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Computer Blue Screen

Corky 8

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Hi All, are there any Computer wizz kids out there, I have got a problem with my computer , (windows xp ) whenever I shut my Aol down my Computer goes immediately to a blue screen with a string of ***stop.0X.OOOOOOO, also I get this message on the same blue page PFN_LIST_CORRUPT. any one know of a software program that can be purchased to remove / fix it, I have tried a computer Forum but the answer on there sends me to a program that uses Floppy disc I only have Cd drives, and it doesnt work on the cd drive, any help I would be grateful for, 8-)
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Can't be a great deal of help I'm afraid, but I know that BSOD event "blue screen of death".


I've heard many times that AOL is not great at interfacing with XP - it's often referred to by techies as "A O Hell".


I think many people have simply moved away from AOL for that reason, and just use something else to avoid the sporadic software conflicts.


Does it only happen when you've opened then closed AOL?





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Hello and thanks BGD, I have been told its a corrupt file which happens when the Computer gets shut down before all the files are closed , we get the odd electrical interuption to supplies here, as you can see it still allows me to start up and log on,I dont think its anything to do with AOL and I must say I have been with them for over ten years now and never had any trouble at all, and the last time (earlier this afternoon) when I closed my Aol the Blue screen didnt appear, and I was able to shut down normally, the Local Computer shop (one guy) doesnt open on a weekend and only for a few hours each week day, so it looks like its him or a long trip to Dumfries, thanks BDG
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Corky 8 - 2008-02-02 3:13 PM Hi All, are there any Computer wizz kids out there, I have got a problem with my computer , (windows xp ) whenever I shut my Aol down my Computer goes immediately to a blue screen with a string of ***stop.0X.OOOOOOO, also I get this message on the same blue page PFN_LIST_CORRUPT. any one know of a software program that can be purchased to remove / fix it, I have tried a computer Forum but the answer on there sends me to a program that uses Floppy disc I only have Cd drives, and it doesnt work on the cd drive, any help I would be grateful for, 8-)

Hi Corky,

Suggest that you get rid of AOL ASAP and use a more responsible ISP.

AOL is notorious for taking over your PC and it doesn't sit happily alongside XP or Vista.

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Hi again


Have had a word with hubby,


If that's the only time the error shows up, then you coud just try to live with it, as it is difficult to tell exactly what's going on but these are a few ideas:


If it is a problem and starts to do it for other things other than AOL then it sounds more like there is something that has corrupted in Windows as Windows can get confused quite easily. In which case you'd be best off re-installing Windows completely (after you've saved everything off your machine first as it will wipe it out). At least then it will give you a new clean system to work with and the error should disappear.


You could also try a system restore by doing the following:


1. Press F8 as the computer starts up.

2. Advanced Startup Options screen will come up.

3. Select Safe mode.

4. The computer should start up normally.

5. Click Start then All Programs then Accessories the System Tools.

6. Click System Restore.

7. Then Restore your computer to an earlier point.


If something 'naughty' has installed itself on your machine or if you've installed some new software, equipment etc that is causing the problem, this will take your machine back to the point where it was working okay before these installations took place. If it then works okay you can at least try to track what you did/went to cause the problem.


Unfortunately there are a lot of nasty bits of viruses, spyware, adware etc out there that can hide on your machine without you knowing, and all you can do is try to be very careful where you go and what you click on.


If my hubby gets a machine with problems the only sure way to sort it out is to do a complete re-install of the Windows software but at least you could try the above first as it's a pain having to put all your drivers etc back on!

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I agree about AOL. I send out a regular newsletter and its only members who use AOL who have occasional problems - and I get occasional "undeliverable" reports from their ISP even though sometimes thay have recieved the mail but sometimes they haven,t.

All the "normal" ISP,s seem to work OK.



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Mel B - 2008-02-02 8:59 PM


Hi again


Have had a word with hubby,


If that's the only time the error shows up, then you coud just try to live with it, as it is difficult to tell exactly what's going on but these are a few ideas:


If it is a problem and starts to do it for other things other than AOL then it sounds more like there is something that has corrupted in Windows as Windows can get confused quite easily. In which case you'd be best off re-installing Windows completely (after you've saved everything off your machine first as it will wipe it out). At least then it will give you a new clean system to work with and the error should disappear.


You could also try a system restore by doing the following:


1. Press F8 as the computer starts up.

2. Advanced Startup Options screen will come up.

3. Select Safe mode.

4. The computer should start up normally.

5. Click Start then All Programs then Accessories the System Tools.

6. Click System Restore.

7. Then Restore your computer to an earlier point.


If something 'naughty' has installed itself on your machine or if you've installed some new software, equipment etc that is causing the problem, this will take your machine back to the point where it was working okay before these installations took place. If it then works okay you can at least try to track what you did/went to cause the problem.


Unfortunately there are a lot of nasty bits of viruses, spyware, adware etc out there that can hide on your machine without you knowing, and all you can do is try to be very careful where you go and what you click on.


If my hubby gets a machine with problems the only sure way to sort it out is to do a complete re-install of the Windows software but at least you could try the above first as it's a pain having to put all your drivers etc back on!

:-D Thank you very much and would you also thank your Husband I,m grateful for the advice and the time you took to let me know,I will try all the thing suggested, I have already tried the system restore but problem is still there, I have been on a computer forum and was given a program name to download, name of memtest86 which is directed at the problem I have unfortunately its an old web page and explains to download the program to a floppy disc and then the computer will auto start from the floppy , those days are gone. and it wont work from a download onto a cd. But none the Less I,m Much obliged to you and your Hubby, Thanking you. Dennis
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onecal vw - 2008-02-03 1:18 PM


Hi Dennis and Margaret,

Before you shut down your AOL,

Log off first,

When all users are logged off,

Turn off your AOL,

You then should be able to log back on without the Blue Screen.



:-D Thanks Brendan ,I will give it a try , Much obliged . Dennis
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Clive - 2008-02-02 10:42 PM


I agree about AOL. I send out a regular newsletter and its only members who use AOL who have occasional problems - and I get occasional "undeliverable" reports from their ISP even though sometimes thay have recieved the mail but sometimes they haven,t.

All the "normal" ISP,s seem to work OK.


(lol) Hi Clive ,I have heard of people having trouble with connecting with Aol ,but to date not had any problems at all, apart from the advert on start up,but they can be clicked away, I intend to check out the Postoffice telphone and Broadband package when my Aol contract finnishes in April , 1 as it would work out cheaper than separate telephone and Broadband ,and 2 I think our Postoffice Services on a whole could do with more custom from us the Public before we lose it altogether , unlike BT they only use UK based personnel *-)
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A couple of things you can do.


First - go to the Microsoft Update site and check if there are any updates that relate to hardware. If so, install them.

The automatic software updates that MS install on a monthly basis are critical patches only. There are always others but you have to go get them yourself.


Second - go to Microsoft site and search their knowledge base for your error. There may be some troubleshooting articles.


You can use a CD instead of a floppy providing that your CD burn software allows you to make a bootable disc. If so, you can download the fix program and create a boot disc. You then use that to boot the system in exactly the same way as a floppy.



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