good manners in which I even wished her many happy years in her new motorhome.

Then read the rest of the thread which was split mainly along two lines; anti-wavers who without exception said that they didn't like waving but would not wish to stop others doing it - and then the wavers who, almost without exception were disgraceful in their condemnation of, and nastiness to, those of us who had the temerity to disagree!

That is what was so ironic and confirmed to me once and for all that waving is a pointless gesture done by people who, like Pavlov's dogs, do it because they've been conditioned and give no thought whatsoever to it's validity and reason.

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Guest starspirit

I don't attack anyone (except I can't resist winding you up) unless they specifically have a go at me first.


You on the other hand just wade straight in at anyone who has the temerity to not see things from your view point.


And that is it for tonight because Michele has told me to behave and it takes a braver man than I to cross Michele!



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I thought that this site was moderated?

If so, I personally think that it is about time the moderators stepped in to remove this abusive thread and take appropriate action against those who seem intent on using this site to exercise their ability to write abusive terms.

This type of trash denigrates the entire site.

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I agree to some extent Bill, and it must be pretty galling to a lot of people when insults of such a personal nature are bandied about. The problem with any sort of censorship however is who, how and where do you draw the line. No forum survives without the freedom to express strong or passionate views, but in this case, would it be to much to ask the two main protagonists to simply ignore each other if only for the good of the forum as a whole.
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Guest starspirit

I am happy to go with this with just one proviso.


If anyone attacks anyone else we all have the right to defend our own and other's points of view.


Can't we all just agree to be different please, and free to enjoy our vans the way we want?

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Your on-line petty bickering (and that refers to you BOTH), is pathetic and very sad.


If you have personal differences and want to get into some sort of teenage testosterone duel - then do it somewhere else.


Don't mess up this site for all the people who have worked and are working so hard to make it a success.


If you can't contribute positively, in a measured and adult way, then don't bother.

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Guest starspirit

Thank you Bruce for that invaluable input.


I do have to wonder how you feel that sort of personal attack adds anything to the site?


Could you not have made your point without being rude?


As I said I won't start anything, but I do feel the need to respond to unsolicited attacks.

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I think I speak for most on here ... can you two please stop it, its getting extremely boring ...


If you DO NOT follow this with more comments, then we can all assume and hope that you are not intentionally trying to spoil the forum for other members.


If, however, you DO come back with comments of whatever kind, pleasant or otherwise, we can only then gleam that you really DO want to keep this going and want to seriously cheese off the other forum members.


This is not a goad to get you to react, quite the opposite.


Please think very carefully about the above ... I sincerely hope that neither of you responds.



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Guest caraprof

Not guilty m'lud. I've not posted since yesterday evening and Starspirit was in fact replying to Bruce, not me, and it was at lunchtime today! But then again, I knew that you'd pop along Mel when it's all died down and have a little go! Nothing changes!

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