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Bruce this is England .


Anyway at MMM towers they put bromide in the tea we wouldn't want Howie getting any strange idea's now would we ? This way they are gauranteed the pills work :D

fancy meeting Julian clary aound the back of the orchestra stalls 8-)

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Guest peter
Can't go I'm afraid. Have to go and get my boat ready to be re-commisioned, as I've not been anywhere near it since Christmas owing to the crap weather. :-( :-( :-(
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Dave Newell - 2008-04-24 8:08 AM


We shall be rolling in an hour or so for P'boro'. Come and see me on stand 259 ;-) in the sheds (thank goodness 'cos the weather forecast ain't good :-( ).




I thought the sheds had gone! I'm quite pleased they're still there, it give the place a nice rustic feel. :D

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What are you trying to say girl! That our own Dr Ross lookalike (aka George Clooney's character in ER) likes to mess about in a shed which makes him rustic?! Rusty maybe from fiddling with all those bits of metal (aka old motorhomes), or maybe you mean when he ain't had a shave ...



But as we all know Clive 'Hello Moto' Gotobed is the king of the shed, he's been a bit quiet for a while so I assume he's been playing in his again ... no doubt I'll find out when I go and meet up with him this weekend at his gazebo. :->

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colin - 2008-04-25 8:51 PM


Going up tomorrow(saterday), not sure if I like idea of it being inside, liked it last year outside(first time we went) bit of fresh air compared to NEC.




Went today (Friday )

Not all that much inside - plenty outside in the fresh air.






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Hi gang, this is your roving 'reporter' reporting from Peterborough show using her new mobile broadband! Great innit!!!!! Just when you thought you were all shot of me for the weekend, sorry to disappoint! :D


Had a quick potter around with the dogs and met Clive and Jane, Mel E, and a few others plus the juddering Stotherts, Andy actually seems to be fairly 'normal' in the flesh! Saw Dave Newell's camper but he was no-where to be seen, probably out walking Dex. Mr John 'Motorcaravan Guru' Wickersham is here so I might go have a chat to him tomorrow, met him once before at the NEC, nice chap but seemed at the time to be facinated with Sikaflex. 8-) ;-)


We've had a quick peruse of some of the showground, there is the large new indoor display area but there is still an awful lot of it outside - if you intend to come make sure you've got on some very good footwear, wellies wouldn't go amiss ... :->


I'm off to hve a quick shuftie at the forum before my laptop battery gives up ... night night all.

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Fab report Mel!


Wellies? Are there a lot of sheep on site?



When you see any of the organisers, just remind them that they could have had THE NOMAD Live Music Show as the headline act on Saturday night, for only a measly 1000 pounds (plus flights and accomodation and Bailey's and loose women for me and The Sparkle) for 3 hours of the most fantastic big-stage Live entertainment imaginable (just ask Tony and Liz Jones, who have survived one of my gigs).


And I'm a comper, not camp!!!




Maybe they'll have learned by next year......... B-) B-)



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