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Lidle battery charger

John H

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Lidle have a Tronic battery charger on special on 17th March for £9.99.

It says it charges all 12v sealed lead acid batteries including wet, gel or AGM battery types. It also has a battery status indicator.


Has anyone got one of these or know anything about them ? Would it be ok to keep my engine battery topped up and would it be safe to leave over long periods? Would it damage my ECU etc. etc. Sorry about all the questions but I am a complete electrical dim wit.



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I have a Lidl battery charger model Tronic T4X it has 3 settings

1 For small batterys ie motorcycles etc up to 1 amp delivery cut out when charged to 14.4 volts


2 For car batterys charging up to 4 amps also cuts out at 14.4 volts


3 Same charge rate as 2 but goes to auto trickle charge after battery reaches 14.7 volts


I use it on my gel battery through the winter, hope this some use to you



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Hi John,

Just one question are you charging your battery (float charging) without disconnecting the battery from vehicle? Modern digital electronics have improved but some vehicles ECU's dont take to kindly to being spiked. Not them all may I add.



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Randonneur - 2008-03-15 9:08 AM


Is this the same charger - 7euros 99cts Lidl France, on sale 20th March




Hi Sylvia,


I tried your link but it was asking me what my postcode was and it didn't recognise the one I gave it. Try the one below and enter WS3 4HU.





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Hi John,

It should be OK now as modern ECU,s are a little more forgiving than some of the older ones. I have not got a chance to look at the Lidle battery charger so if you want to be safe you can dissconnect your battery first. You may need your radio codes first for reconnection .(or use a saver)

I hope to get a look at the charger and test it for a local Mag in the next two weeks.



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