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IVECO DAILY......Help Please

Guest a1eeyore1

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Guest a1eeyore1

Has anyone got a MH based on the Iveco Daily 65C17 chassis WITH the AGILE automatic gearbox?


16 months ago in preparation for our retirement and all the holidays we had missed through work we spent the kids inheritance and bought a Concorde MH built on this chassis and with the Agile auto gearbox. Bad move .....so far we have only covered about 1400 miles - partly due to faults with the living area, which from the forum seems almost normal with new MHs but mainly due to problems with the gearbox. Initially it was impossible to make hill starts whilst towing a small Fiat. After considerable headscratching the problem was overcome after about 6 months. There has now been a general recall to correct the fault. Unfortunately now it is virtually impossible to manoeuvre at slow speed under control as the clutch is continually engaging/disengaging which after a short time results in a strong smell of burning clutch and the gearbox alarm sounding indicating it is overheating. Iveco now seem to be at a loss as to what to do.

I have heard of at least one other vehicle with this problem. It would be very useful to hear from anyone who has experienced difficulties with this gearbox. Thanks.



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I think after 16 months you now need some expert legal advice.

The vehicle was/is not fit for its purpose.

I assume it was new on purchase?

(but was it purchased in the UK?).


According to the Consumers Assoc. we all have, in law, a 6 yr warranty on new vehicles; but few folk use this properly.


Your "Iveco now seem to be at a loss...." phrase is I'm afraid what most folk unfortunately seem to accept despite some pretty powerful UK consumer law.


Sorry, I know this is not what you are asking & apologies if you have been down this route or have bought abroad.




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Actually, it's not a 6 year 'WARRANTY', but, under EU rules, you are entitled to return an item to the seller if it develops a fault due to a manufacturing fault that should not reasonable have occured during the time frame. And my understanding is that it does not apply to cars or other vehicles, where different laws apply.


For vehicles, you are entitled to reject a vehicle if it is provably not fit for purpose and you have given the retailer reasonable opportunities to rectify witbhout success. I believe a one year limit would normally apply to this, but in exceptional circumstances like yours, a judge may well take a different view.


Mel E


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Guest a1eeyore1

Thank you for the replies so far. Yes it was new and purchased from the UK's only Concorde dealer so as to minimise problems with repairs.....wrong! We only had the auto box chassis as it was the only one available and manual would have extended the alraedy long delivery date. Vehicle was specially adapted for my wifes disabled needs and if we could overcome all the faults it would be perfect for our long term plans. Have tried searching the net but so far only come up with glowing reports( from the trade) about the benefits of the gearbox. It probably is ideal for white van man.....foot hard down and away but does not seem so beneficial for the more sedate use in a MH especially on site.

Thanks again and if there is any one out there with similar problems with this gearbox I would be very glad to hear from them.

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Mel E - 2007-10-03 11:58 AM


Actually, it's not a 6 year 'WARRANTY',


Mel E



One was merely going on what the consumers assoc. were punting around a few yrs back.....hence '.........' around warranty :)


Eeyore, if it's driven white van man style, does it behave itself?

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Guest a1eeyore1

Loathecliff, Thanks for your comments. Its manoeuvereing slowly in traffic or on site that is the main problem now. Driving white van man style in these situations is not really appropriate.



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Hi all


Going off the point slightly, as the Fiat 160 (3ltr engine) is derived from the Iveco unit (as I understand), does anyone know if the new Fiat automatic gearbox (automated manual box) is derived from the Iveco unit and hence will the same problems be seen?


We operate a Vauxhall Corsa Eco which has an automated sequencial gerabox, which in normal use is superb, however, recently when travelling very slowly in a funeral processsion the clutch was continually engaging and disengaging, making for very un-smooth travel. It is also very difficult, no, impossible, to go very slowly through floodwater with high engine revs.


Should we all wait a couple of years to see how good the fiat automatic is before buying?




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paul2 - 2007-10-03 4:40 PM


The Iveco Daily's are rear wheel drive and the Fiat front wheel drive so will not have the same gearbox but i would still wait and see how good it is before buying.




I may be wrong, but I think the 'guts' will be a normal gearbox but with a starter motor sized solenoid to shift the clutch(?), plus a pile of software to make it all work....one hopes.....most of the time.

Mercedes & Ford do it this way, I can't see that others will be different.


There is also nothing that new with the idea except for the software??

In the 50's & 60's there was an automatic option on some cars (Standard Ten, Hillman Minx, & Renault 10) known as a Smiths (Jaeger) Easi-Drive. To me in basic principle (having seen a diagram of Ford's modern effort) it looks similar (NB: for the record I did not say 'same', the Smiths used magnetic powder couplings).


However, I could be completely wrong; & none of this helps our our fellow m/h owner :-(


.. & as a contented Iveco Daily owner for over 6 yrs I wish I could help. Sorry

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Guest a1eeyore1
Loathecliff - 2007-10-03 7:21 PM


.. & as a contented Iveco Daily owner for over 6 yrs I wish I could help. Sorry


Can I ask if the Daily was a MH base and if it was automatic? Thanks



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Guest a1eeyore1

Thanks Loathecliff.

Yes the gearbox is made by ZF. I have spoken to them and they were very helpful but unfortunately they were unable to deal with me directly to sort the problem out and I have to go through IVECO !!!!!!!!! I am now waiting for a response from Iveco....again.


On a slightly different tack has anyone found a way to get dealers/suppliers to respond to correspondence in a reasonable time. The supplier of our MH, who unfortunately for me has a monopoly for supplying these vehicles throughout the UK seems completely unable to reply to letters, or phone calls for that matter, in what most customers would think was a reasonable time. I am currently waiting for for a reply to a letter I sent on 5 August and a chaser sent recorded on 25 Sept. All this on top of not being able to use the vehicle properly since purchase approximately 16 months ago because of faults.

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  • 5 years later...

Hi I realize your post was a long time ago but I am interested in if you ever got to bottom of the problem with the automated gearbox on you Iveco?

I bought a N+B 2 years ago and it has the same gearbox, its a 2009 model and has only done 20k km!

I was try to get up an incline in Chamonix and it wound not have it, Clutch failed and cost me 3000€, Iveco did not want to know and said it was 4 months out of warranty. Still have the van, its great on the motorway but not on inclines and is worse in reverse.


hope to hear from you please.




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I started to get really into this Thread, then noticed the date. Too many threads just freeze, and we never get to know the outcome, always seems a bit 'ungrateful' to me, when many folk give opinions and advice freely. Ray


My feelings about 'Auto's' are that you should be able to forget about 'Clutches' and other outdated/ Consumable items, when specifying an 'Automatic' and paying the premium to have one.

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And as A1eeyore1 is no longer an active forum user (try clicking on his user name) I doubt very much you will get an answer to your question or ever find out exactly what his problem was. In fact he will most probably have sold that MH by now judging by his troubles.


Ray, This sounds like another 'automated' manual rather than a true auto hence his reference to burning clutch smells.



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This problem with the Agile automated manual gearbox was well known about the time this post was originally made. It was mentioned in the principal motorhome magazines. I have not come across it since then so presume it was eventually sorted. The engine is fine and the manual box version that I drove of the N+B Flair (same base chassis) was also fine although the ride was a tad agricultural even with air suspension, acceptable though. But in the end a proper autobox and Merc badge won the day for us, still a Concorde though.





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