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Geof  Angi

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The nearest, and probably the best, IMHO, is Flaminio. There is a bus stop immediately outside the campsite, or it is a short cycle ride to the city centre.


A couple of others that we have often used are Tiber and Happy, both are near Prima Porta and both sites run free half hourly mini buses to and from Prima Porta station. Return to Rome is less than a Euro and takes about 20 minutes.


We always stay in Rome for a few days when going to and coming from Sicily.



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I agree, Flaminio is good.  Excellent sanitary facilities, though the wash up area was a bit rough when we were there in '06.  Road outside the site is a bit hairy to cross, there are pedestrian traffic lights, but hey, this is Rome and not everyone feels like stopping.  If you make it across, there is a half decent supermarket on the other side, though the pavement is a bit half-hearted, and a bit further up the road is a railway station with local trains to a little terminus just near the Piazza del Popolo (tickets from the site reception), which is at the end of the Via del Corso, reputed to be Rome's great shopping street - though I wasn't too sure how that particular opinion was arrived at!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Gentlemen


Will try and check them out, but it does appear that the sites we have contacted in Italy so far seem loath to take a booking for early July and we are worried that we may not find a decent place to stay as we wish to stay for a couple of nights



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. If You try booking after the first week in May you will get a booking as the will then have enough of staff to bother to take your booking.

A lot of sites are like this in Italy but not all. if you get a site neer a bus pick up point sometimes the busses dont run and you may not be informed at the site desk.

If you look on the Itialian tourist web site you will find some nice sights Some very close to the train link into the City.



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